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  1. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    New Paltz Meeting Spot:
  2. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    We had a great day, thank you, John/Deb {ViperUSA} for putting this all together. Have to send my apologies to ViperJames (we live and learn, will get your NUMBER next time! SO sorry, BUT glad to have seen you, you look GREAT!) Also to plumcrazy & city who waited at OCC for us. Our cruise took...
  3. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    40 degrees at 7:45am~~BUT, the sun is pushing through. Everyone drive SAFELY please!! We will see you all soon! ~juli
  4. M

    New car repair questions please

    Hi Ann...remember to PM your VCA# to the admins., get you upgraded to VCA Member of your region! Upload your avatar, and you're good to go. TOOOO funny on the shifter coming *off* (sorry!) in Gary's HAND~~~:) (You have to know my humor~~SICKO that I am!) ~juli
  5. M

    Smoked Corners (PICS)

    Good LORD that is a beautiful picture, Jason!!! Always loved your 'taste' always, very tastefully done~!!! GREAT job. ~juli
  6. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    WOW, thank you JPL/John...appreciate that history. Is this the bridge we can see from Torches, do you know? Awesome info! CYA tomorrow~~~ :) ~juli
  7. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    [/SIZE] :drive::drive::drive::drive::drive::drive: Drive Safe
  8. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    AWESOME, James!!!! We'd absolutely LOVE to see you again~! :2tu: Jimmy [bluequadcab] comes up from CT, maybe PM him? That'd be cool to meet at Torches for lunch. :headbang: (Gotta see YOUR *new* Viper as well...sound like your Emerald Green one yet? ;)) ~juli
  9. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    Updated List: Viperusa :usa: Alpha Brakedust Juli & Mike SlateEd Jimmy +1 ViperJames (Lunch) plumcrazy (? +++ ?) :cool: (Meet at OCC) :drive::drive::2tu: jpl + 1 :drive::confused: :2tu: Weather looks to be absolutely FANGS-tastic~! :D (Come with, it ain't gonna last! :):):):))
  10. M

    Lotus makes the Viper frame?

    Dodge EV--Tesla-like all-electric performance sports car called the Dodge ev along with three other vehicles operating either partially or entirely on an electric powertrain. The four vehicles are Chrysler's ENVI electric car program, and include an extended-electric Chrysler minivan, a new...
  11. M

    Keeping new Viper owners SAFE - a How To:

    :2tu: Now, do you think this DVD could be available for purchase to educate *new* Viper Owners as well? :drive::eater: ~juli
  12. M

    Driving South

    You headed down Albany, NY way? (Northway/I-87...from Canada on down to NYC) PM me if so! Have a SAFE trip....juli
  13. M

    RED Beats Blue

    Now THAT looked like fun~!!! THX to your son and you for posting it! ~juli (NICE straightaway there! :))
  14. M

    First Time EVER Captured On Film

    :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::2tu: ~juli
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    Possible relocation to NC

    There'd be a LONNNNNG waiting list for people lining up to vouch for WOT! and his wife~! ANYbody would be lucky to have you as neighbors/countrymen-women (:)) ~juli
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    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    I'll shoot him an email...ask him to post on here if that is possible. We are unsure of TIMES though. :dunno: Hope Chuck chimes in and can join us too~~:drive::eater: ~juli
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    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    Yeah, but the walkway can wait til 'inclement' weather...:D, :drive: cannot~! ~juli
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    Possible relocation to NC

    I hear ya on the's why blackmamba1 enjoys N.C. SO much more now~! AND I hear ya on N.H. being a tax-friendly state. Hope you find what you are looking for! AND that we can still see you and Donna from time to time. GOOD LUCK~~~~juli
  19. M

    Possible relocation to NC

    Ah, losing another to N.C....but understandable, Joe! But, maybe not permanently. blackmamba1 moved to N.C. from Connecticut, maybe he can help you out? How about Tom Sessions? Good Luck, and we'll miss you and Donna on the New England hugs...:( ALL my best~~~juli
  20. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    Well, this has taken a bit of a turn here~! :cool: JPL: We are not sure what time at OCC, as lunch is roughly 2:30, so as we head home, we were stopping at OCC (and Plum was going to meet us there, I'm going to call him when we're finishing up eating, OCC closes at 6pm) Anybody else who...
  21. M

    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    :drive::2tu: That works! ~juli (CALL my CAR!!! :cool::drive: Gave ya the number :phone: )
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    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    Viperusa Alpha Brakedust Juli & Mike SlateEd plumcrazy :cool: (OCC) As USA said, OCC is only a few minutes (give-or-take depending on car ;)) from Torches/lunch~~~juli
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    New Shoes for Blue and Black

    NOTHING beats BLACK wheels on ANY color Viper IMO...great, GREAT look~!!!! ~juli
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    Viper chatroom

    Well, since we had SO much fun on the thread today...I'm in...juli
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    NY/CT Cruise Oct.11/North

    Well, this will be on our way home, so just thought whoever wanted to visit OCC with us after the cruise/lunch is over with is more than welcome to join us. :cool: :drive: ~juli