It had to happen sooner or later


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Coming back from Chuck Tators today (had servicing done by the Wiz and Rob who are simply the best :2tu: )and I'm going along Grand Central Parkway (very busy major highway here in NY) and I see a NY City highway cop dead ahead of me. I'm in the far left, he's crusing in the middle. He's only going about 50 MPH and I was gaining on him slowly so I back off to try to keep our distance.

Suddenly the flashing lights go on and he yanks himself over to the far right, and pulls on to the emergency lane slowing to about 30. So I figure he got a call, or something and I continue on my way about 55MPH with a sigh of relief.

Needless to say, about 10 seconds later he's roaring up right behind me, sirens and lights flashing. I **** my way across the center and right lane pulling over after about a 1/4 mile with this ****** on my tail, and I mean 10 feet behind me.

No conversation, just handed him the paperwork and he writes me for no front plate. All he said was "have a nice day". I was about a mile from the county line too, almost out of his jurisdiction.

I really find it amazing that with all the idiots driving with no license or insurance these POS cars, and all the crime, and all the other issues in NY this **** had to make this big scene screwing up traffic and nabbing a real criminal type cruising 55 in a Viper. The city must be desperate for money.


Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
Damn Jon. I'm not exactly sure where you were caught on the GCP, but I can picture the whole thing. MUCH better that it was only for the front plate! Pr!ck cop! Only got stopped once while driving some time ago (pre-V1) and they did the same thing. You see them coming up from behind at 90 MPH with the light show and all and you're already going half the speed limit waiting to pull over. They don't even give you some space to brake for fear that they'll ram right into you if you break too hard. Right on your bumper!!! The whole chest puffing crap show if you're about to launch into a cross country car chase...all for a freakin' front license plate!!!

I put my plate on when I return to Manhattan because they check you at the bridges and tunnels, but I never got stopped in traffic for a front plate. Sorry to hear that!


Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
£30($50) fine here in the UK for no front plate...Been pulled a few times but let of with a warning so far..
And i thought it was just UK Cops that had nothing better to do....


Mar 31, 2005
Reaction score
White Mountains of NH, USA
Jeff, you got a ticket in NH? If so we need to talk. I think it can be beaten. In fact I am very surprised you got a ticket.

You should not have gotten a ticket in another state for this. NH cops can't write this ticket on cars from out of state because it is a state issue.


Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
i would have had to tell him how i feel about the whole deal. and i know i would have pissed him off and id be happy then.

tell him...."you're doing a great job fighting crime"

freakin cops ****. its all about jealousy


VCA Venom Member
Nov 12, 2000
Reaction score
£30($50) fine here in the UK for no front plate...Been pulled a few times but let of with a warning so far..
And i thought it was just UK Cops that had nothing better to do....

heh heh, must be a "cop thing" that transcends borders!


Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Hey Jeff,

I feel your pain. I used to live in MA and went up to plaistow all the time to race at NED. I got a ticket in my mustang for "Misuse of Power!" Lol, I was revving the engine at a red light to enjoy that melodic exhaust. Can you believe that one? Lol. I ended up fighting it, had to go to court twice and had a full blown trial over this. Yes that's right complete trial with swearing in, going on the stand and questioning the officer off of a lousy $75.00 ticket. I represented myself and ultimately ended up winning....

-Dave 01 RT/10 :usa:


VCA Member North TX
Jan 23, 2002
Reaction score
Nice to know that pig is keeping us safe from terrorism. Some cops are good and some are like this azzhat...jealous, immature, stupid, meat heads, hide behind the badge macho, macho, macho man...and ***** too! What goes around comes around...maybe the next time he does that a semi truck will drift out of it's lane and run over him as he stands by the side of the road doing his show. ;)


Viper Owner
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
I agree...those pigs are the worst. I got pulled over, told me I was going 52, then 53 and wrote me a ticket for 55 in a 45. I told him there was no way I was going that fast cause I had to stop for a guy j-walking. He said "I didn't know these cars had problems with the speedometer." After he wrote me the ticket, he said that he likes dodges and "one of the other cops he works with has a blue and white too." I need to be a cop too if they can afford Vipers...

Doesn't help that I am in the 20s...


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
What a crock, I never been pulled over for front plate but, I can't imagine that they don't understand that the car has no bracket and you dont want to drill into an $85,000 car to put one its amazing GUESS THEY DONT CARE


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
I seriously think that in a case like mine as I posted on top, it was this cops way of saying FU buddy in the flashy car. I mean is it realistically likely that a Viper owner is gonna be riding around with no license, reg or insurance
like every freaking landscaping truck that passes you by? He could pull over every truck full of these migrant workers and run them and hit the jackpot. You know they have no licenses or insurance, they don't even have any ID. No, he wants to put the rich guy (yeah right :eek: ) in his place with the showy car he can't afford. Much more fun. And don't forget the side benefit of snarling traffic for the rubberneckers, that's always good for a laugh down at the precinct.

