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  1. G

    Leather Interior Accents?

    I would like to see a pic of the steering wheel
  2. G

    gen 4 camshaft specs please.

    Do one for gen 3 I want one
  3. G

    Top 10 Impressions after 1 Month Ownership Anniversary / Milestone

    Yeah it kind of get out of control before you know it you have put 15,000 in the car
  4. G

    Why would anyone do this?

    Probly offer them 20,000 and take it home
  5. G

    Top 10 Impressions after 1 Month Ownership Anniversary / Milestone

    Once you put wheels on it it will change the look of the car but that is pretty expensive thing to do
  6. G

    Top Gear 2012 XMas special, not until Feb...

    I love this show, way better than American show
  7. G

    Coupe fuel door retrofit on Convertible

    The quarter panel is silver
  8. G

    Coupe fuel door retrofit on Convertible

    I also have a right rear quarter panel for sale for convertible if any needs one to return back to stock
  9. G

    Coupe fuel door retrofit on Convertible

    I have a fuel door for sale if anyone is looking for one
  10. G

    Why would anyone do this?

    You can say that again this is a wreck.
  11. G

    Why would anyone do this?

    If I had the money I would buy it and transform it back to normal and sell it like normal would cost that much
  12. G

    Anyone Change Color of Vert Top?

    The zo6 is a little different than acr, acr is a viper with splitter and wing and brake rotors and a 110,000 dollar price tag. The zo6 is completely different frame engine and brakes etc. no comparison
  13. G

    Anyone recognize this hood and widebody?

    Looks a little better with he Flat black paint but still a disaster IMO
  14. G

    What would you like to see in the ACR?

    from the factory your probly looking somewhere around 200k, the charge 14k for Stryker red paint. The factory takes advantage of people
  15. G

    The unofficial "post up your best wheel pics" thread

    I have a set of caps if your interested pm sent
  16. G

    Anyone Change Color of Vert Top?

    I have atop I would sell cheap if you want to try , I also live in fl
  17. G

    The unofficial "post up your best wheel pics" thread

    it looks good what ever it is, also where did you get your front splitter
  18. G

    Gen V wheels for my Gen IV

    Probly just wait till the car comes out I'm sure once they start buying aftermarket wheels someone will have some for sale
  19. G

    The unofficial "post up your best wheel pics" thread

    I hope they are right with the spring and ca combo will save me a lot of money. I love the way it looks
  20. G

    The unofficial "post up your best wheel pics" thread

    it might look that low because of the 20/20 set up
  21. G

    The unofficial "post up your best wheel pics" thread

    What type of springs are you using and how low is you car
  22. G

    The unofficial "post up your best wheel pics" thread

    They look good let me know if you ever decide to sell