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  1. F

    My vote for the next ACR

    If it isn't a road legal looking version of the GTS-R it will be a disappointment
  2. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    "Old" data the zone directors in this thread are obviously not aware of. These are the new people in office, shouldn't they have all the correct information?
  3. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    They are the people that have known what has been going on and decided long ago to stop lining Chris Marshalls pockets.
  4. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    Then the board meeting the extended JonB's ban was also illegal right? Do you think that the club is in better shape now that what it would have been if Lee hadn't brought lawyers in and reinstated himself due to a technicality that he has overlooked many times to push Chris and his own agenda?
  5. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    Please read the Chrylser letter again. "Without an understanding from the VCA as to the concrete steps that will be taken by the VCA to create a meaningful wall between the "for profit" business and the "club", this will be a difficult meeting with an unknown outcome" The for profit business...
  6. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    Maybe he's getting a check from the VPA but good luck at getting a look at any of those financials. It was a known fact that Tim owned the warehouse where VPA operated and or stored parts. That is why he wrote the letter to Sergio because he had a direct monetary interest in the VPA as if it...
  7. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    So there wasn't an update from Lee in their about the IRS tax audit that had been going on? Maybe it was deleted as most of the stuff from Lee was a lie anyways. He had stated that the audit had been completed during the gov. shutdown which would be a lie. The gov. had suspended all auditing...
  8. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    Yes, I am referring to the fact that members are not getting the magazines not that the magazine is of poor quality. The fact that the club doesn't have enough $$ to pay for the magazine to be printed should raise RED FLAGS for everyone and gets into a whole other discussion.
  9. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    Maurice wasn't suspended now?? What is this then? Maurices suspension letter: Mr. Maurice Q. Liang Via: xxxxxxxx Dear Maurice, This is to notify you that effective as of the date of this notice, your membership in the VCA is suspended for disruptive conduct in accordance with the authority...
  10. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    Dan is the current president of the club. He is the one that assisted Lee Stubberfield in suspending Maurice, Randall, Jim, etc... and removing them from the club. Chris was allowed to choose to stay with the VPA. Mary and her company are now month to month and will eventually give up...
  11. F

    AEM EMS for a gen 4 released?

    Pretty sure Nth Moto has infiniti's running gen 4 cars
  12. F

    VCA back to the same old routine

    So it's the people that were lied to and wrongly suspended from their positions and kicked out of the club fault?? If anyone needs to do some fact checking it's you. Everyone on the old BOD was lied to and manipulated, multiple times. The former BOD was not the problem, they were suspended...
  13. F

    New Viper teased?

    An announcement of something would be much more likely at PRI. Thats where they unveiled the ACR-X.
  14. F

    HELP! Gen III fuel pump replacement

    Flat head screwdriver and a hammer ;) I tried the "special tool" and it didn't work very well.
  15. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Bob, sorry to tell you that it doesn't matter if you personally approve of the means in which regions conducted their voting. I know you think your opinion matters more than others and that you are always right......about everything but the simple fact is your opinion is meaningless except in...
  16. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    That's more than the North/Central Florida members got. I find it hugely hypocritical that the president and DAL of this region is been speaking of all the change that is ongoing with the VCA but she didn't even take a vote of the members in her own region. I thought things were changing and...
  17. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    You are still attacking and blaming Ralph.....FACT Dan has issued a public apology to Ralph on behalf of the VCA. It sounds like you don't think an apology was deserved or should have been given.
  18. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Are you talking to him or trying to get him to sign a document?
  19. F

    Any GT3 Sales yet?

    I believe 2 have been ordered
  20. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    So in this "severe recession" we are suppose to believe that JRT dropped the VCA as clients. How many companies do you know Bob that have been dropping clients over the last couple years? This is what we have been told by Chris Marshall and it doesn't add up. Chirs did contradict himself on...
  21. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Tim W only sent one letter. The 2nd letter was sent by 1 of 2 people. 1 of them has posted in this thread. FACT
  22. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Chris would LOVE the focus to back go back to the JonB situation instead of the problem with Chrysler. Which one do you think is more important? Again, I haven't seen many people post that they had issues with the initial suspension. Most are concerned and take issue with the how, why, and...
  23. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    Since Janni was banned/moderated for no reason other than to not let her post the other side of the story, here is her response: "Chris Marshall gets to post htat I voted to suspend Jon B - mention my name, actually - and once again... ONLY TELL A SMALL PART OF THE STORY. THE THING THAT CHAPS...
  24. F

    New VCA Member in VA

    Nice car, sorry about your timing
  25. F

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    All of your so-called facts were already discredited on the Alley when you tried to make your case there months ago. There's no need to rehash it all again. Anyone interested should go see this thread here: YOU...

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