Jeff Torrey

Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Plaistow, NH USA
Guys- I was traveling on RTE 16 South through Dover, NH. I was on the outside of a 2 lane highway. The vehicle on the inside of me was a Dodge Caravan. I got ticketed for doing 80 in a 55 Zone (guilty as charged). But the minivan was doing 75 and traffic was doing at least 70. I was not weaving and I was not driving wreakless (showing off). We crest a hill and on the next rise was a NH Trooper with a Radar Gun (I'm talking a mile away). He shoots me with the instant on and my detector goes off. I'm watching as I approach the [******]-a-roach. He's deffinately fixated on the Viper, so he turns to seak shelter in his Ford LTD Interceptor (might as well have been a little Lotus Elise cause he was about 5'2" tall, but that's a story for another day). I almost pulled over to wait for him but I figure it be better to play it out a little, just to make it more interesting for him.
He checks my license and asks if I'm wearing my contact lenses...and I was. He runs it and no priors, looks at the plate 92RT10. By now he's starting to squirm, realizing what he has done. The small American Flag on the back plate is burning a whole in his psyche. He comes back and in a soft voice he asks if I have any questions, How much is the fine $200.00. Ok give me the ticket, he explains that I was doing 81mph and that he knocked it back to 80 so I didn't have to appear in front of the firing squad. Then he says "Be carefull pulling out". What are you kidding me? I was going to explain that I had done the brake upgrade and I was running with my lights on and that everybody moved over cause they were hoping I would pass so they could get a better look. Ah forget it, doesn't matter. I had the upper hand and I wasn't a bit intimidated by his badge. I'll recover from the financial setback, but he'll be haunted forever by the memory of the day he stopped the Viper... doing his duty of protecting and serving.


Viper Owner
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I like that idea of keeping the front plate on the Partsrack removable bracket in the truck and using the old "took it off to wash the car and forgot to put it back on" least you have a chance of the copper letting you off since you can put the plate on on the spot...I made it through the summer without a ticket, but going to order a removable bracket for next year just in case! Cheap out if it works, probaby 50/50 chance!


Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
CHRIST!!! I got bagged on the other side of the Grand Central Parkway, 3 weeks ago by 3 state troopers. TRY 6 TICKETS!!!! I REPEAT 6 TICKETS!!! Long story short, a Saturday around 7 pm I was in my Supra when I see a Lambo a RT10 and a BMW M5 all together messing around with each other speeding, they knew each other. I catch up and eat them up at around 135-140mph.lasted for 6 miles or so they get off all together by Roslyn, I was pumped, 4 seconds later 2 State troopers run up my ass at 100+, I am at 70 0r so and these guys are on my bumper And I am on the 3rd lane they are telling me to shut it down right there on the 3rd lane, do not pull over, just shut it down. ***. Next thing you know a 3rd trooper comes at 100+ on my passenger side riding me to the wall yelling at to to shut it down, MOTHERF$%^ker shut your car right there. I literally smelled his breath, next to me. My next move was dum but it was in the heat of the moment, we are now traveling at 10mph on the 3rd lane all traffic on both sides has stopped and I motion to them I am pulling over, it is not safe for me to just stop right there,as I do that the cruiser next to me scrapes my miorror with his,UHUHUH. He got to close and I got pissed I down shifted into 2nd gear and with 20 pounds of boost i left all 3 like there were parked, put about 40 cars on them then shut it down at the exit ramp 300 feet away. LAke Succes exit. They coming flying up one behind me and two riding the grass, I am now parked and with guns drawn tell me to get the fu$k out of the car. Had me for 1 hour by the side road, they did a felony stop, I guess thats what it is called. Tickets: speeding 89mph, following to close, no seatbelt.(i did have it on ), no front plate, back plate covered, failure to put turn signal when i was exiting highway. They did not arrest me due to many pba's I carry, however they were pumped and wanted to do a tri state are chase.And if they are reading this,, F.U see u in court...


Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
you have GOT to be kidding!

it just drives me NUTS when I read about vipers getting stopped JUST for the front plate

I am sure you were livid, I would have been


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
I don't even say anything the the pigs in my area...just hand them the insurnace papers my drivers license let them write their ******** and see them in court to give them a piece of my mind!


Nov 14, 2005
Reaction score
Its a single turbo T-78 with all the goodies, with fuel it should be about 850 horespower.


Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Virginia
Not trying to get flamed because I know how a lot of people here believe that a front plate completely destroys the appearance of a Viper :rolleyes: , but why not just **** it up and pay the ticket? You made your bed, now lay in it. I took off my own front plate several months ago and have been lucky so far. Will I put it back on if I get a ticket? Probably. But you can bet that I won't disrespect the people who risk their lives every day as police officers because of a $100 ticket that is legitimate.


Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
But you can bet that I won't disrespect the people who risk their lives every day as police officers because of a $100 ticket that is legitimate.
No one disrespects the legitimate work cops do everyday. People do disrespect petty traffic stops for ******** offenses like a missing plate. That's as ticky tack as you can get. Like it's not obvious this is a sports car really not designed for one. Yes, the law says you are supposed to have one. I have passed a hundred cops here in Suffolk Country and Nassau County and not one has ever even given it a glance. So it's selective enforcement or harassment depending on how you look at it. Or the modd the cop is in.

So I guess if you get a speeding ticket for going 56 MPH in a 55, you would say he's just doing his job. No descretion allowed.


Aug 19, 2004
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Virginia
So I guess if you get a speeding ticket for going 56 MPH in a 55, you would say he's just doing his job. No descretion allowed.

Not the same issue in any way, shape, or form. A ticket for 56 in a 55 (or even 59-60 in 55) would be complete BS.

I think that we are actually at an advantage over the ricers out there when it comes to this issue. It's very easy to overlook the missing plate because of how awesome the Viper is. :2tu:


Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
The selective enforcement is ******** and is now spreading over our NY area. It seemed 4 years ago when we would be in Westchester we would get an angry officer walking over to our parked cars and writing a ticket for no front plate. Bizarre since I have not seen this on Long Island, although when I was 19 I did pulled over and issued a ticket for no front plate in my dad's Jaguar XK 120. Then 2 years ago we were getting pulled over after going through the NYC and Bridge tolls for no front plate. Also when OBI parking lot was getting overcrowded and Bellmore Train Station these tickets were getting even more popular. Since I have gotten the plate bracket that Jon B at partsrack sells. The plate bracket is made out of a rubber polyethylene and quickly clips on and off the front without scratching. As much as I hate the way the plate looks on the front I do use it going on and off Long Island with no problems. We have to resort to doing this sort of thing since it seems that we are solely getting pulled over for no front plate. BS


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
The selective enforcement is ******** and is now spreading over our NY area. It seemed 4 years ago when we would be in Westchester we would get an angry officer walking over to our parked cars and writing a ticket for no front plate. Bizarre since I have not seen this on Long Island, although when I was 19 I did pulled over and issued a ticket for no front plate in my dad's Jaguar XK 120. Then 2 years ago we were getting pulled over after going through the NYC and Bridge tolls for no front plate. Also when OBI parking lot was getting overcrowded and Bellmore Train Station these tickets were getting even more popular. Since I have gotten the plate bracket that Jon B at partsrack sells. The plate bracket is made out of a rubber polyethylene and quickly clips on and off the front without scratching. As much as I hate the way the plate looks on the front I do use it going on and off Long Island with no problems. We have to resort to doing this sort of thing since it seems that we are solely getting pulled over for no front plate. BS

yeah dam NY with selectivly enforcement if HELMET laws for people at Tech sessions LMAO


Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
But you can bet that I won't disrespect the people who risk their lives every day as police officers because of a $100 ticket that is legitimate.
No one disrespects the legitimate work cops do everyday. People do disrespect petty traffic stops for ******** offenses like a missing plate. That's as ticky tack as you can get. Like it's not obvious this is a sports car really not designed for one. Yes, the law says you are supposed to have one. I have passed a hundred cops here in Suffolk Country and Nassau County and not one has ever even given it a glance. So it's selective enforcement or harassment depending on how you look at it. Or the modd the cop is in.

So I guess if you get a speeding ticket for going 56 MPH in a 55, you would say he's just doing his job. No descretion allowed.

I agree, I have seen some real B.S. cops lying about the speed and refuse to show radar ect. most are on a power trip and when they see a viper I'll tell you exactly what goes through their mind "I been on the force 23 years serving and protecting, putting my life on the line and I drive a 1972 dodge dart look at what this guys got" and then he breaks ballz.

