Search results

  1. F

    Rear tire size ???

    THATS FINE I WOULD SPRING FOR SOME 14-15" WIDE wheels if I could get 375 tires!
  2. F

    Lightened Flywheel – Would you do it again?

    YES I have them on all my cars (fidanza's on all but 1 and that has a RPS carbon/carbon twin disk (my 95 stealth))
  3. F

    Rear tire size ???

    i want a set.... 365's sounds cool
  4. F

    Baer VS. Brembo Rotors??

    Keith 98 GTS MAN YOU HAVE THE BEST LOOKING VIPER I HAVE EVER SEEN! that is thew only white GTS i have ever seen, and the only white viper w/o stripes i have seen. how menny white GTS's were made w/o stripes?
  5. F

    Rear tire size ???

    i dont think so but i will be 1st in line for some 375/30r18's
  6. F

    What are the best street tires for hooking up?

    skipwhite the 345's are sports just like the stock tires I like the look of the 345's, I am running 295/35R18's up FR so yes my FT is a bit taller too. I dont have any track times on them, the Track is closed here itll march I am going to be going with 3.33 gears (on order now) that sould...
  7. F

    GTECH PRO Unit

    yes, and I have run tham at the track vs the clock, the MOST i have ever seen it off was 2/10 but i wouls say 90%+ of the time is was 1/10 or less... the MPH on the G-Tec was 2+mph off every time (always high)
  8. F

    GTECH PRO Unit

    yes, and I have run tham at the track vs the clock, the MOST i have ever seen it off was 2/10 but i wouls say 90%+ of the time is was 1/10 or less... the MPH on the G-Tec was 2+mph off every time (always high)
  9. F

    SVSi 800 HP Intercooled SuperCharger System

    ok, but what is the price?
  10. F

    What are the best street tires for hooking up?

    I am running 345/35R18 sports, thy are taller (27.4" vs 26.1") than the 335/30R18's but hook up much better, I like them, thy fit on my stock ACR wheels, but I bet would work a little better on a 13.5" wheel vs the stock 13"
  11. F

    931 rw hp Viper

    Man those are some #'s It is about time you turned the boost up on that thing! A TT viper with out 1000hp, is like a Movie with out car chases, "you can do it, but why?" so are you going to take that thing out now, and get some "pay-back" on Brice's supra...
  12. F

    Who has the best price for aluminum flywheel?

    ya.... GO PARTS RACK! he has a good deal on Mag-core wires right now too!
  13. F

    How Much RWHP is too much???

    my viper with a 200hp **** in 1st and 2nd gear is way too much, but 3rd and 4th it is lots of fun
  14. F

    Best heads and cam combo for '00?

    Re: Best heads and cam combo for \'00? man look like with stock heads, hp REALY drop off after 4500rpm! the heads/rocker set up peek #'s done shock me, but at 5500rpm you picked up like 150hp!!! holy crap!
  15. F

    Lingenfelter 542ci Dyno Run

  16. F

    Best heads and cam combo for '00?

    Re: Best heads and cam combo for \'00? so what els can be dun to the intake for more flow?
  17. F

    Best heads and cam combo for '00?

    Re: Best heads and cam combo for \'00? the intake cant be that bad, check out this link
  18. F

    well it's not a viper, but it is a Dodge

    Re: well it\'s not a viper, but it is a Dodge maybe you would like to have a 2002 ZO-6, but there too dang slow for my blood, I can hardly even stand driving my Viper w/o the NOS on, if feels like a slug (gess that is why I use close to 100lb of NOS a month) If I got a Zo-6 I would need to put...
  19. F

    well it's not a viper, but it is a Dodge

    Re: well it\'s not a viper, but it is a Dodge the tranny's are stronger then you think as long as you "SLIP" the clutch and not dump it... my 93 RT TT has made 100's of 11 sec 1/4 mile passes at the track and 50K miles of street racing and never broke a tranny. (broke lots of clutches). the 93...
  20. F

    Magnecor Plug Wire Install

  21. F

    Magnecor Plug Wire Install

    are those the 8.5mm, or 10mm?
  22. F

    who sells 3.31 RR gears?

    thy hook much better than the 335/30's, I think it has alot to do with the larger side wall Man I wish Nito would make like a 365/30R18 in there drag have you herd that thy are going to make some big 18's? the nito 555 Drags are nice tires, I run them on all 4 tires on my Stealth (275/40R17's)
  23. F

    ACR's and Jack hammer like wheel hop?

    Re: ACR\'s and Jack hammer like wheel hop? thanks for the help the 345's hook ALOT better, with the more sidewall there thy must get a better "patch"
  24. F

    who sells 3.31 RR gears?

    After installing the 345/35R18 sports, I think I need a little more gear
  25. F

    who sells 3.31 RR gears?

    After installing the 345/35R18 sports, I think I need a little more gear