Look at the graph, the sill itself is about 140. The hot spot is escaping heat.
This was supposed to be informative. If those few trolls continue to thrive on negativity, those with meaningful input will eventually stop posting.
Go home or get a job.
I had an opportunity to autox the car this weekend. Let me start off by saying I have done quite a bit of autox with my Gen 2 so all the comparisons will be slanted towards my G2 experience. As far as ability, 50% of the time I suck, 25% of the time I am OK and 25% of the time I am pretty good...
I was at Corsa today and they thought those temps were not too bad compared to some other cars. You really have to look at the graph, the max temp is not a true sill temp, there is some hot air finding its way from under the sill, therefore, not the sill temp. In addition, I shot the pics...
The pictures below are during a normal day of city driving on an 80 degree day.
The graph below is the temperature along the line in the above picture.
Weather and my schedule are slowing the process down. It has rained for ten days, however, this weekend is clear which means an attempt at autox. Corsa will then have the car for a week. Hopefully the following Wednesday will be dry, that would mean the dragstrip I will take some pics of the...
Not sure - the tentative plan was to bring my car in to their lab in the month of July. They want to fit a pre-production system to my car. Their jigs are built. They seem to be very competent and professional.
In the viper book by Liam they made mention of the new single coat cat that netted them some additional hp. My guess is the factory cat is already considered a high flow cat. i did not give the whole story, when Corsa put on their high flow cat they lost HP. The PCM does not change anything at...
Keep in mind these tires have one purpose, the drag strip. Also, the pictures are a little deceiving, I just let the jack down, so the suspension had not settled. Keep in mind they are only about 5/8" a side diff. I will take some better pics this week. One other item, you have to push/tap the...
Just a heads up, Corsa is close to releasing their cat-back. My guess is about 30 days. Two interesting results: their muffle/exhaust showed a 5-7 hp increase; at this point they could not get a high flow cat to give any additional hp. This is all preliminary, however, I should have more info...
I always cut (special tool) the filter apart when I change oil and I change it quite often due to racing the car. With the G5 I changed it at approx 1000 miles. When I cut the the filter apart I found zero steel particle matter in the filter. I did find a tiny amount of either aluminum or babbit...
I took the car out tonight for the first time with the Hoosiers. There is no argument, they feel different. The car feels more like a G2 in 1st gear. whether this helps the 1/4 ET is still a question mark.
As far as speed in fourth gear, with the Hoosiers the car does 44 mph at 2000 rpm in 4th...
I am installing a shift light, when that is done it will be time and I am not going to use a glowing snake to shift. My guess is either next Wednesday or the Wednesday after.
I walked into the garage tonight and saw that my track pack tires/wheels were gone. They must of felt sorry for me and left these Gen2 tires and wheels on the car
These are the 335 X 18 Hoosier drag radials, they are 26" diameter, therefore, 1" shorter than the OEM tires. They do not...
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