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    Starlight Childrens Charity screening of the movie "Senna"

    One week to go please everyone pre purchase your tickets . We are expecting over 200 people and we need to plan accordingly. It will be an amazing night and I would love all of you to be a part of it. Thanks everyone
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    Starlight Childrens Charity screening of the movie "Senna"

    I week to go the event will be amazing please please please attend. We will even have a Viper only parking section
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    "SnakeFest" Martino Auto Concepts Cruise Night: Sept.1 Thurs

    Adrian that wasnt sugar in ViperJ's brownies :)
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    ACR guys have you used 315's on the front?

    Just curious if any of you ACR curous guys are using 315's Hoosier's on the front and how the car reacts to the wider rubber up front? Thanks
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    And now......Nick?

    Damn sorry to hear all this. Glad you are ok. Cars can always be replaced
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    Starlight Childrens Charity screening of the movie "Senna"

    Ed - Absolutely thank you come on down . Just go to the link to buy the tickets there will be limited space and I don’t want anyone to miss out. I am also going to set a Viper only snake pit for parking
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    Bernie Katz/ BJ Motors---Way Above and Beyond

    Great guy - He is always recommend to people looking for Vipers
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    Solid white ACRs

    Thanks i love it as much today as the day I bought it- thay are amazing cars
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    And now......Nick?

    nice congrts
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    skip shift / shift light

    shift at higher RPM's I hardly ever even notice the skip shift
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    Solid white ACRs

    It would take a lot for me to sell mine :)
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    Quaiffe explosion

    sorry it posted twice
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    Quaiffe explosion

    I just had to send my Quaiffe from my race car back to England because the US repair company couldn’t even get it open ( after having it for 3 weeks +). I would not have much faith or confidence in the US service company. You may want to call England and send it directly to them. The good news...
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    Real Front of 2013 Viper - See photo

    Re: Dodge Viper SPY PICS maybe..? Looks like heat testing of the motor. Look at the hood you can see hood pins to allow engineers easier access
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    Amazing event cant wait to attend
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    10th Anniversary 9-11 Run to Ground Zero Dedicated to PAPD Officer Lt. Robert Cirri

    Re: 10th Anniversary 9-11 Run to Ground Zero Dedicated to PAPD Officer Lt. Robert Ci Great event - we have two back to back events for some True Heros I cant wait to attend both
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    "Senna" the movie screening for Charity in NY 9/15

    tickets on sale now
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    I wonder what this dealer paid for this car...

    "And he will sit on it and he will sell it eventually. Just not to you. Bottom feeders will never find a car cheap enough, because there is always a chance another will come along....tomorrow......and the day after.... They pass through here all the time on their way to a Vette. :rolleyes: " I...
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    Starlight Childrens Charity screening of the movie "Senna"

    Ticket sales are open - We can also have a Viper corral for parking if you guys want? Tickets are limited please order early the event will be amazing.
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    NY/CT/NJ: Take Over Manhattan-Aug.5 "Fri"

    Andrew-To scary for me . They say thats how World War III could start :)
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    NY/CT/NJ: Take Over Manhattan-Aug.5 "Fri"

    :( I missed a great event . Sorry was away racing
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    Starlight Childrens Charity screening of the movie "Senna"

    Tickets are on sale now at Starlight- Thanks everyone
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    Great job - I will be there
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    "Bottom" value of Gen IV ACRs in the future?

    when you figure this out "Anyone care to speculate what Gen IV ACRs will do in the future?" Could you please also give me this Fridays Lottery numbers too :) (hopefully before Friday)
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    Starlight Childrens Charity screening of the movie "Senna"

    Keep them coming. It will be an amazing event and 100% of all the proceeds go to Starlight Foundation and a great movie screening as well Russ we would love to have you car there . It would be perfect for the kids and I have the perfect spot for it .