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  1. P

    What can SRT engineers do to improve future Gen Vipers?

    What you're picking up on is the beginning of a "classless" state, where everyone is equal - equally poor. It's known as communism, and it's the endgame of the left. Refer to former soviet union or current china for examples of what the US is slowly becoming...but yeah, if you have money and...
  2. P

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    No, it's not. There is no evidence to support the claim that humans are affecting the climate one way or the other. Most of the "green" pseudo-science is based on cherry-picked stats that are "weighted" to yield results that mesh with the underlying narrative. The icecaps gained ice; 20 years...
  3. P

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    The responses are well justified. If he wants a productive conversation he should probably not deliberately (Moderator edit - No personal attacks please). His general sentiment is: "I've never driven a Viper or owned one but I'm going to tell you all how I alone can make it better by turning it...
  4. P

    Viper production slowed by one third due to sluggish sales

    I'm a new viper owner; never had one prior to the Gen 5 mainly because I wanted a car like the gen 5 in terms of luxury while having the raw performance that only the viper can offer.
  5. P

    Car and Driver Piles on the C7 vs Viper Bandwagon

    It doesn't surprise me that the mags all "lean toward" the Vette - GM buys ads and SRT does not...but hey, at least they're talking about the Viper. Just passed the 2K mark on my Viper - no issues fact it seems a little smoother in terms of shifting/clutch engagement now that...
  6. P

    What can SRT engineers do to improve future Gen Vipers?

    That's actually true. Check any stock info website like marketwatch and pull up any of the market index funds, like SPY or IVV (both follow the S&P 500 index), to get a quick overview of how the market is doing. The "average" YTD return for the market this year is over 30%, which means if you...
  7. P

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    Oh, but I did...and why didn't you query for your insults? Am I no longer worth your effort to feign intelligence? :( A slubberdegullion like you has no friends, let alone a good one. Leaf springs do not work, except that they do - response appropriate for a mumpsimus...
  8. P

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    Does the truth hurt? You do realize that Audi an Porsche are both brands of VW, and that they're trying to sell hybrid cars at a premium to rich idiots that want to feel good about themselves yet fail to grasp the fact that their "hybrid" car does not improve upon existing gas or diesel-only...
  9. P

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    Nobody is calling you names - just pointing out the facts...arguably redundant since you prove yourself to be intellectually disenfranchised each time you post. There's no need to differentiate between EVs and hybrids as both are examples of impractical, complex "solutions" to non-existent...
  10. P

    Beyond The 2014 Viper?

    The Viper should always be pretty much what it is now - awesome. It's funny that you are dumb enough to think electric cars are a good idea while at the same time claiming to be competent enough to approach a real car manufacturer and make some sort of presentation on the direction than they...
  11. P

    Viper production slowed by one third due to sluggish sales

    Are you seriously coming here and advocating an electric Viper? That's just fail...electric cars and to some degree hybrids are little more than the physical manifestation of a misguided liberal political agenda...I don't even want to get into the fact that the whole "man-made global warming...
  12. P

    When it's time for new tires...

    Thanks for the feedback...the things mentioned here are my main concerns. The wheels could easily be damaged by some guy who wants to get the job done as quick as possible - has happened before. Fortunately I still have decent tread on the stock tires so it should be awhile before I need to...
  13. P

    When it's time for new tires...

    Been thinking about this in the back of my head...but those pirellis are going to wear out eventually and need replacing. There is no way in hell I'm taking my viper to any of the local shops so some dude who has a degree in counting to potato can install new tires. Any suggestions on where to...
  14. P

    Marilyn travels in style

    It looks like your luggage is carjacking your viper.
  15. P

    Saying bye and giving an apology

    Apology accepted, man. I feel're finally making progress here. Let's have a party. I have a few Wham CDs and Tubz soda. You bring the chips!
  16. P

    Hennessey Venon 700R

    To get to these figures, Hennessey had to install high-flow cylinder heads and stainless steel long tube headers, K&N air filter, three-inch stainless steel exhaust system and high-flow catalytic converters. Wait, I can get a whopping 10% power improvement AND some fugly stickers on my car at...
  17. P

    What can SRT engineers do to improve future Gen Vipers?

    That's the benefit of the popular LS engine series. Many of the differences for things like headers, heads and cams are minor or none at all so the existing aftermarket parts can be made to work with tweaks...and sometimes direct carry-overs. Stuff for the Viper V10 is coming from scratch, and...
  18. P

    Viper production slowed by one third due to sluggish sales

    The one thing SRT didn't do is run a multi-pronged ad campaign. There are plenty of magazines, websites and shows that have wealthy audiences. I'd look at running ads in places rich people go and if I were SRT I would open an SRT-only dealerships somewhere prominent just to showcase vehicles and...
  19. P

    What can SRT engineers do to improve future Gen Vipers?

    Aerogel isn't durable in that the constant vibrations would likely cause it to lose its insulating properties or just fall off. They could probably alleviate the exhaust heat transfer to the cabin by adding some ventilation to the enclosure...OR they could stop with the enclosure altogether and...
  20. P

    VCA Drama: what are the known facts?

    I'm so happy that my subscription to the VCA included all this drama at no extra charge. I support the suggestion to make moderators personally identifiable rather than the anonymous "staff" account - they know who we are so we should know who they are. I also support NOT making the VCA an...
  21. P

    Just got New Custom Floormats (Lloyd's Ultimat) - Pics

    That's a matter of preference. I don't need the entire trunk covered. The Lloyd's mat covers the horizontal surface where anything you might be carrying in the trunk would rest and that's enough for me. Not planning to do any junk hauling in the viper.
  22. P

    Company in SoCal looking for Gen V for test fitment (clutch upgrade)

    Details about clutch and why it's worth upgrading to over the stock part?
  23. P

    Did the ultimate no-no yesterday, let someone drive my Viper without me in it

    I hope you keep the Viper "pure", I prefer it that way and I appreciate that there is still such an option on the market. Bringing back the Stealth? This is something that I feel ruins a lot of cars - the smiley face front end. It REALLY bugs me because I don't need a "happy face" on my car...
  24. P

    Is The SRT Viper Not A Great Driver's Car?

    I don't disagree with what you said, but why are they putting the viper into a category that it is not and then "knocking" it for not meeting the criteria of said category? What next, they pose the question "is the new SRT viper a fuel miser" and then ream it for only getting 12 MPG on average...
  25. P

    How many Shadow Blue Pearl 2013 SRTs are there?

    That color would have been my second choice if I couldn't get stryker red. I also wonder why SRT didn't make a "viper green" that is something like a yellow base with a emerald green tint on top. I think that would have been awesome and you almost never see a green car on the road.