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  1. V

    Winter Sale !! SRT Big Brake Bracket Kits for Gen2s

    I got 18 inch wheels. I got 01 wheels on my car.
  2. V

    Winter Sale !! SRT Big Brake Bracket Kits for Gen2s

    Hey Dave: I have Stop Techs on the fronts on my 96 GTS, but I want to upgrade only my back brakes. What kit(s) do you have so that I still have my e-brake? Do you make a SRT kit for the backs only with the e-brake option? And how much. Thanks
  3. V

    Anyone have a 96 GTS Service Manual? Help!

    Hey Marv: You are the man... I am actually looking for the Pin numbers on the ECU for the crank and cam sensors. What I am doing is tapping into that to run the extra 4 injectors for my secret weapon for drags next month at the Hemi
  4. V

    Anyone have a 96 GTS Service Manual? Help!

    If you have a service manual for a 96 GTS, can you please tell me what the pin # is for the crank sensor and cam sensor? Thanks
  5. V

    70MM TBs wanted!

    Cool! Do you know how many people are in the buy? Thanks Man
  6. V

    70MM TBs wanted!

    Can I get the link to the group buy thread? How much did they sell them for? Thanks
  7. V

    70MM TBs wanted!

    Anyone have 70MM TBs for sale for a Gen 2? Please PM me. Thanks
  8. V

    Thanks to Jon B, Partsrack

    Jon sent my part I needed for my install. On Saturday! Not only that, he gave me the best price around. :2tu: Better than what the manufacturer was selling it for.
  9. V

    ATI harmonic Balancer

    I am looking for an ATI Harmonic Balancer if anyone has one for sale. I can order it from Summit but it will take too long. If you have one please PM me. Thanks Be
  10. V

    Need a cap for the schrader valve on the intake manifold

    Jim: I am the guy that called you about your S/C project from AZ. How is the project coming along? Good I hope. I just bought Joseph Dell's DLM set-up. We should be putting it my blue and white soon. If you don't mind, maybe I can come by and chat with you. I live in Mesa, so I am...
  11. V

    Viper Phone

    I just bought one on ebay for $11.00. It included shipping... Hope I bought the right one. lol
  12. V

    96 gts w/ stock 17" rims, want to go to 18" or 19" rims. how will it

    Re: 96 gts w/ stock 17 Hey Ed: I got a 96 gts with 18s and it did not effect it one bit, because when you go with a larger wheel, you get less rubber. I think stocks are 35s and 18s are 30s; therefore, the total circumference of the wheel and tire do not change. Be
  13. V

    It had to happen sooner or later

    I agree...those pigs are the worst. I got pulled over, told me I was going 52, then 53 and wrote me a ticket for 55 in a 45. I told him there was no way I was going that fast cause I had to stop for a guy j-walking. He said "I didn't know these cars had problems with the speedometer." After...
  14. V

    VOI 9 ..... LAS VEGAS! Sept. 24th -28th 2006

    Are you for real? I have been hoping that it would be in Vegas... :2tu:
  15. V

    Does anybody know about Caseys Viper?

    I don't know anything about the car. But, when you buy it, I want a ride...please...... :D
  16. V

    Anyone have Kumhos for sale?

    Looks like partsrack only has 17inch... Went on tirerack and saw these tires... 335/30WR18 Kumho ECSTA V700 Are these the tires that everyone is using? :2tu:
  17. V

    Anyone have Kumhos for sale?

    Looking for a set of Kumhos for my rear 18 inch OEM wheels. Please PM if you have any for sale. Looking to better my 60 foot time and street tires combined. :2tu: Thanks
  18. V

    Selling Gen 2 Arrow rebuilt engine

    I'll give you 9k for it... :D
  19. V

    viper vs vette vs gt! REMATCH!!! this time by MT

    This thread any other thread by some magazine. Why is everyone so caught up about what a magazine test shows? The only thing that matters is that the next time you go out to the drags and you will see who is really faster. BTW, let GM keep their 3.42 gears...wait until they try...
  20. V

    Drag in Friday in AZ

    Anyone interested in drag racing on Friday 10/28? We are trying to get a group together...Speedworld or Firebird, which ever track more will show up. Be
  21. V

    who is coming to sema

    There will be a few of us from AZ coming over. Gonna discuss with them the dinner on wednesday. Not bringing the Vipers tho... :(
  22. V

    viperware partsd need a good home( GREAT deals!!!!)>>>>>>

    I might be interested in the jacket!
  23. V

    Twin turbo police car in DC?

    In Hawaii, they have modified police cars. Most of them are mustangs and camaros. Most of these cars are the officers personal cars that they use and get some type of subsidy for. With that being said, I don't think a regular "cop" would own and drive a Viper let alone a TT Viper. Last time...
  24. V

    Check Out This Cool Picture I Took Of My Viper In Front Of My House....

    Have you ever thought about adding a GTSR wing to your car? As soon as I was mine I will post a picture. I think it looks awesome on a blue and white.

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