making a Viper or any sportscar drive like **** for the LOOKS is not smart at all ... but it is your life! Hopefully, nobody else will be involved when something happens ...:crazy2:
Re: NY/CT VCA NY Auto Show Trip
I will be in NY for the autoshow with my son - we stay at a hotel close to Times Square.
If there is a viewing of the Viper before the public sees we want to know and attend ...
Go with the VIN# to any Chrysler dealership and ask for a print-out of the computer about the history of the car...
Allez avec le VIN # pour tous les concessionnaires Chrysler et demandez un imprimé de l'ordinateur sur l'histoire de la voiture ...
Who the hell is buying a used Gen-4 for 93.000 Euro (= 124,000 US$) serviced by the guy who crashed my RT/10?
I paid way less for a brand new Gen-4 with warranty - here in Germany.
680hp? Good luck, buddy...
You should do a real drivers training side by side with a stock car with good tires and see how it (your car) handles. For example an emergency breaking situation where you brake hard at +100 mph and have to avoid an "obstacle" while braking....handling!
"19/20 forgelines and pirelli Pzeros" and lowered to the max.
The most ugly combination. Big tires, run-craps and max lowered. The only way to make a Viper handle like CRAP.
May I tell you a story I heard from a friend here in Germany? In short:
The owner of "KW" once attended a race event at...
I know you will not like to hear this, but why do you molest a +15 year old "CLASSIC"?
Better get a GEN-4 or wait for a GEN-5 power-wise and leave the 1996 classic VIPER GTS a classic.
Sorry, if you do not agree.
GOOD LUCK with your project anyway.
P.S.: neither the stock suspension nor the...
>>>all three have been on bad tires how ever good tread but old build date.<<<
Well...:eater:what do you expect from a race car with hockey pucks as wheels :lmao:
The other issues have been discussed above except for one: how heavy are you?
IF you are over 350 pounds you will get a free meal...
assuming you are running on a nice road:
suspension check...most lowered cars drive like ****.
alignment! Not too aggressive.
tire pressure!
new tires needed?
Been at autobahn speed many times. No problems.
Means 130-175 mph and of course the GEN-1/2/3 are not as good as the GEN-4, but hey!
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