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  1. W

    How many of you RT owners drive your car without the Spare ??

    Ok-jumping in here. Yes I drive with my spare but my question is if you have a flat and put on the spare where do you put the tire you took off??? It won't fit in the trunk or front seat. Bill
  2. W

    Will I ever reach the "Top 10" for number of VCA Forum posts?

    Re: Will I ever reach the Their life IS their car? I have to juggle working full time, a wife, a teenage kid, two new puppies (Pugs :D ), planning vacations (Jamaica here we come in 30 days :cool: )and changing over a freshwater fish tank to saltwater (anybody else have a fish tank??) B
  3. W

    Does VIPAIR work on Gen1

    :2tu: :2tu: :2tu: I've got a car but it's raining and 38 degrees out so I guess I'll just go home and put another coat of Zaino on, pop 2 or 14 cold beers and remember the drives I took this summer. B
  4. W

    Does VIPAIR work on Gen1

    AJT...great minds think alike :cool: :cool: (and have the best taste in model and color) Red IS the fastest color and prefered by 9 out of 10 beautiful women (the one that didn't vote for it was a blonde and didn't understand the question) Bill
  5. W

    Does VIPAIR work on Gen1

    I don't know....augghhhhhh (splat)
  6. W

    Does VIPAIR work on Gen1

    Does anyone know the airspeed velocity of an unladen sparrow?
  7. W

    Does VIPAIR work on Gen1

    Well the reading is something...interesting is not quite the word I would use. B (PLEASE lets not dig up this horse and beat it again)
  8. W

    Oil Change - is it time?

    I knew I remembered reading this. IF (and that's a big IF) you believe this maybe we are doing more damage changing the oil every 3K miles. Bill
  9. W


    Remember if they start using robots they will have to build and sell lots more to cover the you really want the Viper to be as common as a 'vette? B
  10. W

    this is gotta be a scam, right?

    Looks rough-wonder what happened to the air duct? Did somebody cut it out? B
  11. W

    Viper is No #1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Be sure to read the fine print on the Grundy insurance. I want to drive my car and Grundy has WAY to many limitations B
  12. W


    Thanks Janni, I enjoyed your responses! Hopefully sometime in the future I'll get the opportunity to tour the plant where my 'baby' was born. Bill
  13. W

    HELP-soft top is stuck

    No I tightened it with the soft top off. Yep-I bet I missed the peg. Do you know the size of the nut I need to loosen? It was a pita with the top off I can only imagine what it's going to be like with it on. B
  14. W

    HELP-soft top is stuck

    The weather was in the 60's yesterday so I tried to take off the soft top and the drives side wouldn't release. I would push down on the release and I could feel it move but I couldn't feel the post it was (supposed) to hold onto. I tightened up the sport bar a couple of months ago and this is...
  15. W

    Virginia/Maryland Convoy

    Let me know your route-looks like you may come right thru Little Rock and I'm pretty sure some of our group will be going. Bill
  16. W

    So There Was A Video That Came With The Viper When Purcahsed New??

    I read that if you have a shrink wrapped copy in your car it adds 16 RWHP. :shocked: :eek: ;) B
  17. W

    Insured Value?

    Read the limitations Grundy puts on their insurance before you switch. I bought a Viper to drive when ever I wanted to Grundy insurance will NOT allow that. I went with USAA-guess I better check how much they will pay! Bill
  18. W

    Car wouldn't start- Headache with potential warranty issue- advice please??

    Re: Car wouldn\'t start- Headache with potential warranty issue- advice please?? How old is your battery? Did you have the battery load tested? The battery doesn't have to go dead to give you these symptoms just low. My car behaved in a very similar manner-battery change took care of it. Bill...
  19. W

    Info an this guy Hopefully this link came thru. Skip building a GTS and go right to the top of the food chain if it is still for sale. Bill
  20. W

    Nothing but Praise for Tators Dodge

    This man is giving a bad name to everyone in the service industry! I ordered parts from him and he sent me the parts and asks me to send him a check AFTER they arrived. Does he not realize that this is totally unacceptable business practice? Trust is NOT allowed in the business community. We...
  21. W

    Breaking Records - More Miles on My Viper!

    And I will bet they were the more fun to put on than any miles you have ever driven!! :D :D :D Bill
  22. W

    New to the Viper world

    Congratulations!!! Pics are required, your new to the board so we will cut you some slack this time. Track it, it's an experience that is addictive Bill
  23. W

    Weird start up, need help.

    Standard mechanic tool to test for blown head gaskets, not a emission test. One of several ways to check for a blown headgasket,if you have every seen bubbling from a coolant resevoir they are exhaust gasses being blown back through the system. The sniffer detects these gasses Bill
  24. W

    Should I sell and buy

    Cool! One of 17 :eek: :eek: Wonder what it would cost to maintain? Yes-I know if you have to ask that you can't afford it (and I can't) I think you should keep BOTH :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Bill
  25. W

    Trade In Value of a 99 ACR with 27,000 miles

    Can't help on trade in price but I think you should keep the transactions separate. You can probably get more from selling it yourself and applying the proceeds to your purchase. JMHO Bill