All the panels on my 09 ACR are only issue is the headlight fit on one side isn't good....the light and rubber trim are a little higher than the surrounding bodywork compared to the other side....doesn't bother me too much.....
I'm confused....why do you need to extend the door?.....I would think all you need to do is get new tracks that run closer to the ceiling to make room.....maybe also add a side I missing something?
JUst saw Ultimate factories.....what a great question is what do they do with the 80 or so Conner Ave workers while the Viper is on hiatus....are they in the process of retooling or are they "laid off" until production starts again?
Her' a quick hitory....4100 miles right 3600 pun a rod and had the engine rebuilt....
last week left my gas cap at the station....CEL came on and today put a new cap on and started it up....CEL stayed on...
question is if it is the gas cap, and I hope it is, do I have to drive it...
I know but it's nice out today and wanted to get my car inspected but it won't pass with the light on.....have to wait til tuesday for the big deal....
Make it 17....I'm in for another one....just paypaled it....I can't wait for the '12 to arrive either....just got my VIN yesterday and looking at end of March delivery....hopefully sooner....
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