Today was forecast to be the ONLY day with no chance of rain this week so I took the Viper to work today. I'm driving home this evening and I pull up to a redlight behind a newer body style Vette. The rear window is tinted so I can't get a good look at the driver but from her drivers side mirror I can tell it's a Blonde female. We are fourth and fifth cars back in line, she is looking at my Viper in her side mirror when the light turns green, the first three cars pull off and she is still sitting there looking in her side mirror and my Snake, must have been the RED that got her attention! Lol, anyway I tap the horn and motion for her to move because there are cars behind me as well. I saw her head snap forward with the "Oh S@#$" motion and she tears off. I just thought it was funny and wanted to share after having a crappy Monday at work. Take care. Jeff