If Road & Track, Car & Driver, and Automobile magazines also print the $95,000 value should we believe it more? After all, they all agree on the same value. Ignore the fact that all of them have the endless chore of filling up space in each monthly issue.
I'm sure I already know the answer, but just for clarification, did you mean to say "5 to 8 inches lower" or "5/8 inch lower"? The fraction and plural form of the word inch don't go together.
You know, I had this same discussion just this evening with my wife while we were reclining in the sack. I explained to her repeatedly and with concise logic that it's not the size that matters, it's how you use it. She wouldn't buy it either.
Ooooooh. I'm all aquiver.
It's going to be at the New York Auto Show in a few days. Everybody knows that. I won't be going until later in the week so I hope you all post lots of photos here so that our sense of instant gratification is instantly satisfied.
I thought there was something hanging off the driver's side window until I realized I was looking at the paint stripe on the ground swveral feet away.
Seeing a car parked backed into a parking space is not the least bit funny to me. I do it all the time.
When I first read your thread title I was thinking something totally different. Imagine what that sentence might become if there was an "s" at the end of the word "old".
If you make a change in your ad (the price reduction) it has to then get re-approved. Otherwise a seller might post a bland ad, get it approved, and then change the text to say it was owned by Elvis in his final days. Okay, that's a bad example. But you get my point.
This list is kinda like all the "artists conceptions" of what the 2013 Viper will look like. Who cares. It's just a guys opinion. I have my own opinion.
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