Search results

  1. P

    New Stryker Red Viper?

    Bill, was the color you did a multi-layer process like stryker red or was it just a similar shade of red? I get that Dodge doesn't want to repeat the color as a production option and as a stryker red owner myself I am glad they keep their word about its exclusivity, but still... would a...
  2. P

    New Stryker Red Viper?

    Yeah, that's what I figured.
  3. P

    New Stryker Red Viper?

    That's the one I saw on ebay, I think it's sold. So I'd be limited to the color options on the drivesrt website? I can't even get close to stryker red with what they offer there.
  4. P

    New Stryker Red Viper?

    No, but will they do stryker red as part of that program?
  5. P

    New Stryker Red Viper?

    I know it's a stretch but is there any way to get a 2015 viper with stryker red paint? Yes, I still have my 2013 SR GTS but I want another one. I saw a used 2014 one up on ebay the other week, looks like it sold within a couple days of it being listed...suggests to me that those who know how...
  6. P

    Carbon valve covers are almost done

    Is the x-brace tested to match or exceed the specs of the stock metal part as far as functionality goes?
  7. P

    Add my 14 GTS to the Heart attack list.

    Factory standard bumper to bumper is 3 years / 36K miles. Not 100% sure but I think the powertrain is 5 years / 60K miles. My warranty lasts for as long as I own the car and was about $3K. It's directly thru chrysler and not some third party warranty company. Not sure if they offer this option...
  8. P

    Add my 14 GTS to the Heart attack list.

    Yes I know, which is my point. I don't think that there's a widespread epidemic of Gen 5 motors blowing up or otherwise dying. They're machines and they're hand-built, so it's only natural that a few are going to fail. I think we're more likely to find ISIS members working for the...
  9. P

    Recalls on 2013 Viper

    I guess just unlocking and it hasn't happened to me so far.
  10. P

    SRT Concept Hypyecar

    It's pretty cool and I like the way it uses panels to assist in steering at high speeds. Looks like it would be north of $500K if it ever went to production, and it better include a custom-fitted g-suit with purchase. Thankfully it's not a hybrid, and it's nice to see SRT using a video game with...
  11. P

    Add my 14 GTS to the Heart attack list.

    Sounds like you threw a rod. On the plus side it's going to be covered under warranty. Really? You make it sound like it's every other viper that's having catastrophic failure. First time I'm hearing something like this, and my gen 5 has been running flawlessly since I took delivery. You only...
  12. P

    Great video review by Justin Bell

    It only took 2 years for the Viper to catch some reviews that include objectivity as a criteria. Also, still love my gen 5 as much as I did when I first bought it.
  13. P

    Recalls on 2013 Viper

    There wasn't a lot of detail about the actual door handle problem, but the basic issue is that if enough water gets into the door handles it can short out the electronics that control the latch, causing the door to open (or at least unlock) at speeds "up to 18 MPH". I guess there is some kind of...
  14. P

    Recalls on 2013 Viper

    Last year and this year I got some letters from chrysler about recalls. Here's what I got so far: - Window position sensor does not correctly roll up window when door is closed. - Seat position sensor does not relay correct seat position to airbag deployment controller - Door handle can short...
  15. P

    Gen V as a DD?

    The only things that might hinder the viper from being a DD: - Lots of public attention. It will draw a crowd if you park it in a visible area and while you're driving, you're going to get a lot of people slowing down/speeding up trying to snap a cellphone pic of the car. - Weather. If it gets...
  16. P

    2015 GT prices...

    To be fair, time of year can play a role in how flexible a dealer is willing to be. You may get an "at invoice" deal or invoice plus whatever - one is a good deal, the other is better, and since they're both under MSRP neither is bad. I don't mind paying MSRP for a rare/special order car that is...
  17. P

    SRT Exclusive Dealership / Service - It's Time

    It has been said before and with the two new hellcat cars being released as well as the continuation of the Viper, it's time to separate both the buying and post-sales experience for SRT products. Any SRT owners should be able to shop in a premium section of the dealership that isn't awash with...
  18. P

    Insurance advice needed

    Just got a quote from grundy for $10K per year for 4 cars, vs Geico which is $1,600 per year for the same with the same coverage on the same cars. Guess I'm sticking with the lizard...
  19. P

    My viper was keyed very bad "graphic pictures "

    Sucks to have this happen but I think anyone parking a car like the viper in some public area should make sure they park it in the line of sight of a security camera. In addition to that, you may want to consider buying some mini HD cameras that record constantly while the car is parked, or have...
  20. P

    Downshift to brake?

    I've never used the engine instead of the brakes to slow on a level surface, but what about using the engine to maintain a speed when going down a hill vs riding the brakes? I've always thought heel-toe was about rev-matching between shifts to keep the engine in the power band as you...
  21. P

    makes me wanna join your ranks!

    Is this where you tell us about driving around elementary school playgrounds in a windowless van? :eater:
  22. P

    makes me wanna join your ranks!

    We know the Viper is very fast, if not one of the fastest cars you can buy right now...the thing these reviews fail to show is how effective the Viper is at getting hot women to have sex with you.
  23. P

    Gen 5 oil

    I've been using Mobil 1 Extended Performance in all of my cars for the past few years with great results. According to some tests performed by oil weenies who think way too much about oil, M1 EP is about as good as Amsoil but less expensive. I also like using Purolator PureOne filters. Them...
  24. P

    SRT TA VS Huracan

    The problem is that they couldn't even spell hurricane correctly so it makes you wonder what else they screwed up. Clearly a C-team effort. :D True for any manual vehicle, and likely that most of the "pro racers" on this site calling for SRT to make automatic vipers don't know what power...
  25. P

    Viper vs new Z06

    The tradeoff with forced induction is peak power vs wide power band and improved thottle response. If the Z06 has a small, high revving SC then it will not be able to produce significantly more CFM without either grenading itself or heating the charged air to a point where it nullifies power...