Finally got to really drive my GTS Blue ACR


Dec 15, 1997
Reaction score
Silicon Valley, CA and Portland, OR
I finally had time today to put it through its paces, and overall, it's a really great car. The road temps were too low to push my luck, so things stayed very tame.

Here are some random impressions:
1) Stock exhaust has got to go - it sounds way too muffled.
2) Seat lowering kit is a must for me - I found myself hunching down to look out the windshild. I got the feeling I was looking through the view-slit in a gun turret.
3) Even with an extra 150HP, the car feels much less 'brutal' and raw than my GTS. The ACR is actually very refined feeling.
4) Throttle response is definitely slower than on my GTS - the drive-by-wire setup isn't getting any big points with me right now.
5) When driven hard, the car doesn't seem to scrape on the ground anywhere near as much as my GTS. The GTS gave out horrible scraping sounds every time I'd go over a dip at speed. The ACR didn't - although I was slowing down a little bit to avoid them since the splitter is, what, $8,000 or something crazy like that to replace...
6) Steering feel isn't quite as 'connected' as in my GTS. The GTS lets me feel every pebble in the road - and the ACR seems to filter out a lot of the noise. Not sure if that's good or bad, but I definitely noticed it.
6) It's amazing how much of the original GTS character that is carried over to the ACR. Little things like the feel of the seat and driving position, the sound of the door closing, the sound of the lifters and injectors tapping in the engine compartment were all very familiar.
7) The sharp "humps" over the front tires are much more angular and pronounced from the driver's view than on the GTS. Overall, I think the view out the front is at least as good as the GTS.
8) The clutch seems to engage much later than on my GTS. I found myself over-revving when shifting because I was used to the clutch engaging much earlier. Clutch feel, though was much lighter than i expected - and definitely lighter than on the GTS.

Overall, you can tell there's a beast in the car waiting to be unleashed, but overall I find it to be much more of a 'normal car' than the GTS. I actually think I could live with the ACR on a daily basis - and if the standard Coupe is a notch down from the ACR, I could definitely see living with one of those every day. The GTS always seem to want my attention when I drive it, the ACR seems to just patiently wait for me to ask for something, and it does as its asked.

In usual form, the car is covered with dust, dirt, water spots, and some oil streaks already. So, no pictues until I have the time to clay-bar it and detail it nicely. I will say that the GTS Blue against the black center band, black wheels, black carbon wing, and black rear and diffuser really is a great color combo. It looks mean and classy at the same time - and not too over the top. My goal was to get something that didn't stand out too much (well, it already stands out too much even if it were painted in camo), and this color combo really works well. I thought about yellow (second choice) or Black with the red driver's stripe - but I like to stay under the radar as much as possible.

Pics to hopefully come soon!


Dec 15, 1997
Reaction score
Silicon Valley, CA and Portland, OR
ugh... less raw = bad

Still more raw than most I suppose.

I'm not sure it's bad - and maybe I should put my comment into perspective. Being a GTS owner, you've probably had that same feeling that I get when I drive mine - it's got that lumpy cam, it shakes, it still smells like epoxy resin (even 13 years later), you hear the NGR at stops, you feel every pebble in the road, and when you drive it hard you've really got to pay attention to what your doing (and pay attention to the temp gauge) or you feel like you might die. Overall, the GTS is a blast to drive because it is a little scary and requires a lot of attention.

The ACR is also a blast to drive, but because some of the things that make the GTS 'scary' have been refined, it lets you focus on driving closer to it's limits (which I think are WAY higher than the GTS). I haven't gotten anywhere near the limits of the ACR yet, but my sense is that you'll far surpass the GTS's limits in the ACR before things get scary. That, in itself, is scary...

So, it's definitely more raw than any other modern supercar that I've driven, but it's much closer to the level of refinement of all those other cars that magazines seem to rave about (and they dismiss the Viper as unevolved and unrefined - which just isn't true). I think SRT did a great job of keeping the raw nature, but refining the car enough to keep it modern.

Again, this is a comparison between the GTS and the ACR - and there is a big difference between the two. I'd expect that for two cars that are 13 years apart.

In conclusion, I'd say that the GTS feels like a race car that shouldn't be on the street. The ACR IS a race car that feels totally at home on the street.


May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
If your going to post pics Premier them on the Blue and Black thread Martin.



Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Congrats on your tax-free Oregon Viper!

The adaptive PCM will get better as you break-in and then drive more aggressively. Or, you can add the MoPar PCM.

The exhaust is an E-Z fix..and we take trades, right here in OR / Installer !

We have a great setup guy here.....wanna re-adjust those KWs to feel every pebble? CAN DO. Now, they are full-soft. And the soft-tires absorb small blips.

Have you thought that someone was in your blind-spot, only to discover your wing endplates lurking there ?!?!

Did you get 'ring decal yet? CONGRATS !!!

Art 138

Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Jon is right, the MOPAR pcm will smooth out the drive by wire throttle might consider Belangers,HF Cats, and try stock muffler...


Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Very nice write up Martin. I love the detail you gave. Cant wait to see the pics. Oh and I am jealous. Closest I can get to driving an ACR is on FM3. Still I love my 04 SRT.

cheryl mccally

Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Very nice review. My take on the GTS vs the ACR is the GTS feels like a race car on the street but doesn't deliver when you take it to the track, for lots of reasons. The GTS needs more motor, pushes like a pig in the corners, acceleration out of the corners is terrible due to rear wheel/rear end instability, and the brakes will scare you silly when you use what motor it has. The ACR drives like a perfect gentleman on the street, in the rain, to the store, even after you get Belangers, track set up, etc. Then take it to the track and toast everything else that comes by and drive it back home if you don't want R6's. The only thing that can touch an ACR at the track or on the street is a better driver. IMHO

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