Beyond The 2014 Viper?


Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry I can't let this crass a**hole get away with this!

Oh, but I did...and why didn't you query for your insults? Am I no longer worth your effort to feign intelligence? :(

2. Yes a good friend of mine is the Director of VW motorsports, his family live 5 miles from me while he is in Germany.

A slubberdegullion like you has no friends, let alone a good one.

3. Leaf springs do not work. They are incompatible with independent suspension system unless one uses a composite leaf as the corvette did, to answer a question that no one asked

Leaf springs do not work, except that they do - response appropriate for a mumpsimus.

4. I am going to come round your house, sneak into your garage take your Viper won't notice the difference !

You can try but you'll be leaving with a few 7.62mm sized holes. :usa:


Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you - How do you know my age,.....u stalking me again all over these boards ? Go get a life....ohh wait, your in Canada that is pretty difficult I forgot!

You finally got where I live right! Congratulations. I am proud of you.

Did you send your resume to Tesla yet? I am sure they can't wait to throw your resume in the trash.


Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
NOT YET DAMN IT.....Ian has not replied to my post. Every other post yes...I'm sure he just forgot about it. Please Ian, your thoughts on the SRT engineer question I asked earlier???


George - Paul 3rd from front standing (his boat)....I can get you a PCM details from him....another good friend !
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May 2, 2013
Reaction score
How come i am the only one that knows that "Ian" is not who he says he is but is actually "SRTViper" ??

Ian is an engineer ..... yah, like I am a Chiropractor who rides a moped.....

Jack B

Nov 5, 2000
Reaction score
NE Ohio
No offense to the true viper lover, however, I do not have to even look at the profile, these worthless, content free posts seem to usually come from the following profile:

Less than 200 posts
Have never sat in a G5
In most cases not a viper owner
Live at home with mommy
Own a civic
Joined the forum to troll the G5 in a state of envy


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
Oh, but I did...and why didn't you query for your insults? Am I no longer worth your effort to feign intelligence? :(

A slubberdegullion like you has no friends, let alone a good one.

Leaf springs do not work, except that they do - response appropriate for a mumpsimus.

You can try but you'll be leaving with a few 7.62mm sized holes. :usa:

Peerbuddy, where do you find such descriptive words like Slubberdegullion and mumpsimus ?

Never seen them used before.... I looked them up.... do you mind if i borrow them and use them myself sometimes ?


Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ridgefield, CT
No offense to the true viper lover, however, I do not have to even look at the profile, these worthless, content free posts seem to usually come from the following profile:

Less than 200 posts
Have never sat in a G5
In most cases not a viper owner
Live at home with mommy
Own a civic
Joined the forum to troll the G5 in a state of envy

You are right Jack...hope the new kid on the block this November has better controls


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Don't think the OP is a troll or unqualified to ask these questions. His background in engineering, race cars and Chrysler is solid. I checked, but feel free to bash away anyhow...this thread seems like it came straight out of the alley.


Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Central New Jersey
Don't think the OP is a troll or unqualified to ask these questions. His background in engineering, race cars and Chrysler is solid. I checked, but feel free to bash away anyhow...this thread seems like it came straight out of the alley.

I tend to agree here - Ian has an opinion. I completely understand that some of us do not like that opinion, but it is just that - an opinion, and one that has some qualifications behind it. Not everyone feels the Viper should stay in its 1989 roots as an unruly back-to-basics beast. Although Ian's comments bounce back and forth in opposite extremes (bare-bones racecar to KERS Hybrid supercar), they are still just opinions that were well written.

The car, as it is in Gen V, is as close to back-to-basics as a car can be nowadays. It doesn't really differ much from 1996. Nicer interior and TC, that's about it. While no one knows for sure why its not selling, with only 475 or so sales to date, its hard to agree that the current formula is working. I mean, since when does a Viper need marketing? Everyone know what it is and that it exists. I can't believe 1500 people have been swayed not to buy it from magazine articles, etc.

The landscape is changing I believe. There needs to be more tech and more advancements put into this car at this price point. I think the customer has changed, in my opinion, and the competition has changed. There are apparently 475 customers who DIDN'T change, but that is not going to sustain the car for very long. I definitely worry about its continued existence, which is why I would push for change.


Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score
Don't think the OP is a troll or unqualified to ask these questions. His background in engineering, race cars and Chrysler is solid. I checked, but feel free to bash away anyhow...this thread seems like it came straight out of the alley.

