Lee - I hear you buddy - no argument from me. For the money the Viper is excellent value... there are the examples that someone did a crappy job on, but that is true of makes that cost a LOT more - so that's the way it is.
As for Rolls - they are hand crafted - much of their work like the wooden dash - where the timber is kept in storage forever incase the car ever needs repair (so the grain will match), the famous grille hand beaten and made etc - this is craftsmanship.
The unreliability of the past was mechanical and electrical - thanks to Joseph Lucas (Prince of Darkness) electrical gear. But you are correct - one of my best friends has had 5 Rolls - and has broken down on every major intersection in LA and many of the minor ones... hahaha - well not funny at the time... I wouldn't buy a used Rolls for anything - but the craftsmanship as art is top notch....
they just break down
must be those 400 Mopar shortblocks they use
The Viper could be built to standards as high as your Q45. I'd love a mandate from DC to do that because I know the people personally who did just that in a Toyota plant.... the quality was so good it was kept alive as one of the automotive "wonders of the world" until econmics and loss of govt tarrifs protecting it closed it down... but I know how they did it, some of those key people would be available to teach.
People can rise above machines because they can do one thing a machine can't - THINK. Use machines for precision, but good, motivated, inspired people for putting it all together
If there was the politcal will DC could have the best assembled cars in the world but it'd take a cultural shift of epic proportions. But I think it could be done. Even a ******* has basic human needs - such as the need to feel appreciated and feel like what they do matters, be resourced and skilled up to do it, empowered to do it, and listened to when they see better ways to do things... then rewarded and recognised for their good work. You can build a legend treating people like that instead of paying lip service with the warm fuzzy's that no-one buys into....
pity that plant didn't survive govt dropping all import duty. Labor costs couldn't compete with the machines in large scale production - but their heart and labor were more than a match. All our Toyotas are now imported fully built.