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  1. F

    got my car detailed!

    You people...with your sun...and warmth.:(
  2. F

    And so it begins......

    Ahhhhhhhhh SNAP! Next to new tires joining the VCA is the next best investment...:drive: the word 'next' used tooooo much in that sentence?
  3. F

    And so it begins......

    PS2's quickly..... Beautiful car no doubt about it!!!
  4. F

    Tire Choice for Everyday Ride?

    Just made the switch to PS2's (thanks JonB) last week and can say without question that this is the best move I've made yet since owning a Viper!
  5. F

    Just bought a new Viper!

    No, no...I'm always respectful of cars with this kind of power. It just feels 'right' now!
  6. F

    Just bought a new Viper!

    I know the title is misleading but after FINALLY getting rid of the run craps and replacing with PS2's I just had to say it...I really do feel like I got a new car!!! No need to review as we all know already that replacing said run flats w PS2's is a giant leap forward in the safety and...
  7. F

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year...Everyone please be safe!
  8. F

    The Texas Rangers a Dodge Viper?

    Must be a Yankees fan..;-)
  9. F

    The Texas Rangers a Dodge Viper?

    Saw this survey the other day and thought you guys might like to see...this is the best link I could find. "Do You Experience 'Being Real' In Connection With The 'Texas Rangers' Brand?" Cheers!
  10. F

    Gen IV vert VS Gen IV coupe

    Advantage vert in weight....advantage coupe if drag racing (lack of true roll bar on the vert). Advantage vert on nice days with the top back. Advantage coupe every other day. Not sure (or smart enough) to know what it would take to get the Gen III up to Gen IV performance levels so I will...
  11. F

    New SRT convert owner

    Awesome looking car...congrats on it and the wifey. Just my hot sports opinion...get rid of the sun visors. They don't do much but get in the way and I think clean up the look a little if removed. If you don't like them off, they're easy to put back on!!!
  12. F

    Blue and Black thread pt2 (ACR edition)

    Wow ViperDave (better to spell that name out!), those 2 are beautiful!
  13. F

    Post your forcast

    Here in Dallas it's low in the low 30's high in the upper 50's for the next few days. The weekend looks REAL promising though!!!!
  14. F

    JonB@ Parts-Rack Big Thank- you

    I think we need a 'Like' button for JonB
  15. F

    Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!

    Ditto...Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Please be safe and by all means drive safe!!!
  16. F

    Viper crash outside of London

    RIP...very sad, was it anyone from here?
  17. F

    Graphite, black center band 10 ACR on her way

    You've waited a long time for it to show...congrats on the wait almost being over!
  18. F

    what size are the bolts for the diffuser install?

    Oh, and if that wasn't what you needed...I have the parts guide for the Gen III I can email over to you...just pm me or something.
  19. F

    what size are the bolts for the diffuser install?

    The rear belly pan is held on by I think 20 of part number 6505 070AA and a total of 4 of part number 6035 625 (.190-16x.750)..Hope that helps!
  20. F

    Price question for prospective owner

    And don't you just enjoy driving it in this crap weather we're having? Welcome aboard and please join the club (VCA)!
  21. F

    ACR & GT-R & a dead HP enthusiast

    Interesting read. Sad someone lost their life that day!
  22. F

    Blower motor and resistor

    Agreed...I had to do both as well...the Blower Motor was cheaper than the stupid resistor if you can believe it!!
  23. F

    Another FE Convertible now on the road!

    Wanna trade wheels????? Just sayin'n....:D
  24. F

    build info by VIN??

    Strange...I was able to get mine w no issues other than confirming where the car was purchased....