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  1. K

    The 2013 Viper Catalog

    I got a nice SRT package in the mail a few weeks back. It had a SRT flag and a brochure featuring all the SRT cars along with a coupon for up to $3000 off selected SRT models. Viper not included. Not sure why they sent it to me. Other than I am a viper owner??? It was cool and the flag...
  2. K

    Convertible option for 2014...???

    Re: Convertible option for 2014....??? I am on the top of the list for the Gen V at my local dealer but have instructed them to pass me up until the convertible makes an appearence. I am waiting it out. Now the question is do I trade my Gen 3 or sell it when the time comes????
  3. K

    Show us your garage!

    I'm not a great photographer but heres mine
  4. K

    Missing something on oil pan??

    I have had an oil leak for a few years and decided to change gasket with this next oil change. It appears that something may be missing from the very front passenger side of pan. Is there something missing here? Is there any complications or tricks I should know about changing the oil pan...
  5. K

    How many are waiting on a Gen V Vert?

    I-ken brackins am waiting on a convertible. If I could put my deposit down now I would if I knew it would be out by 2014. Pleeeeeeease produce the convertible.
  6. K

    Chrysler dealers eager to sell 2013 SRT Viper

    My local dealer isn't eager to sell me one. In fact, I don't think the SRT people are too eager either. My son and I were excited about the Gen V so we traveled from Tampa to NYC for the car show. We were there the first day. No one at the show could answer simple questions about the car. I...
  7. K

    Pilot Super Sports are AMAZING!!

    I got mine installed yesterday. What the he!! was I waiting for. I avoid some old brick road with my Viper cause my fillings want to rattle out of my head. Today I thought I was driving a Caddy-smooth as my girlfriends lasered hooha (well not quite that smooth) but really. Totally worth it...
  8. K

    Tire Balancing Question and powder coating

    Hello all. Just bought my PSS tires but having trouble finding anyone with a balancing machine with the hood wide enough to balance the big fat beautiful rears. I am in Tampa. Anyone give me a suggestion?? Also have some curb rash on two rims and have decided to powder coat them black. I...
  9. K

    Windows not lowering when door opens??

    Thanks for the responses to my problem. The reset worked and windows are functioning. I didn't see anything in the manual about that. I appreciate your vast Viper knowledge!
  10. K

    Windows not lowering when door opens??

    I'm sorry. The windows function, I'm talking about when the window goes down just a little bit on the convertible when you open the door. Definetely not the regulator. Its both doors so it must be an electrical problem more so then a mechanical one I would think.
  11. K

    Windows not lowering when door opens??

    Any advice on why my windows on my 2004 are not lowering that little bit when you open the doors? Thanks. I tried to search but unable to come up with anything. Perfect Vipering weather right now in Tampa. I've had her out everyday for a week now.
  12. K

    Windows not lowering when door opens??

    Hello all, I tried a search for this but its hard to narrow it down enough to find a previous thread. The windows on my 2004 stopped lowering when the doors are opened. I can't always remember to lower them a bit before I get out. Can someone give me a heads up on what the problem may be...
  13. K

    Opinions wanted about stripes

    I am having trouble locating specs on the stripes such as width and placement. Can anyone help me on where to find or could you be as so kind to do a few measurements? Thanks everyone-even the smiley face arguers.
  14. K

    Opinions wanted about stripes

    Thanks all that responded!! I am definitely going to go with the stripes. Now I have to choose a color and will it be vinyl or paint. Is there a standard size/location of said stripes? Also, will vinyl stay on at 190+ MPH?:drive:
  15. K

    Opinions wanted about stripes

    Hello All, I have a silver Gen III convertible for 2+ years. I love the Viper stripes. I also love this car and don't plan on selling it for a very long time if ever so I am not concerned about diminished value of a non-stock vehicle. What if I had black stripes painted on her? Has...
  16. K

    Dipstick Oil Leak?

    Thats what I wanted to know. I'll give it a try and at least eliminate that. Thanks you!
  17. K

    Dipstick Oil Leak?

    Hello All, Searched forum but can't find anything on my problem. I have a slight oil leak that comes up after driving(2004 16k miles). After careful inspection, it looks like its leaking around the base of the dipstick tube. Must be an O-ring gone bad. I saw where many people had the...