The responses are well justified. If he wants a productive conversation he should probably not deliberately (Moderator edit - No personal attacks please).

His general sentiment is: "I've never driven a Viper or owned one but I'm going to tell you all how I alone can make it better by turning it into a hybrid / EV."

Conveniently ignoring taxpayer-supported Fisker and Tesla companies along with their fail electric cars that nobody wants...or the LOL-worthy BMW i8 which mates family-sedan like performance with exotic exterior styling and pricing (lol).

He's assuming that something he has no knowledge of has faults and that he has the fix - is that his scientific approach to problem solving? He is filling in all the blanks with contrived assumptions and then putting forth suggestions that support said assumptions...sounds a lot like the premise behind man-made global warming. Science that revolves around the creation of fraudulent/misleading experiments that support the desired outcome.

Engineers (and other people with specialized knowledge) are there to do work assigned to them. The majority of them are not leaders or innovators and most of them know their place as cogs in the machine. People like me hire people like them to implement my ideas, although I wouldn't hire this guy even if his primary job description was fetching coffee and being the punchline of jokes.

The fact that he has time to troll VCA suggests he's not employed. Chrysler could probably improve their vehicles by firing "McEngineers" like this fool and hiring ones that know what they're doing - the good engineers don't talk much if at all since they're usually working.


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Don't know what you've got against hybrids or global warming but the science is actually fairly accurate. The rate of the rate of change is being affected by human activities. Not that it really matters in this discussion but other companies are investing in hybrid and electric performance cars.

Also, don't know if the OP has never driven a Viper, but the question was whether he drove a Gen V. Don't think many F1 engineers have driven a F1 car but they can still have a valid opinion. Just because you've the means to own a Gen V doesn't mean you have more right to how a future Viper would be developed either. The name calling and tirades from everyone, including the OP should stop though.

I don't think the Gen V is going to sell in much greater numbers than 2013 model year. Not a knock on the car, I like it, but there's always going to be questions on why it hasn't sold better.

Would a radically different Viper sell better? I don't know. Would previous owners be upset? Some of them, for sure. Would some of them be excited? Some of them as well. Would I think of it as a Viper? That would be a big hill to get over, but if it would *destroy* all comers on the 1/4 mile and on the track and come in under 125k I'd probably get over it real quick.


Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Central New Jersey
If he wants a productive conversation he should probably not deliberately act like a pretentious *********.Engineers (and other people with specialized knowledge) are there to do work assigned to them. The majority of them are not leaders or innovators and most of them know their place as cogs in the machine. People like me hire people like them to implement my ideas.
At risk of getting on your list, if you are going to say that Ian is pretentious, then you shouldn't make statements like that above.
The fact that he has time to troll VCA suggests he's not employed.
Then no one here is either. It is your assertion that he is 'trolling'.

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
"Trolling" doesn't mean that someone has no background or experience in the subject. It means someone purposely stirring the ***, trying to get a rise or argument out of someone, or this group. Many of us here have engineering degrees, and backgrounds in building/modifying vehicles. That doesn't mean I should wander over to the Toyota Prius forum and start trolling them, telling them that their hybrids need 8.4L V10 engines, and that they are slow. Why? Because I don't have any experience with them. I don't know how they drive, and I don't really care why people buy them.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
"Trolling" doesn't mean that someone has no background or experience in the subject. It means someone purposely stirring the ***, trying to get a rise or argument out of someone, or this group. Many of us here have engineering degrees, and backgrounds in building/modifying vehicles. That doesn't mean I should wander over to the Toyota Prius forum and start trolling them, telling them that their hybrids need 8.4L V10 engines, and that they are slow. Why? Because I don't have any experience with them. I don't know how they drive, and I don't really care why people buy them.
What is your resume in car design and engineering?


Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score
Don't know what you've got against hybrids or global warming but the science is actually fairly accurate. The rate of the rate of change is being affected by human activities. Not that it really matters in this discussion but other companies are investing in hybrid and electric performance cars.

No, it's not. There is no evidence to support the claim that humans are affecting the climate one way or the other. Most of the "green" pseudo-science is based on cherry-picked stats that are "weighted" to yield results that mesh with the underlying narrative. The icecaps gained ice; 20 years ago the same liberal f**ktards who thought all trees would be gone by now also assured us that the sea levels would rise and "change the coastline as we know it". Didn't happen. Remember that hole in the ozone layer that was supposed to make it impossible for humans to go outside during the's no surprise that you're buying into this guy's b.s. since you've been persuaded to believe in science.

