Or you could tell him that your doctor said you had to lose 100 lbs of ugly fat so no he can't ride. (It's what I told my dear mother in law who thought it was funny enough to share with her friends).
I took a friends mother for a ride in the '93, she was also 87 at the time. I gave her a spurt from 80 to 120 which didn't bother her at all. She told me she had never gone faster than her age, I thought that was cute. Of course she had to have pictures to show and brag to her kids and...
I have read about this flooring in this forum many times and have asked, without an answer, a couple of times about the noise factor.
What does it sound like when you walk on it? Do you get a clomp, clomp, clomp sound? Being plastic and assuming it is not always flat to the floor I would...
If you do choose to do-it-yourself it is very easy. All you need is a drain plug wrench, filter wrench and drain pan. I do all my own. To get it up to height (before I had my lift, see picture gallery)I built a pair of ramps from 2 x 10's; staggered and stacked four high. The bottom one is...
Widening the door opening in terms of masonry isn't a big deal. However, the header above your door is load bearing due to the structure above it. To widen the door would require extending the width of the header and increasing its cross section to gain strength to support the load above the...
It looks like it is the back yard you are showing. Perhaps you could build a new garage attached to your home and put the door 90 degrees to the existing allowing you to drive straight into the garage. It depends on your zoning set back limitations and your budget of course. If you intend to...
Re: My new product!Look at my shine! It\'s almost too bright! Will beat everyone
If you had clay barred it first it wouldn't be so dull. And I can tell you didn't blow dry it before you wiped it off with a micro fibre towel.
WANTED-Awesome pictures!
I can't figure out how to get my two snow scenes from my gallery into here. Can anyone help? My kids and I did the snow sculpture one winter. It rained just before paint so it sagged somewhat. One of the neighbors called and asked what the Viper was doing in the...
It was love at first site and second, third and fourth. Beautiful car, great performance and a joy to see the delight of others when they get a ride or get to drive one.
Thank you one and all for some excellent posts and pictures. I have a much better appreciation for the new coupe as a result of these posts. I, along with many others, have been a bit disappointed in that the new coupe wasn't more like the CC in style and Hp but understand DC has many...
Re: What Daimler-Chryster Owes Itself
Very well said Janni. We aren't owed anything. Smart business people would do well to listen to their customers. Bottom line is that nearly 100% of current Viper owners are advising a look similar to the competition coupe with added horsepower, it is...
Re: Hey DC, the Viper crowd likes this...
I eagerly anticipated each purchase of my Vipers even though I wasn't overly excited about the styling of the SRT10. The SRT10 appealed to me because it was the "new generation" and its performance exceeded the others. I have already decided not to...
I use UPS daily for the business. I did learn the hard way to check pricing first when in doubt. I sent a 6 pound package, 12" x 18" x 3" thick to Australia. The driver told me it would be expensive so I think 30-40 bucks outside. Got the bill for $325.00. Should have purchased a first...
My 93 sprung a leak into the crankcase via the water pump to block gasket. Turned out the sealant is computer applied to the gasket and it missed a spot. The rebuilt was around $18,000. Everything that turned or moved was replaced.
I haven't worked on engines for many years but when I wanted to keep the crank from turning I put a large screw driver in the teeth of the flywheel to keep it from turning. What is the best method when checking the torque on the crank bolt? My 03 has 1900 miles on it. It isn't finger loose so...
I used a short length of 5/16" steel(prox 8" long)square key stock and put a crescent wrench on the end opposite the plug. When re-installing I use pipe dope.
How fun to read your posts!! Such a talent!! Do you use your writing talents professionally as well? I'm still cracking up over your church preference.....red brick
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