There is no best wax...use what you like and get the best results with...everyone has their favorites
I have had great results with Pinnacle wax applied over Zaino with Pinnacle crystal mist spray in between (Carnuba over a Synthetic Base)...this has provided me with the best shine
cold air temps, cold pavement, and tires caused your traction problem....temps. under 45 degrees and a little too much go pedal...make for spinning at will
be carefull in colder temps. the viper does bite back.
Can a John Hnee wing be safely removed?
Why not??
"John He knee sey" was safely removed from this site.... so his wings are not a problem...lolololol
Sorry couldn't resist... :p
Re: i\'m sick of haters!
It is called jealousy....and insecurity.....
Save your rides for the nice sunny days...NOT the bar hopping. Too many flunkys get their wimpy beer muscles. And someone might even be brave enough to key it for you. Not good.
You will be ok with a 2yr. old bottle...just check for any separation/drying and shake well. Usually after 3-4 yrs...products show shelf age. Varies with products...for instance the leather treatment should be used in 1-2 yrs ...if older....discard.
Chuck, Cool posts....
It looks like it is extra windy today in the big city of Chicago........lolololo
I think everyone agrees ...this is a stupid post, and does not belong here
to the orig. post :buttkick:
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