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  1. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Huuuuummmmmm yes,I have two pictures of it without flash (not other)....I think the same,the GTS-R is too "white" than the sky....the exercise was difficult to take some pics of it, at this "top" time and I take carrefully to the result but....difficult... You've this one: And: And...
  2. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Just a test (for the new form of VCA forum :eek: :2tu: )
  3. L

    Anyone need a 1:18 Autoart GTS-R?

    Thanks guys:!! :2tu: I started this collection seven years ago,and when it was possible to buy some models (two or three/year-difficult to find them-) the pleasure is comming to see the quality of them and,sure,have the complete was an idea when 8 models was in front of me... Well,if I can...
  4. L

    Anyone need a 1:18 Autoart GTS-R?

    Oh YES Terry!!!! I'm very happy to have the complete GTS-R AA,I'm a lucky man too,without some friends and impassioned like you on the VCA forum, I think that it is from now on very difficult of all to join together them.... I acknowledge that it is very impressive to see all these Viper in...
  5. L

    Anyone need a 1:18 Autoart GTS-R?

    More for Leslie :D Chris. :nana:
  6. L

    Anyone need a 1:18 Autoart GTS-R?

    I want to said THANK YOU to the way and Jipi (VCA member) I received 2 GTS-R in perfect conditions.... So,there are completed GTS-R AA collertors... Chris. :2tu: :headbang:
  7. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    RS, Yes it's a C5 Hard-Top,not specialy a Z06 version....I don't understand for your want to try it on GT2? that's correct? I just say you than the SRT-coupe prototype,I made it during 10 or 12 hours just to up the hard-top,I haven't time to up the sides and rear spoiler...and more...
  8. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Look at this!! The red CC is comming from one of VCA member who sold it to Jipi...In the same time,I received a black CC from Germany ...Jipi said to me: "I have the n°340 in red!!! I'll give you and give me one with another number,not a problem!!" "Of corse guy!!" Than this week-end,I've...
  9. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Thanks Mccarlin... I made an other but time and nights are short :crazy:
  10. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    In the same time,I start a new SRT coupe prototype...looks is better but not like the real.... :o Chris. :D
  11. L

    another good deal on anson 1:12

    Is this RT Chad?? :D (received without box,cracked on top on the windshied,and missing vanity mirror...49.50 USD without shipping) Chris. :headbang:
  12. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Hi...I can't wait the new SRT-coupe from Auto-Art...It was so long,so I made a prototype,not exactely the same because I don't found all the parts to work correctely the body... Well...some pictures of it for instance: model: SRT-10 Burago 1/18 Paint: Black/strips mat black Not...
  13. L

    2007 Matchbox GTS-R

    Not in France for instance...maybe in Paris but in my country... Chris.
  14. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Hi All... Here you have a special nightmare black: RT-10 Burago like "96 GTS Power Trip (GTS of OKViper VCA member) SRT-10 Auto-Art GTS-R 2000 Hot-Wheels CC Auto-Art All models in 1/18 scale of corse... I made a SRT-coupe and this pack will be complete. :D (for instance,maybe a SRT 2008...
  15. L

    Someone help me find the 7 pack of Maisto Vipers. TIA!

    Have you got a code number in back or in front of the pack?....I don't saw what it's write in up/left..."......FRESH"....can you tell me what it is before "Fresh"? If I find it in France...maybe.... Chris. :headbang:
  16. L

    May SELL - 99 Black/Silver GTS - what is it worth???

    Congratulations on the babies Jason !!!!! Chris. :2tu:
  17. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    One of ViperPassion member -Xav- built a GTS like the Power Trip description... Different but a very good result for his first model !!! web page Chris :2tu:
  18. L

    Do you collect a specific Generation of Vipers?

    Well...not a specific Gen,but all (included prototypes) Chris :headbang:
  19. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Oh....I don't think so about that...I prefere just everyone look here,I have enough like that with Viper :D This thread is here to help a minimum everyone to built the models (Viper of corse :D )... I think to the young people and all they can't or they doesn't know how to do... If...
  20. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    I received 2 GTS-R Hot-Wheels from a friend... It's a very good addition with the others.... Chris. :D
  21. L

    AutoArt Coupe is coming!

    Oh my God!! My nightmare !!! :rolleyes: When they are thinking to product it? Have you got an idea? Chris. :2tu:
  22. L

    Pics of my 400 Vipers!

    Wouffff...Very Niiiiice :eek: !!!! Congrats Chad :headbang: I haven't a lot of Viper"s than you,just some Aliens... :D like this: Chris :D Just a link to show your incredible collection to the french forum,ViperPassion: web page
  23. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    But we can take this information :D The PPG code for this paint is 73840 for Chrysler's code PRN Chris :headbang:
  24. L

    Insane,bad and radical 1/18 inside....

    Hum yes!! a very good paint!! but I think it will be expensive with the shipping cost,it's true I have some difficulties to find some basecoat paint in my country for instance,(because some news laws about country-protection was and all basecaot and varnish are with basewater... :rolleyes...