In case you missed it: no worthwhile science will require any amount of "belief" because the scientific evidence yields undeniable proof via experiments that support the hypothesis and yield repeatable results every time.

Also, don't know if the OP has never driven a Viper, but the question was whether he drove a Gen V. Don't think many F1 engineers have driven a F1 car but they can still have a valid opinion. Just because you've the means to own a Gen V doesn't mean you have more right to how a future Viper would be developed either. The name calling and tirades from everyone, including the OP should stop though.

He stated that he did not drive a viper, own a viper or even like the viper...and engineers who work on F1 cars typically get assigned to work on a specific part of the car and provide their professional opinion on that aspect of the car. The team who designs the engine and powertrain would not be the ones handling suspension - although they likely consult with each other quite frequently during the development process. Engineers do not give the driver advice on how to drive to win races.

I don't think the Gen V is going to sell in much greater numbers than 2013 model year. Not a knock on the car, I like it, but there's always going to be questions on why it hasn't sold better.

HINT: The reason its sales aren't hitting the quota is not because it lacks a hybrid / electric option.

It's not selling due to terrible marketing and virtually no advertising beyond those magazine articles and a few obscure youtube videos. I didn't find out about the Viper from anything SRT did. I found out about it when a news website I check used a picture of it in one of their articles about...ironically....fuel in-efficient vehicles and obama's dumb new CAFE standards. Short of that totally random decision by them to use a pic of the viper and not some other gas-guzzling sports car, I would probably not have know about the 2013 Viper because there are no ads for it, anywhere, ever.

Would a radically different Viper sell better? I don't know. Would previous owners be upset? Some of them, for sure. Would some of them be excited? Some of them as well. Would I think of it as a Viper? That would be a big hill to get over, but if it would *destroy* all comers on the 1/4 mile and on the track and come in under 125k I'd probably get over it real quick.

Like I said, let's not talk about changing for the sake of change when it's quite obvious what the real issue is.

At risk of getting on your list, if you are going to say that Ian is pretentious, then you shouldn't make statements like that above. Then no one here is either. It is your assertion that he is 'trolling'.

Trolling or not, (Moderator edit - No personal attacks please) ...and I don't think you know what the word pretentious means.


Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Central New Jersey
"Trolling" doesn't mean that someone has no background or experience in the subject. It means someone purposely stirring the ***, trying to get a rise or argument out of someone, or this group. Many of us here have engineering degrees, and backgrounds in building/modifying vehicles. That doesn't mean I should wander over to the Toyota Prius forum and start trolling them, telling them that their hybrids need 8.4L V10 engines, and that they are slow. Why? Because I don't have any experience with them. I don't know how they drive, and I don't really care why people buy them.

I know what you are saying. Its a fine line between troll and someone who has a strong opinion. Ian is as much to blame here since he started off with a counter-statement against the Viper, but then it got ugly fast as he got labeled a 'trouble maker'. Then he got very defensive and started acting troll-like with attempts at put downs. He really should have stuck to civility and backed up his claims. But either way, he does have more knowledge than the average bear, I mean troll.

A troll is some kid in a basement causing trouble. Ian does have a lot of work experience in the field with various auto manufacturers, certainly more than most of us have. I am not saying I am on his side - I called his latest Allpar article 'senseless rambling'. But troll, no.

Anyway - the name calling, defensiveness, hurt feelings, thin skin around here is very strange. Its almost like guys who bought the car are being defensive. Its an awesome car, but it seems with a limited audience. Something needs to change with the direction of the car, in my opinion.

I'll say it again, I am not a Gen V basher, I love the new car. But with ~475 sales, something is up. Where to go... that was the original topic of this thread, right?


Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Central New Jersey
Trolling or not, he is a *********...and I don't think you know what the word pretentious means.

Pretentious: Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed.

Engineers (and other people with specialized knowledge) are there to do work assigned to them. The majority of them are not leaders or innovators and most of them know their place as cogs in the machine. People like me hire people like them to implement my ideas"

Hmm, ok - there is a subtle difference there. My point was saying you hire engineers who know their place as wheels in a machine to implement YOUR ideas, sounds a little high and mighty. I guess you are implying that Ian is making engineering statements that he knows nothing about. I think its hard to present an idea and then try to back it up with an engineering white paper in a simple message forum. I didn't think that was really necessary here to understand what he was getting at.



Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
No, it's not. There is no evidence to support the claim that humans are affecting the climate one way or the other. Most of the "green" pseudo-science is based on cherry-picked stats that are "weighted" to yield results that mesh with the underlying narrative. The icecaps gained ice; 20 years ago the same liberal f**ktards who thought all trees would be gone by now also assured us that the sea levels would rise and "change the coastline as we know it". Didn't happen. Remember that hole in the ozone layer that was supposed to make it impossible for humans to go outside during the's no surprise that you're buying into this guy's b.s. since you've been persuaded to believe in science.

In case you missed it: no worthwhile science will require any amount of "belief" because the scientific evidence yields undeniable proof via experiments that support the hypothesis and yield repeatable results every time.

He stated that he did not drive a viper, own a viper or even like the viper...and engineers who work on F1 cars typically get assigned to work on a specific part of the car and provide their professional opinion on that aspect of the car. The team who designs the engine and powertrain would not be the ones handling suspension - although they likely consult with each other quite frequently during the development process. Engineers do not give the driver advice on how to drive to win races.

HINT: The reason its sales aren't hitting the quota is not because it lacks a hybrid / electric option.

It's not selling due to terrible marketing and virtually no advertising beyond those magazine articles and a few obscure youtube videos. I didn't find out about the Viper from anything SRT did. I found out about it when a news website I check used a picture of it in one of their articles about...ironically....fuel in-efficient vehicles and obama's dumb new CAFE standards. Short of that totally random decision by them to use a pic of the viper and not some other gas-guzzling sports car, I would probably not have know about the 2013 Viper because there are no ads for it, anywhere, ever.

Like I said, let's not talk about changing for the sake of change when it's quite obvious what the real issue is.


Let me just say this - in my defense as I seem to have to all the time. I use my real name on here rather than hide behind a Username.

I left college and my first job was designing BMW racing engines for Tom Walkinshaw at a little known company called "Racing Services Engines" in Twickenham UK. I then designed, with the owners of the company, the the first rotary engine for racing from Mazda in Japan who was brought to RSE by Tom Walkinshaw. I left RSE and went to work for DPR just down the road running a new boy called Nigel Mansell in the British F3 championship, helped design the Rover SD1 for entry into to the British touring car championship, ran Giacamo Agostini in the Aurora F1 champioship, and Per Eklunds entry in to the WRC in his TR8 works entry. After a few years I then went and worked at Ralts designing the rear end of the RT4 and when completed went to Dick Bennetts at WSR converting an RT3 to a RT4 rear for an new boy a Mr. A. Senna. After that I spent a few months at Brabham and some happy years at Tyrrell with Sullivan, Alboreto, etc, etc. Coming to the USA I ran Indycar with Bruno Giacomelli in a Theodore briefly and then Sneva and Howdy Holmes, returning to the UK working for Lotus......designing road cars and developing cars for Japanese, Korean, American and Swedish clients for 8 years (Even a Volvo truck suspension development program)....I have probably missed quite a bit to have this "****" on here, or as we would say "******" impune me on here is a joke...(Ohh also some work for the Bentley on the Speed 8 during Chrysler years)...I forgot that...This was all before work for Chrysler on the NASCAR, Viper, Score Jeep, and Patriot program....and a very advanced Jeep concept I put together for the then VP of Jeep, with Multi interchangeable suspension system...etc, etc, etc...


Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
Victoria BC

"Its almost like guys who bought the car are being defensive. Its an awesome car, but it seems with a limited audience. Something needs to change with the direction of the car, in my opinion.

I'll say it again, I am not a Gen V basher, I love the new car. But with ~475 sales, something is up. Where to go... that was the original topic of this thread, right?"

Well said.


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
No, it's not. There is no evidence to support the claim that humans are affecting the climate one way or the other. Most of the "green" pseudo-science is based on cherry-picked stats that are "weighted" to yield results that mesh with the underlying narrative. The icecaps gained ice; 20 years ago the same liberal f**ktards who thought all trees would be gone by now also assured us that the sea levels would rise and "change the coastline as we know it". Didn't happen. Remember that hole in the ozone layer that was supposed to make it impossible for humans to go outside during the's no surprise that you're buying into this guy's b.s. since you've been persuaded to believe in science.