NEVER EVER EVER bring your snake up the upstate NY area (lake george, glens falls ect) my cousin lives there and I brought the snake up to visit him, now keep in mind I never have been pulled over in the snake where I live. So were turning on to his street (he was driving) and the cops pull us over, give him the info and he says to my cousin "you got a NY license cars from CT" he says its my cousins car (so I have my ID) "step out of the car" at this point I know whats comming, he says "why the f*ck you trying to lie to me I got 2 diffrent states here NY license and CT car *** are you trying to pull" I said look im here visiting and let him drive simple as that, "well were searching the car" so they do and started to get a little rough, so i said "if theres a scratch on my car theres a scratch on your ass" of course he says "you threatning me" i said NO but this is an $80,000 car (well it was when it was new LOL) and your acting like it s a pinto be easy in there.

So the search and search and search (out there about 2 hours) he made me pop the hood and everything just LOOKING for something so bad and he was actually siging when he could not find anything and getting pisst that the car was clean he wanted us soooooo bad (guess he was too dumb to look at the plate because he could have got us for that) then after its all said and done he looks at us and says "I just never saw one of these except in mags so I wanted to get a good look at it so thanks have a nice nigh" THATS why the pr!ck pulled us over.

I bet it was all because you had 2, 19 year olds (at the time) in a viper so it HAD to be stolen.

HERES the kick in the a$$, I call the station and talk to the sarg. and FLIP figuring its gonna do no good but im going to try WRONG it actually did some good, like an idiot I never got their names, he says I think I know who did that (after I told him EVERYTHING) "can you describe them" so I did, he says "I knew it those 2 have done this more times then I can count I'll handle it, BTW is anything broken on the car we need to fix" I said just the dash clips (YES they half way ripped the dash apart) but they are like 3 bucks and my tech (THANKS CHUCK) can fix it in 10 mins don't sweat it. THEY ACTUALLY GOT FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!! man that felt great.

Sorry for the long story.


VCA Member North TX
Jan 23, 2002
Reaction score
But you can bet that I won't disrespect the people who risk their lives every day as police officers because of a $100 ticket that is legitimate.
No one disrespects the legitimate work cops do everyday. People do disrespect petty traffic stops for ******** offenses like a missing plate. That's as ticky tack as you can get. Like it's not obvious this is a sports car really not designed for one. Yes, the law says you are supposed to have one. I have passed a hundred cops here in Suffolk Country and Nassau County and not one has ever even given it a glance. So it's selective enforcement or harassment depending on how you look at it. Or the modd the cop is in.

So I guess if you get a speeding ticket for going 56 MPH in a 55, you would say he's just doing his job. No descretion allowed.

I agree, I have seen some real B.S. cops lying about the speed and refuse to show radar ect. most are on a power trip and when they see a viper I'll tell you exactly what goes through their mind "I been on the force 23 years serving and protecting, putting my life on the line and I drive a 1972 dodge dart look at what this guys got" and then he breaks ballz.

NEVER EVER EVER bring your snake up the upstate NY area (lake george, glens falls ect) my cousin lives there and I brought the snake up to visit him, now keep in mind I never have been pulled over in the snake where I live. So were turning on to his street (he was driving) and the cops pull us over, give him the info and he says to my cousin "you got a NY license cars from CT" he says its my cousins car (so I have my ID) "step out of the car" at this point I know whats comming, he says "why the f*ck you trying to lie to me I got 2 diffrent states here NY license and CT car *** are you trying to pull" I said look im here visiting and let him drive simple as that, "well were searching the car" so they do and started to get a little rough, so i said "if theres a scratch on my car theres a scratch on your ass" of course he says "you threatning me" i said NO but this is an $80,000 car (well it was when it was new LOL) and your acting like it s a pinto be easy in there.

So the search and search and search (out there about 2 hours) he made me pop the hood and everything just LOOKING for something so bad and he was actually siging when he could not find anything and getting pisst that the car was clean he wanted us soooooo bad (guess he was too dumb to look at the plate because he could have got us for that) then after its all said and done he looks at us and says "I just never saw one of these except in mags so I wanted to get a good look at it so thanks have a nice nigh" THATS why the pr!ck pulled us over.

I bet it was all because you had 2, 19 year olds (at the time) in a viper so it HAD to be stolen.

HERES the kick in the a$$, I call the station and talk to the sarg. and FLIP figuring its gonna do no good but im going to try WRONG it actually did some good, like an idiot I never got their names, he says I think I know who did that (after I told him EVERYTHING) "can you describe them" so I did, he says "I knew it those 2 have done this more times then I can count I'll handle it, BTW is anything broken on the car we need to fix" I said just the dash clips (YES they half way ripped the dash apart) but they are like 3 bucks and my tech (THANKS CHUCK) can fix it in 10 mins don't sweat it. THEY ACTUALLY GOT FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!! man that felt great.

Sorry for the long story.

Hopefully after getting fired they got run over by a semi truck! :2tu:

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