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  1. S

    Finally ready to buy a Viper, have a few questions though.

    You can make almost anyone fit but will he be comfortable is the question. I would guess not at that height but I would love to see pics of someone 6'8" driving any viper...
  2. S

    A new salvo in the Vette War

    Those guys on Top Gear Blew up a C-4 with an armed helicopter while it was driving unmanned in the desert somewhere years ago. I would have no problem blowing up a brand new ZO6...
  3. S

    Finally ready to buy a Viper, have a few questions though.

    6'8"? Wow! You probably would be better off buying a Shelby Cobra...
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    A new salvo in the Vette War

    Best post ever! One less crappette in the world , especially a c-4....Wish I could have been there!
  5. S

    Calling all viper owners who can help??????

    Have you tried Viper Alley? They may be a bit more compassionate and those guys are all loaded...
  6. S

    Calling all viper owners who can help??????

    Ask Obama, he may help lol....This is the most absurd request on a Viper site I have ever heard.
  7. S

    Sad Day today.

    You never fall for anything on April 1st.
  8. S

    Bleeding Coolant troubles. What is the point of the fender coolant bottle?

    Yes , my 96 GTS factory hose had a spring. Does the gauge go past the 3rd tick on the 190 if you let it run and does the fan come on?
  9. S

    Bleeding Coolant troubles. What is the point of the fender coolant bottle?

    Oh, missed this. By heater matrix you mean heater core? Bad idea! If so that will have to be replaced. And if you still have a small leak it will suck air back in the system and you will never get this right.
  10. S

    Bleeding Coolant troubles. What is the point of the fender coolant bottle?

    Replace them both. Sounds like the pump is toast.
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    Our "new" Viper is finally home!

    Love that year and color. Almost bought one.
  12. S

    Bleeding Coolant troubles. What is the point of the fender coolant bottle?

    I'll ask again, was it cooling fine before or are you flushing because of overheating problems? Water pump impeller fins may be made of plastic and break from what I hear. It took 3 times of running my car with the fill cap off as car reached operating temp and filling it until it won't take...
  13. S

    Bleeding Coolant troubles. What is the point of the fender coolant bottle?

    Are you packing the coolant as the car runs with the cap off? Was the car fine before you drained the system?
  14. S

    Just showed up

    Oh brother...
  15. S

    Fender Liner Modification with Rivnuts

    Where did you purchase the hardware? Nice post!
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    Headers without Hi Flow cats?

    How do you like the Snake oyl cruise control? Easy to install?
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    Headers without Hi Flow cats?

    Hmmm, this is what I have except for the 1.7 rr's. Well I have them..... still in the box so hopefully I will get these numbers eventually lol
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    I kept my heat shields with my M&M headers just in case...
  19. S

    Invincible Viper

    Step on the gas pedal lol
  20. S

    Current gen 1 tire offerings

    Discount tire was the cheapest on the PS 2's when I was shopping...
  21. S

    picked up a 98 GTS

    Get the bracket and be done with it . I have one. It's all rubber and removes in seconds. You will get a ticket, especially by state police' for not having one. You will see vettes not running one but they are a dime a dozen and no one cares. Your car is a cop magnet and they slow down or do a...
  22. S

    Headers without Hi Flow cats?

    I was surprised how clogged my factory cats were at 27,000 miles and how hot they got. Went with M&M headers and then hi-flow cats to supplement the 3"inch Borla exhaust that came on the car. Big difference you can feel at the pedal on my 96 GTS . Factory cats are junk imo...el
  23. S

    picked up a 98 GTS

    Not if you live in the unincorporated part of the county. No smog for me, cats going bye-bye soon.. ..