What time is the open house at Bernie Katz’ shop?
The address for it is:
Route 6 Motorsports
1543 River Road West
Crozier, VA 23039
(804) 784-7208
It’s located a few miles west of Richmond.
His home page is at:
I made it to MOPAR Madness on Saturday and had a great time. The track was open for test and tune most of the day and you could literally make as many passes as you wanted. Bernie Katz, Route 6 Motorsports, was one of the sponsors of the event. He and Brad King, his partner, had a...
Bernie, we are not going to be able to make your event. It conflicts with the Virginia Classic Cruisers Car Show. When we get a nice day we’ll take a ride over to your shop.
Matt, it sure was a lot of fun. Thanks for coming.
I cannot believe I was black flagged twice. I guess I'm a little hard on the karts. I lost the steering column on the first race when someone hit me hard on the front wheel. It was a good kart and I was just getting used to the steering...
It was close but the VA/MD VCA was the winner. We won by only .016 seconds! We were presented the "Fastest Car Club Award" by the president of the Corvette Club of Virginia. See the photo of the presentation below.
So we are two events ahead of the Corvette Club of Virginia. We smoked...
I’m not from that side of town but here’s what I’ve found out about the parking situation. I’ll list them from the best to the worse as far as parking.
1. Joe’s Inn – there is a separate parking lot about 50 feet from the restaurant that would give us virtually “private parking”
2. Mexico –...
I would like to get your feedback on where you would like to eat after we race the go carts. Please list the five restaurants below in order from the one you would most like to eat at to the least. You can PM me or post your input in this thread. These five are close to the track and have...
The VA/MD VCA and the Corvette Club of Virginia will have a joint indoor kart event at 11:00 AM March 10, 2007 at the G-Force Kart track at 4245 Carolina Ave., Building B, Richmond, VA 23222 (804) 228-0188. It’s located across the street from the Richmond International Raceway.
For more...
It’s important to set your heater controls to recirculate (i.e., Max), fan off and cold. If it’s not set to recirclate you’ll pull heat into the cabin.
I hope this is helpful.
Re: Richmond, VA \"Polar Bear Run\" - Jan 27, 2007
Matt, I recommend you register and then ask Fred Fann in the message area if you can come but not eat if the restaurant is overfull. There may be some no shows. If you cannot get a seat in the restaurant then the standby group could eat...
Re: Richmond, VA \"Polar Bear Run\" - Jan 27, 2007
So far 85 have registered for the Polar Bear Run. I don't know how many of those registered are Vipers owners. If you haven't registered yet be sure to do so.
We will meet at the intersection of I-85 and Rte 1 in Dinwiddie County, VA -...
Re: Richmond, VA \"Polar Bear Run\" - Jan 27, 2007
Who is planning on going on the Polar Bear Run? I talked with a member of the Corvette Club of Virginia about the Polar Bear Run and some of their members may participate so it would be good to have a nice complement of Vipers. I’m also...
Re: Richmond, VA \"Polar Bear Run\" - Jan 27, 2007
I've got more information about the 9th Annual Polar Bear Run. This is a run that is always on a Saturday in January and it is a mystery run. Participants show up at a set time and place for the run and until that time nobody knows where they...
Richmond, VA \"Polar Bear Run\" - Jan 27, 2007
Mark your calendar for the “Polar Bear Run.” The tentative date is January 27 with a rain date the following Saturday. It's normally includes a cruise to see a couple of local car collections and it ends at a restaurant for lunch. Normally there...
Joe, the arrival time is between 12:00 and 1:30 PM. The award ceremony will be at 4:00 PM. Hopefully the President of the Corvette Club of VA will be awarding Lee the trophy for us having the most HP at the event. If we loose, Lee will award the trophy to the Corvette president.
Tony, we've agreed to use the published HP unless we've got a dyno sheet to back up our claimed HP. We've agreed to use a 15% drive line loss to adjust the dyno sheet.
I believe your GTS will equal two of their Corvettes. I sure hope you can make it. We need your HP to beat these guys.
Bernie, we could use all the HP we can get to the event so your Viper with the most HP will help us win. As long as you're at the event sometime between 1:30 and 3:30 we can count your HP. Don't forget your dyno slip. See you Sunday.
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