Now then...has hearing all the valuable opinions thus far open you to the extent of subjectiveness of this subject and simply further confused you as to what is the correct answer?
2 posters alone said COMPLETELY different things regarding Arrows advice...astonishing!
I as many here, have interest about this and posted the same question last year! go figure....
I spend $$$ and lost some sleep having a viper motor built.
you dont even have the car yet... so chill out for 1 sec.
The answer has gotta come from an authority...preferrably a performance motor builder...someone around both tear down & build of motors through track tests.. yes, a very tough "Superhero" to find.
Likely he can provide good answers to the results of various "motor break in processess" and break in oils on pistons, rings, cylinders..all metallic goodies spinning and lifting.
Now, regurgitating basic info of a general consensus on what i have heard on motor breakin is...
take it high in rpm, but not hold it up there, accelerate quick then decelerate (apply brakes), drive it hard, but not too hard. Oh I dont know first 500 miles change oil.
My motor went through a very brief break in for startup and test drive and then straight to the dyno for further break in after that a bit more road runs for more break in.
So when is break in finally done? another good question?
Is it all speculation, are you gonna believe the vca guys... oh those weekend warriors, or the Dodge guys writing those little tiny books, or someone building race motors everyday all the time?
Can someone with some dam good credentials in motor building say something!!!!!!
some info to start with
Break In Secrets--How To Break In New Motorcycle and Car Engines For More Power