I would like to attend this event but I do not have a hardtop for my 98 R/T. Is anybody going that would be willing to let me beg, borrow, or rent their hardtop for this event.
My wife gets to be the driver (valentine present) and I get to be the pit [******]; she will be in the novice group...
I may try to go to the Viper event at No Problem Raceway on Septmeber 6th. I will need tires-has anyone bought tires at a Viper event and if so were the prices comparable to Tire Rack prices?
Has anybody been to this track and if so did you like it. I know this isn't as good as Viper Days but...
I went to an Italian car show with my brother (he has a Ferrari 328), had dinner with the group and they told me to bring the Viper to the show. It was amazing how many people walked past cars costing 10 times what mine did just to see her. Many of the Ferraris and Lambo's were roped off; I had...
The time quickly approaches that I will have to replace my tires. Pilots are going to cost ~$1,200, I was wondering if anybody has used Dunlop SP Sport 8000. I can get these for around $850. I want to stay away from the Kumho's until I can find a place to put the 3-M plastic shield on my baby...
Why don\'t you drive more???
Looking at bonkers Viper information makes me wonder why people don't dive their cars more. The average mileage for a 1998 R/T 10 is only 12,500 miles. I bought mine in late March with 8,200 miles on it-I now have 13,400 miles on her and have LOVED every single one...
They have covered the closing tips but I always keep a white towel and some Z-6 in the trunk. When you close the hood put the towel down and you won't have hand prints left behind-if you forget a quick spray with the Zaino and wipe down will make her 'happy' again. This also works for the finger...
Re: Tips for drive
Drove mine to New Orleans one Saturday (6 1/2 hours); went on a cruise Sunday (4 hours) drove back home Monday 7 1/2 hours (ran into a rain storm). Very hot and humid and I had no overheating problems.
Only problem I had was I didn't get to drive her enough :D :D :D
Best of luck- my brother has a Ferrari and after riding in it there is no way in h*ll I would ever trade DOWN to a "Italian Stallion"
Glad to have you coming back home
Ok-I have to join in here since I am also from Arkansas. I have a red RT (as you can see) and the wife want a yellow one. So I say --- get the red one!! (not that I'm partial to the color). Check with the 'viper wizard' I'll bet he can get you a warranty.
HELP I\'m changing the battery and.....
Ok. I admit to being mechanically challenged. I am in the middle of changing batteries. On the inside of the wheel well there is what appears to be a push in clip, I don't want to break it but I don't know how to remove it. Should I just force it out...
I had to wait a week from when I bought mine till she was delivered and it was the longest week of my life. Go ahead and order your Zaino and Valentine radar detector, clear space on your gas credit card and get ready to have more fun the you ever have had.
Be careful of the right hand pedal-she can bite you :eek:
Next, we require a picture :D
Then, buy a Valentine and Zaino
Finally-enjoy her, drive her often--there is nothing like the Viper experience
Bill :cool: :cool:
I'll chime in here. When I first bought mine I couldn't figure out how to remove the rear window so I drove with it in for 2-3 days. When I took it out there was significantly less wind in the car.
I have also driven with it out twice when it was raining VERY hard (so hard I was driving 40 mph...
Re: Rear View Mirror is all up in my face and I can\'t see!
Reminds of a quote from a movie 'what is behind me doesn't matter'. I choose number 5-other option: Just rip it off and throw it in the trunk.
The Wizard is the one I got the quote from! Quite a price increase. I have seen ones for sale on e-bay-anybody know what to look out for and what will work?
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