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    Stripes or Not???????

    I think my car looks much better with the stripes than before, much more aggressive. Probably 3-4 miles per hour faster just sitting there !
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    Mahalo, Chuck Tator

    Just got back from the Dodge dealer. I was picking up my new sill covers that Chuck coerced the factory into replacing under warranty. In fact, not really under warranty, because it the car is past it's 7th birthday. I know he spent ALOT of time on the phone, all across the country getting...
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    Measurements for white stripes

    I thought I read somewhere 8"-4"-8" worked for me.......
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    firing !

    Your problem is obvious ! Eliminate two cylinders and gain rear view mirror access ! Imagine being able to back into your garage with out a spotter ! Let's hear it for AMERICAN INGENUITY !!
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    need more help please

    Got it ! (without breaking anything!) Got the right side cover off and found the nut that I've read about in the threads about wiper arms. I wish I had a safe concealed that well. Thanks for all the help.
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    firing !

    I have the shop manual !!!!!! I also have a spare trans being gone through by a meticulous transmission tech. I dropped off the trans AND shop manual (with the detailed trans tech info contained there in), but never anticipated such a problem with a simple spark plug and wire replacement. I...
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    firing !

    Thank You !!
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    firing !

    I swear I will never start work on this car again when I don't have the shop manual handy ! I'm replacing the plug wires, one at a time, but somehow I pulled two wires off the left side coil at the same time. Does anyone have a picture of the way the wires are suppossed to hook up ? I am...
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    need more help please

    What is the trick to removing the windshield wiper arms ? I can't find, feel or see any clips or tabs. Thanks, Robert
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    Park plugs....need info fast

    Got it ! Thanks again
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    Park plugs....need info fast

    Great, Thanks. oh yeah.....they should be gapped at ??
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    Park plugs....need info fast

    Have to pick up a new set of plugs in town today, but I don't have access to my shop manual. I know they're Champions, but what is the correct plug number ? Thanks
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    rebuilt transmission ?

    I have a spare transmission for my Viper. I've never had this transmission in my car but was planning on having it "gone through" and then swap it out with the trans in my car which has trouble with 5th gear. When loading it into my pick up (ugh!), I saw a sticker that I had not noticed...
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    cold storage

    While I realize it might get a little cooler in other areas than here, concrete still does tend to suck the heat out of anything, and I'm wondering about the effects on my pilots after sitting for an extended period of garage time. Are flat spots a problem ? Should the car be up on jacks if it's...
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    side sill insulation?

    I bought a sheet of it thru Jeg's, easy to apply, very reasonably priced and works great !
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    Engine oil cooler

    Thank you gentlemen. One more item on the to do list.
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    Engine oil cooler

    So the answer for my very early '94 (9/23/93) car would be ? Where do I look, and what do I look for ?
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    Engine oil cooler

    Oil pressure is fine, 60-70 lbs at cruising speeds. I know that small block chevy engines have will bypass the oil filter if the oil pressure is too high, to prevent blowing the oil filter off. Does the Viper engine have a simular devise ? I have not studied the engine enough to know if the oil...
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    Engine oil cooler

    Just got back from an 80 mile road trip. Engine temp was at 190. I happened to pick up a ball the dog had left in the car port that I had parked over, and noticed no heat what so ever when I reached under to pick up the dogs toy. I touched the engine oil cooler and it was absolutely room...
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    Ref; Ordering Parts From Tator Dodge

    Talk softly and carry a big TATOR ! He did it ! From 6,000 miles away Chuck was able to get my local "service" rep to not only return my calls but got them to agree to replace my right side sill cover !! The car is past the 7 year warranty and I'm not the original owner. Not only that, but the...
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    In Coming , No Joke

    In the middle of posting a comment,thrown off line. "[email protected]" HI ! How are you ? "I send you this file in order to have your advise....." WE ARE NOT ALONE !!!!!! BE AWARE.......
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    Can A/C be added to a 94-95??

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FastFreddie: Rev You can add an ac to a 94s and 95s. Its the same one that comes on the AC equiped cars. I will be removing mine for weight savings. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How much for your a-c c/o ?
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    I think changing the attaching screws after the corrosion has started, is like quitting smoking after you have developed lung cancer........too little......too late. The "fix" to existing damaged panels would be to remove the damaged area, and replace it with healthy "tissue". I'm sure that...
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    Got Wheel Hop ?

    Drop the clutch and my new Pilots hop as much as the Dunlops I took off. Is this common ? What's the fix, more air ?
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    Cooler weather driving tip for new owners

    A good set of snow chains is a MUST in winter !!