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    2010 TOXIC ORANGE (pics)

    dont feel the stripes
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    Twin Turbo'd Gen VI

    wow , nice car ! thanks guys for all the help , i am starting research on the UGR builds and will probably contact them very soon. :drive:
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    Twin Turbo'd Gen VI

    I dont track my ACR much and was thinking of sending it to USA to slap a couple of turbos on it . Nothing too extreme i want something in the range of 900- 1000 hp but in a reliable and trouble free (lol) package . Any experience with similar projects on ACRs or Gen 4 vipers ? which one is...
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    LA Auto Show-Pictures

    looks like the orange they had on the 08 rams , dont like it at all. The 08/09 orange looks much better IMHO The stripes dont look any better too :rolleyes:
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    What does your forum name mean?

    i call mine the snake , and its an ACR 2009
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    Oldest Viper Owners...

    32 here :)
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    Street Serpent TT

    wow , what a monster :omg:
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    2010 ACR convertible

    no waay :omg:
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    Named your viper???

    snake :2tu:
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    Couldn't Resist Anymore, New SSG ACR, Thanks Bernie Katz!

    wow , very nice !! enjoy it in good health :drive:
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    2010 Viper Details - LIVE from Laguna Seca!

    11 sec to 100 , thats slower than 09 !! it cant be.
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    OOOPS 08 ACR

    ouch !!.....
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    Bone Stock SRT in the 10's?

    i paid 106K for my 09 ACR .
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    New ACR delivered....

    congrats , very nice
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    Its Here Finally 09 Ssg/acr

    yes , leave it as it is
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    Its Here Finally 09 Ssg/acr

    very nice , have fun and take it easy
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    Finally got to really drive my GTS Blue ACR

    waiting for pics , i love my ACR too :drive:
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    Does a Gen 4 hood blow heat?

    classic :rolaugh::drive::headbang::2tu:
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    New guy---New ACR

    lovely ACR , congrats
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    My Grafite ACR is at Prefix getting the wing and splitter:)

    you wont be needing the mgw shifter , the 09 OEM shifter is great .
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    Dealer wont accept my warrenty from USA!!! what do I do ?

    same thing for me here , i had to pay 800$ (tire+shipping+customs) for a new rear Sport pilot on my 1200 mile ACR .... sucks big time ! But on the other hand my Ram SRT is/was flawless for 10k miles .
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    JohnB will not take my money!

    +1 Jon is a good guy , excellent customer service
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    Whinning noise from the rear during while cruising!!

    change the fluid , mine does not whine - good luck :)

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