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  1. M

    New Viper owner? Time to join the VCA!

    Congratulations Milo~! Your first post and you have a VIPER!!! KUDOS! To upgrade yourself here to Viper Owner, then VCA Member: Private Message your VIN# to lee00blacksilvergts or kcobean. Call 1-800-677-4321 to join your regional VCA. Next it's a must to post your picture (of you AND your car...
  2. M

    Thanks VCA-OH! Great Holiday Party!

    Very nice pictures, thanks Kev! :2tu: Gotta send this link to TIMBO~! KUDOS :headbang: ~juli
  3. M

    TatorToga May 15/16 - Event, Dinner & Hotel info!

    Add us to your dinner list, Chuck~! :2tu: :drive::drive: ~mike & juli~
  4. M

    Please Vote for Dan the Video man!

    ARRRRRGHHH...I got the results emailed to me. :( :( Best to let Dan 'speak'. ~juli
  5. M

    Snakes in the winter

    NICE on your addition, xlrashn!!! :2tu: Pretty soon the white stuff will be gone...I'm with you, let it slowly melt, rain to wash away the grit/salt/sand...then we can :drive::drive: Thanks for sharing the pix~~absolutely gorgeous Vipers ~juli
  6. M

    Motor Trend Salutes the Viper

    Yep, same as Chad here, found it in Barnes & Nobles: Motor Trend CLASSIC. :2tu: ~juli
  7. M

    Please Vote for Dan the Video man!

    VOTED! You da man, Dan!~! Good Luck! ~juli
  8. M

    drain hole or not - under rt gas lid

    My name is Chubby??? :omg: :D (NO clue about rt or gts...:rolaugh:) ~juli
  9. M

    drain hole or not - under rt gas lid

    MWAH??? :dunno::dunno: :D ~juli
  10. M

    drain hole or not - under rt gas lid

    I'm waiting for the 'other' drain-hole question....coming....:D :eater: ~juli
  11. M

    Viper chatroom

    I'm in...anyone game? :) ~juli
  12. M

    2010 Event Schedule (Tenative)

    YUMSIES!!!! Deviled-Egg-Off??? :) ~juli (Will have to get my 'take-out-order' mailed to us, lol)
  13. M

    2010 Event Schedule (Tenative)

    :drive::drive::2tu: ~juli
  14. M

    NY/CT Club Updates

    Holy Moly!!! That's some schedule...awesome! :2tu: ~juli
  15. M

    Happy Birthday ....... Juli !!!

    Neither can anyone else~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:lmao:! (Thank You) ~juli Thank you also brakedust (lol on the xxoo's) and everybody, truly appreciate it! :cool:
  16. M

    Happy Birthday ....... Juli !!!

    Thank you kindly! Well, the VOIX is sleeping since November...:( you can imagine! Under-cover and trickle-charging. Another month or so~~:drive::drive: :cool: ~juli Truly, thank you everyone! :2tu:
  17. M

    Happy Birthday ....... Juli !!!

    Thanks again everybody, you are all amazing~! Mike--love the picture for BEEFCAKE~~~;) :) ~juli
  18. M

    Happy Birthday Viper Wizard!!!

    Jeepers, talk about late to the party...SORRY, Chuck! Hope you had a good one and many, many more! ~mike & juli~
  19. M

    Happy Birthday ....... Juli !!!

    OMIGOSH!!! NOBODY told me about this thread...THANK YOU everybody, you're all so kind. (I found this when I checked BEEFCAKE of course! :)) ~juli (precous jewels that I be! ;)) LOL
  20. M

    Venom long does it take?

    LaViper: The moderators do not know that you chose VENOM, you need to PM them and let them know, also what COLORS you want as VENOM (such as mine): PM to: kcobean, lee00blacksilvergts! :2tu: Thanks for going VENOM! :headbang: ~juli
  21. M

    Stupid question about getting a membership

    Beautiful BLACK favorite color Viper...what-all have you had done? What they all said, PM your VIN# to kcobean or lee00blacksilvergts to upgrade to Viper Owner, then call weekdays 1-800-998-1110 to join your regional Viper Club...have your VIN# handy. Once you've joined the VCA...
  22. M

    New Member here....

    Welcome, and gorgeous ACR color combo, first one I've seen with the orange drivers' stripe...nice! Enjoy...and yes, you've joined a FANtastic region (either NY/CT or New England). Waiting for Spring is not so fun, but just LOOKING at the cars waiting in the garage is always a dream. ENJOY! ~juli
  23. M

    the turning circle sucks

    I was actually going to say it was a 720! :drive::D ~juli
  24. M

    the turning circle sucks

    Would have to agree with Austin here...if one were trading a Viper in just due to U-turns! ;) My Vette has roughly same turning circumference as the Viper. I LIKE your video Mike...THAT'S the way to turn a 360! :drive: ~juli
  25. M

    Any 08 coupes for $60K

    It's not an '08, but it's Kala's 2006/'s in the classifieds. Worth a look? ~juli (and yeah, I realize it's a vert!)

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