the engine temp is at normal temp 200.what will the dc flash do.
This DC Performance ECM Upgrade is a plug and play mod. We had a custom program made for our highly modified test mule ( Viper ), and put it in a new ECM so we could retain the old one for EMISSION TESTING and FOR WHEN YOU HAVE TO TAKE YOU VIPER INTO THE DEALER FOR WORK TO BE DONE. This is very important as the dealer has a bad habit of downloading any new updates into your car when it is in for service. If the dealer does this will overwrite the custom program. All you need to do is spend 10 minutes swapping the ECM's over when the car is cold. The one thing you need to do before installing this upgrade program is to install a new 180 degree thermostat as the upgrade reprograms the temperature so that the fan comes on at a lower temperature and make it cycle longer. It is also very important to specify what gasoline octane is available in your area as this is also entered into the program.
The car runs much smoother.
The car run quieter.
The engine temp on a 90 degree day never gets above 185.
The oil temp on a 90 degree day never gets above 200 even with the A/C running.
The car is a hole lot cooler when the A/C is running as the engine coolant is cooler making the engine run cooler therefore you get cooler inside the car.
The car no longer has any popping when you let off on the gas.
The car has a very smooth acceleration right to red line and is much smoother and sounds better than the stock ECM.
I have found that my fuel mileage has increased a little bit to.
The car has a lot more jump to it when cruising and flooring the gas. Same holds true for mid range accelerations.
We find that now you can drive in 5th gear or 6th gear the car really pulls when passing a slower car.