As the title states here are some crappy pictures of my SSG with HREs, KWs, Corsa and Cross-Drilled Rotors. Special thanks to a great friend of my for selling me the wheels, brakes, and shocks.
Enjoy the surface rust from the recent wash as well as the passenger's mirror.
Yes...I really am lucky.
Strange part is she never wanted to drive my 2001 GTS ACR, but when I was looking at a new Viper she said I needed to get the Vert Copperhead. I had it as "my car" for a while...then she took it. That's when I got the SSG 08. Then my friend took me around the track in...
The crazy part is we are closing on a new house on would think she was too busy to even consider it. Just shows what a real horsepower junkie she is.
Pretty sure it was a fox...wait I think I had my video on in my car. I will check in a few days. I need to get the info off the trackmate.
I would swear it was red and had a fluffy tail.
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