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  1. big-n-italian

    Show us your garage!

    awesome garage Black Moon!
  2. big-n-italian

    Never titled 1992 Vipers $200K

    at 100k a piece, i think the guy is just trying to break even. when those cars first came out they were selling for around 100k. remember?
  3. big-n-italian

    Show us your garage!

    you cant get any work done if you posting all the time! get to work! we are waiting for the pics! :rolaugh:
  4. big-n-italian

    97 Dodge Viper GTS $27k obo

    :lmao: give Ricekillercom a call. i think he has a viper for under 19K. if you dont want another salvage car, keep your fingers crossed. maybe someone can find you a car with 500,000 miles on the odometer. :dunno:
  5. big-n-italian

    2013 viper spy photo

    photo tease. :)
  6. big-n-italian

    Viper Chicks

    she's ALIVE! :dance: :rolaugh: hope all is well . . . . . :2tu:
  7. big-n-italian

    Viper Chicks

    you are in the wrong thread. :rolaugh:
  8. big-n-italian

    Any of you all use these type of ramps for smaller servicing?

    i dont have the pics anymore, but i remember someone awhile back building their own ramps out of layered 2x12's. the ramps were quite long (abour 5' maybe?) and the entry ends were cut at a steep angle. they didnt look as good as the plastic ramps, but i am sure they were alot cheaper and you...
  9. big-n-italian

    Viper Chicks

    anyone know of juli is ok or not? i remember awhile back she had some health issues.
  10. big-n-italian

    Plum Crazy's new Viper????????

    i dont remember seeing it at ROMOCO.
  11. big-n-italian

    Well this is strange

    you might be doing it right and your internet provider may not be allowing it.
  12. big-n-italian

    Well this is strange

    are you saving them to your VCA gallery?
  13. big-n-italian

    Well this is strange

    i dont make those decisions anymore, the current admins do. good luck.
  14. big-n-italian

    Well this is strange

    wow, what a first post. :omg: you may want to read this before you do any more posting.
  15. big-n-italian

    Doesnt get much better than this

    awesome pic Johnny! :2tu:
  16. big-n-italian

    Plum Crazy's new Viper????????

    love it! i have seen that exterior color combination in person, and it LOOKS GOOD!!
  17. big-n-italian

    Not Many Members?????

    hm. i didnt read it that way at all. :dunno:
  18. big-n-italian

    Mom had a heart attack...

    nice talking to you today paul. you sounded great and i am glad things are going well for your mother.
  19. big-n-italian

    Took some photos today

    sweet pics! congrats!
  20. big-n-italian

    2013 Viper

    maybe its just me, but i have to pass on the passenger-side X-Box/DVD player option. that video screen is WAY too big! :rolaugh:
  21. big-n-italian

    What is up with the Dodge Viper Facebook page?

    if i remember right, thats how this place got started. :rolaugh:
  22. big-n-italian

    What mods do you regret?

    you will never regret unicorn stickers paul. your car will look great, i swear. do it. :rolaugh:
  23. big-n-italian

    Pic's of viper with new KW's (Low) :)

    that looks sharp! excellent choice!
  24. big-n-italian

    ACR Stripe won't work on Gen 3

    give up the stripe idea paul. look, if you have to go with vinyl, get yourself three big dolphin or unicorn stickers, and put them on those big flat areas on the hood and doors. problem solved. :D
  25. big-n-italian

    Let's start the talking... where and what VOI 12!

    i like the chicago idea. (full disclosure - Illinois resident) :)