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    I don't know about coincidence, but I would say your timing was impeccable. :2tu:
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    Gotta Love it! Frickin' 33* and SNOWING!

    Re: Gotta Love it! Frickin\' 33* and SNOWING! Casey, Sorry to hear about your traction difficulties. I guess going from 80's 3 days ago to a high of 45 with a wind chill of 38 seems pretty good compared to 33 and snow. That Midwest weather statement is right on the money! Hope you get...
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    KenH, Perhaps a stupid response, but I have noticed that even when sitting still and reving the engine, the system will activate and cool things down. I have deduced this by monitoring the indicator light Sean mounted in the console. AB, I will give you $.30 per gallon :D
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    My car didn't like the straight water. I ended up using the -30 deg washer fluid and it worked great.
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    Just got back from the track (I love my Heffner TT)

    Jeff, Let me know if/when that smile begins to wear off. LOL Congrats :2tu:
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    Got my Viper back! Wheels chromed!

    Looks Great :2tu:
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    custom valve cover for EXCHANGE.....anyone??

    I echo Bill B & plumcrazy's sentiments :D
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    Purner 505's or HRE 547's whats your opinion?

    Re: Purner 505\'s or HRE 547\'s whats your opinion? I went with the 505A's and I am very pleased with them.
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    Removing vent for smart tire display?

    You could probably PM AB, as I saw that he has his A/F meter installed in his left vent. Good clean install. By the way, what is a smart tire display? Please be gentle with your response ;)
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    NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy? (w/Instructions!!!)

    Re: NEW Shiftlight Installation (Pics) - Anyone Interested in Group Buy? Thanks Achilles99! Finally got mine installed. Works like a champ :2tu:
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    Supercharged Viper Owners, what is your level of excitement when driving

    Re: Supercharged Viper Owners, what is your level of excitement when drivin I'm with Casey...Night and Day difference after supercharging. You didn't think that your smile could get any bigger.....WRONG!
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    Who has the best Radar detector??

    Got my V1 Friday. Possibly already paid for itself. Well worth the money!
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    Ind/Ky VCA Meeting Sat. Apr.9 at 12:30 PM (EST)...

    I had a great time. Thanks to all who attended or their hospitality. Special thanks to Steve for the escort to I70 and to Duane for the root beer float :2tu: I am looking forward to the next event!
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    One week with the Valentine One and....

    Go mine Friday morning. Probably paid for itself in a 500 mile trip I took this weekend.
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    Who has pictures of Sean Roe's Meth Bottle he is using?

    Re: Who has pictures of Sean Roe\'s Meth Bottle he is using? AB, You should have looked at mine on Saturday. Unless someone else beats me to it, I will try to get one to you on Monday.
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    Ind/Ky VCA Meeting Sat. Apr.9 at 12:30 PM (EST)...

    Steve, Why don't you move down here and take over as our local meteorologist? We could use some good weather. Nice Job!
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    Ind/Ky VCA Meeting Sat. Apr.9 at 12:30 PM (EST)...

    Steve, Sounds good. I am looking forward to it. My Valentine One should be here in the morning, so Saturday's trip should give it a good test run ;)
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    Anyone have Exhaust tip pics

    Blue Pilot, Where did you get those tips?
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    2 ACR's

    Re: 2 ACR\'s Since the stripes on the red one are not black, I will have to say it is a tie. Both look awesome!
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    Twist my arm to go Heffner TT, i dare ya!!!!!!

    Casey, What did you do with your supercharger?
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    Twist my arm to go Heffner TT, i dare ya!!!!!!

    1Meansnake, After Twinvipers descriptions of his TT, I have began my own "Get Woody a TT" Fund :2tu: After you get yours and you tell us all how great it is I will surely up the installments to my TT fund.
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    Ind/Ky VCA Meeting Sat. Apr.9 at 12:30 PM (EST)...

    Steve, I knew you would come through with that 60 deg guarantee. I am looking forward to it.
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    Heffner TT first impression and Pic's with new wheels also.

    Re: Heffner TT first impression and Pic\'s with new wheels also. Congrats Jeff! The car looks awesome.
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    New Wheels & Stripes....PICS

    Jeff, I was sure to post a shot of the rear so you could see what it looked like. I know that if we went cruising you would only see the front of my car in your rear view mirror. :2tu: Your beast is Hot & Super Fast! :headbang: