Search results

  1. J

    Gen IV's beware at VOI

    I have never experienced this issue the way you describe it, however, in my 3500 while towing cross country to VOI 10 and back (with the 08 nestled in its trailer:cool:) I had the lights and warnings come on when crossing through Colorado. The easy fix was just to turn the truck off at the...
  2. J

    Met a REALLY COOL Cop

    Odd I have never been pulled over in my vipers, I have been followed or had cops pull in to the gas station or wherever I was parked to check out my car. I even had state troops pull into a reststop on my first drive home with the viper in 94 to ask me to 'gun it'. I was however pulled over...
  3. J

    hi all

    the name twister always makes me think either 'nipple twister' (maybe he got those alot in school?) or of a pug I had named twister because he ran in tight little circles whenever he got excited. Either way its not viper related thats for About renting the car, have you contacted...
  4. J

    Buyers BEWARE of this CAR

    For some it might be ok that the engine had been rebuilt under warrenty but that only makes me wonder what else might have damage that went unnoticed. There are alot more parts on the car than just the engine and painted panels. If it was tracked hard enough in the first 4000 miles to cause the...
  5. J

    ACR X @ Tomball Vault

    Are there any ACR-Xs still available for sale??
  6. J

    NEW Optima Battery

    Considering some of the members that might just keep me from going to VOI :rolaugh:
  7. J

    NEW Optima Battery

    sounds like you never had one but then you are going to bash optima because you believe what others write without your own experiance?:dunno:
  8. J

    NEW Optima Battery

    Are you kidding!!??? You really think the minor weight difference in batteries is going to make a big difference in your driving?? Just drive naked and you'll make up the weight difference.
  9. J

    NEW Optima Battery

    After having my OEM battery EXPLODE in my Ram SRT-10. I will never use anything but an Optima again. Have been that way since 96 and never had a problem yet. I don't know what you guys are taking about with Optima not having a battery for our cars because I have been using red tops in my...
  10. J

    Looking for this shift knob...

    Did you call John? He doesn't have much listed on his site but he has or can get just about everything.
  11. J

    Nitrous Oxide switches

    I like the look of Teds custom plate much better. plus the toggle switches with the red covers are much nicer switches.
  12. J

    Nitrous Oxide switches

    Very Nice. Gives it a clean look.
  13. J

    Will it catch on fire?

    I coulnd't resist starting my Ram SRT-10 when I removed the stock exhuast before installing the Borla. Not something I would drive around but it was fun to start it up and rev it in the driveway. Just loud and noisy mostly.
  14. J

    Are these the front and rear tow hooks? (pics)

    these are the points to tie down the car when trailering I would NOT suggest pulling the car from these points as it WILL damage your fascia even when using these points for tie down you have to be careful of the angle of the straps that they don't rub the bottom of the fascia
  15. J

    selling my '99 gts for $29k

    ok to everyone out there that gets upset when someone asks less than what you think a viper should sell for just look at Franks cars. He has had the same cars for sale for years and he is asking full "value" for his cars. Then look at OGOs car selling for 25k in less than 24hrs. I was pissed...
  16. J

    selling my '99 gts for $29k

    that looks like an "Eject" button lighter
  17. J

    selling my '99 gts for $29k

    WTF kind of shift knob is that:confused:
  18. J

    selling my '99 gts for $29k

    that sounds like good advice worth looking into. plus there are several site supporter dealers that could possibly help you find just the right car you are looking for at a better price and would know the value of the rare combo you have.
  19. J

    Need help choosing!

    on its own the graphite looks more impresive IMO but if you ever consider adding graphics for a custom touch the white is the way to go.
  20. J

    selling my '99 gts for $29k

    Why would you say someone is a MORON for not wanting to buy a car because they don't like the interior? :dunno: I had to go back and check but NOBODY said that it isn't a great car at a great price, just that the interior makes it a no buy for some. I wouldn't buy a green (with exception of...
  21. J

    selling my '99 gts for $29k

    Great price and I am looking for a GTS in that price but that interior KILLS it for me. Sorry but I could never see myself in a GTS with that interior. Besides I think I really want a red one to see if the hype is all its cracked up to be.
  22. J

    going to Irvine cars and coffee this Sat.

    We decided at 6am this morning that we are going to stay the night and hang around Sunday. I will check out the Dukes run. See you in the morning!
  23. J

    going to Irvine cars and coffee this Sat.

    Some of my friends and I are driving from Vegas to Irvine for cars and coffee on Saturday morning. Will anyone from the area be there?? We may sat the night and drive the coast on Sunday but I am way broke right now and don't really want to spend the cash for a hotel.
  24. J

    Custom Hood Design: Need Feedback

    Wow that is an old thread. But I do like that hood. If I ever get my GTS I want that hood on it!
  25. J

    Hemi Viper

    someone asked me today why the viper v10 isn't a hemi.:dunno: any good answers?