Around here even the Wal Mart takes used oil and all they require is signing a ledger. I drain the filter overnight and put it in the house trash. Anyway, you're a braver soul than I when it comes to accepting what happens in dealer service bays for even the simplest of tasks.
For thsoe that asked, here are some 'screenshots' :rolaugh: Note that the screen is not flush against the condenser whtich helps its effectiveness in abasorbing debris energy. This screen is virtually invisible in-person.
Great pics, but I don't see how lubing as shown prevents or minimizes spring fatigue failure . . . please explain. :hmmm: If I understand the door workings correct, you've got a rectangular bar that presses against the face of the spring when the door is opened and all you're accomplishing is...
This time of year in southern Florida is 'love bug' mating season (aka honeymoon fly, kissingbug or double-headedbug), with the flies swarming mostly it seems on highways adjacent to farmlands. So bad they can cover the front of any vehicle almost entirely with bug splat in a matter of a few...
At least you were courteous enough to not park in their showcase, but rather outside it next to a Pontiac. I too dig the Thing and the Barracuda next to it. Any C-whatever owners check your Viper out?
You guys should have developed a change management plan before throwing this indecipherable excuse for a club website at its members. Have you ever heard of running a separate site to iron the kinks out first? Geezzz, be somewhat professional about it!!
I like classic coco mats. They're stylish, hold a year's worth of foot dirt, and are easy to clean. Haven't seen any with logos though, if that is a requirement for you.
Is this something that can be prevented by placing film on the lamps to begin with? I have Xpel on the fogs, but haven't been able to find it templated for the mains.
Dunno how different the GTS exhaust is from the RT/10, but I did the Corsa cat back last weekend with a low profile jack and two jack stands. Wasn't bad at all, and took 4 hours. Worse part was taking the cat clamps off. I did use the clamps that came with the kit and they are excellent quality...
:wow:Y'all should lobby the GEN V Dodge engineers to incorporate an auto-hood-lift-on-shutdown feature. Would complement the ESC on/off switch everyone's all anxious about.
Folks with the cans . . . what amounts of oil are you collecting over miles driven? I typically collect about 4 oz over 3000 miles with the Challenger. Do you see oil blowby to the intake a significant Viper performance issue i.e. timing retard etc.?
Yup, have both of the small Sneaky Pete keys. There is the possibility the keys were wrong from original vehicle delivery I guess. Oh well, maybe there is a VIN:window key code registry somewhere? Why didn't Dodge make this a fixed window to begin with?:dunno:
The attorneys will ensure the ESC function is auto-on and requires deliberate driver action to defeat. There will likely be two forms of defeat: a button for ESC 'soft' off (allows computer override when an emergency maneuver sensed). The other defeat will be unpublished but rapidly...
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