In case you missed it: no worthwhile science will require any amount of "belief" because the scientific evidence yields undeniable proof via experiments that support the hypothesis and yield repeatable results every time.

Somehow you conflate other issues in which actions were taken to mitigate the circumstance (ie. banning of CFCs to prevent the reduction of ozone layer) to mean that the science is invalid. While you might dismiss the results of ozone degradation, the fact is that UV levels have increased over time.

Also, global climate change isn't simply just that the entire world gets warmer in one go, the weather patterns change so the extremes also get pushed harder. It isn't exactly a linear system either, there are subsystems and climes which can slow down some of the rate of change but as it gets overwhelmed the regulation then collapses.

Why is it that people who have a different opinion than you are labeled with epithets and profanity? Why can't you be civil, even if you disagree with them?

'Persuaded to believe in science...' Wow. Hard to argue with that seems that you've taken the idea that if science isn't exactly right then it can never be right, and if that science isn't right then all science is bunk. Am I right?

He stated that he did not drive a viper, own a viper or even like the viper...and engineers who work on F1 cars typically get assigned to work on a specific part of the car and provide their professional opinion on that aspect of the car. The team who designs the engine and powertrain would not be the ones handling suspension - although they likely consult with each other quite frequently during the development process. Engineers do not give the driver advice on how to drive to win races.

He also stated that he was asked by management to provide an unalloyed opinion, which he did. Obviously management didn't like the answer he brought forth. Both facts need to be taken into account. He is/was smart enough to be asked, and management did reject his answer. Take that for whatever that's worth.

HINT: The reason its sales aren't hitting the quota is not because it lacks a hybrid / electric option.

It's not selling due to terrible marketing and virtually no advertising beyond those magazine articles and a few obscure youtube videos. I didn't find out about the Viper from anything SRT did. I found out about it when a news website I check used a picture of it in one of their articles about...ironically....fuel in-efficient vehicles and obama's dumb new CAFE standards. Short of that totally random decision by them to use a pic of the viper and not some other gas-guzzling sports car, I would probably not have know about the 2013 Viper because there are no ads for it, anywhere, ever.

Like I said, let's not talk about changing for the sake of change when it's quite obvious what the real issue is.

Definitely there have been mistakes with regards to the marketing aspect, but there has also been questions of whether the Gen V went far enough to gain sales numbers. One of the aspects which many people have spoken up about is the lack of an automatic/DCT option. Is that a marketing mistake? There are some tough questions on where the Viper goes from here to prevent the further erosion of sales.

If your claim is entirely correct, shouldn't sales be on the increase now that people are finding out about the existence of the car?

Trolling or not, he is a *********...and I don't think you know what the word pretentious means.
Others have already pointed out that your vocabulary might need some remediation, but I've got a pretty clear idea of who is what around here.

Nine Ball

Aug 30, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
What is your resume in car design and engineering?

Read it again, carefully. I never said I had a resume in car design. I do have a degree in mechanical engineering, however, and have built/modified cars much faster than the factory does. My Viper is around 1200 hp, every system on that car has been modified. By me, in my own shop. It only looks like a Viper. I also did a lot of performance engine testing early in the GM LS days. Ported heads, custom intakes, custom cam grinds, resleeving blocks, intake airbox design, etc... There are even aftermarket cams named after me, LOL. I was also the technical writer that usually "unveiled" the newest GM offerings and newest crate engines. My career is oil/gas, because I prefer to make a nice living. Cars are my hobby/passion - but I've earned quite a bit on them, too. :)


Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ridgefield, CT
Maybe Gen V owners are being defensive at times, as would anyone else who spent a lot of money for their wifes cosmetic enhancements or a girlfriends engagement ring, only to be told either one could have been better.

As for PeerBlock, I enjoy his posts. He is well opinionated, solid vocab, knowledgeble, and stimulates thought out conversation (ie: chorps). His delivery may be 'in your face' from time to time, but so what...if ya got em, smoke em.


Jun 19, 2012
Reaction score
Tysons Corner, VA
How does anyone question if Ian isn't a troll?

Just look at this post:

For the price the Gen V is a piece of junk, with the interior covered in pig skin to give the illusion of quality, to keep the simpletons happy.

Yes, he is on the Gen V forum to troll owners. Read with your own eyes.

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