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  1. F

    New Hotwheels Viper GTS-R blister pack

    got mine today one month later things up this way move alittle sslllllllooooowwwwwwweerrrrr
  2. F

    VA/MD regionaires need to ask a favor...

    I just added myself
  3. F

    CARLISLE, July 7-9th ???

    Lauri(or should i call you uncle ben) I will be there :2tu:
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    Long Island SRT/10 crash

    another tree hugger
  5. F

    My good deed for the day

    Great job :2tu:
  6. F

    My car doesn't stop leaking oil....

    Re: My car doesn\'t stop leaking oil.... EASY CALM DOWN SIR!!!!!! :nono: Just send it to Heffner and get some motor work done :nana: LOL problem solved and more power... :2tu:
  7. F

    My Coupe is done!!

    Didn't I just reply to this?? ;) Or did some just post twice lol :headbang: some one must of been excited :nana: :needpics:
  8. F

    My Coupe is done!!

    great :needpics:
  9. F

    does my srt-10 come with a boot????

    yes they were sent out after purchase :2tu:
  10. F

    does my srt-10 come with a boot????

    check this link and also vheck your sticker as stated in the post hope it helps...
  11. F

    Diamondback/Autoform Viper Update

    hey ben the car looks great :D
  12. F

    My car doesn't stop leaking oil....

    Re: My car doesn\'t stop leaking oil.... Srtricky are you sure its leaking oil and not marking its territory... :nana: Just kidding hope you get it fixed.. :2tu:
  13. F

    red w silver stripes in maryland

    To whom ever has the red gts with silver stripes in Maryland area. :2tu: May of had a wing. Going out of Ocean City around mid day today.The car looked great what I could see of it as it passed by.
  14. F

    Ocean City MD - Spring Car Cruise May 19th-21st

    One thing though, other than a glimpse of a red srt (floorin??) I didn't see a single viper or Ford GT. I'll be down after work tonight (midnight??) and plan to spend the entire day cruising tomorrow. If a 56 chevy and a challenger beside me then you probably did only get a glimpse of me...
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    Hey Tom we all understand what happened.John used his secret weapon like he used on the way to new york lol
  16. F

    Ocean City MD - Spring Car Cruise May 19th-21st

    I am here and the cops are overdoing it this year :mad: so far 2 srts and a blue and white coupe :2tu: 10 zo6's
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    Ocean City MD - Spring Car Cruise May 19th-21st weather looks great Tom if we drive up you will drive down???
  18. F

    Looking for a 96 B&W GTS
  19. F

    Where is the "VCA mistake" thread gone?

    Re: Where is the Trouble Maker :D
  20. F

    God Visited me Today in Virginia Beach, Virginia

    They are talking about getting a viper lol not **** :D
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    Sorry to hear about this Chad.Hope you find out who did it.