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  1. M

    Stupid is as stupid does,i'm guilty!

    Yeah,but aren't you supposed to feel better after you own up?:lmao:
  2. M

    Stupid is as stupid does,i'm guilty!

    I haven't been able to drive either of my Vipers much in the past month or so because of winter weather,but today is mid fifties and the roads are dry. I decided to take the old RT/10 up to the little store and buy my sweet woman some ice cream. Also a good chance to get back into my Viper. As i...
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    Top Gear North America 1st episode

    I never cared for the bbc version myself..a bit goofy and didn't feel they are true car guys. I enjoy the us version but sometimes the guys do seem a little to staged. Good to watch how the viper basicly dominated in season 1 too. I may have missed a episode or two but don't think any car bested...
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    New Member -- Deciding Between c6 Z06 or Gen III Coupe

    If you are just using for a weekend toy,you could get collector car insurance. I pay $428. per year for both my vipers.(94 RT/10 and 99 GTS.).Can only drive each 2500 miles per year though,but i will never drive them more because mine are weekend toys also. Full coverage,agreed value 40k for the...
  5. M

    GTS picked up :)

    Real nice! Congrats to you and have fun!
  6. M

    Do 3.55 gears really lower indicated HP?

    When i first bought my gen 1,i couldn't stand the stock gears. I would jerk and buck at almost every take off. I put 3:55's in and now it is so much better . Of course i was new to the Viper back then.I don't know if it makes much difference in 1/4 mile times because i haven't ever tried.I do...
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    Real World

    I agree,way back when the unions were trying to form for the coal miners,my father thought it was a great thing and it was at that time. The unions saved many coal miners from being oppressed and they made life just a little better for miners and their families. Now they have become a shady...
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    six gear

    I use fifth almost always unless i get over seventy . That's in the stock GTS..and i put 3:55's in the RT/10 so i do use sixth over 60 in that one...seems to work well for me on my cars anyway.(love the 3:55,s btw):drive:
  9. M

    1 year of ownership......

    Great story and i know the feeling. I was checking Craigslist one morning looking for a truck when a 1994 rt/10 popped up . I called and asked about it...he said better come soon because everyone and his brother was on the way to buy it and first come first serve..I ran to the bank figuring if...
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    Now rendering my 3d Viper Model

    Good work/fun :2tu:
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    Finally got a TT GTS

    Wow! That's a powerful beast! One word...silver stripes..:2tu: well two words actually.:dunno:
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    I am back in the family!

    Congrats!She's a beauty!
  13. M

    Someone using pics of my car to sell theirs

    +1 Using a photo or any kind of representation of someone else's car is fraudulent to both the true owner and any prospective buyer. I bought mine from a VCA listing,but for safety reasons used Ebay and 'buyer protection' for paying. If i hadn't gotten exactly what i paid for,then something...
  14. M

    RE: March 3rd is now Chuck Tator Day

    None more deserving of the honor...when i first bought my Viper i asked some questions here and i kept getting 'ask Chuck,ask Chuck' from a lot of folks here..i thought to myself,who is this Chuck guy?...finally i took the advice and gave him a call. I was pleasantly surprised at not only his...
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    Corvette owner moved after I moved to the street

    That's pretty childish if you ask me.Must be a pretty boring neighborhood if that's true.
  16. M

    Wheel/Rim idea's HELP!! Color choice??

    May noy be everyone's cuppa tea but that red GTS of Dave's with the decals and super chrome wheels is one badass lookin Viper! Did i say that?!:omg:
  17. M

    New wheels on the GTS

    It's different and i don't think it looks bad at all,but i like the stockers myself. Honestly i see a lot of Vipers with so many that look really bad to me but apparently great to other's on here. A matter of personal taste i guess. Good looking car!
  18. M

    GTS & some vettes... ***PICS***

    Beautiful pics ! The Viper does overshadow the Vettes but the Vettes look good too. I am so glad i have my GTS . I still think of my 94RT/10 as special too,but the GTS's are a masterpiece in style.
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    The Viper Has Landed

    Real sharp Viper! Congrats and have fun!
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    Ride Difference between GTS and Roadster with Hard Top

    Well,i own both so you can't say i am biased. It all depends on what you like. The GTS is a much more comfortable ride with no wind blowing through the windows etc..and a lot quieter from inside. The RT/10 is loud and almost impossible to hear the radio ,much less carry a conversation with a...
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    just bought 02 gts

    I love all Vipers but the GTS is (imho) the best looking of all. You sure have a beauty! Congrats! :2tu:
  22. M

    best floor jack for vipers

    +1 for same reasons. :drive:
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    No longer a snake owner..

    Glad you're ok after that!
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    Can anyone help with a photo shop?

    Thanks Roy! I like the switch. Thanks to everyone who responded.I think it's a good cosmetic upgrade .