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  1. O

    Tinted Windows

    Does anyone have their windows tinted, in a state were it is illegal? I am in NJ and think that tinted windows look great, but would prefer not to get in trouble or fined. Also, if you do get tinted windows and get busted what are the repercussions?
  2. O

    NJ VCA Brunch March 30 then V17

    I will not be there, unfortunately.
  3. O

    It's Been So Long Since I Drove My Viper That...

    ...I forgot it had a sixth gear! (sad, but true).
  4. O

    Detail 2002 ACR

    That looks great. Damn!!!!
  5. O

    Finally on its way!

    Is that guy crawling out the window?!?!?
  6. O

    rich guy w/ Viper steals g friend

    You a Viper God!!! Absolutely amazing. I hope our friend from Andrew from Heidelberg Germany tells us the details on the action in Deutschland.
  7. O

    Cool b/w GTS photo

  8. O

    Your First Viper Experience?

    I saw the red RT in the news while I was in college in 92-93. I fell in love instantly. Saw my first one in person at Long Beach Island in 95. When the GTS came out, I nearly soiled my pantaloons. At the end of 2006 I sold a business I owned and as a reward picked up my toy - 2001 GTS. My...
  9. O

    NJ VCA - Potential New Events Next Year

    Also I have a contact at an exotic car club in Chester. I wonder if we could do a little mini contest up there. Something like loudest Viper, best looking Viper, and other stuff. The winners would garage their Viper and for the cruise get a Ford GT, Lambo, etc. We would all cruise a loop...
  10. O

    NJ VCA - Potential New Events Next Year

    It's time to start considering timing for these "mini-events." Does starting in May sound good, or should we push our luck for April? Also, once we finalize the list (I will do this with Aaron and Jay), I think each event should have an "event chair." One person that is the sole contact and...
  11. O

    Best (or funniest) reaction when driving your snake?

    My neighbor, an eldery woman, asked me if the car could go as fast as 70 mph. Jokingly I told her that if I really leaned into it, it could go 75 mph. She was awe struck that a car could go that fast.
  12. O

    What Are the Best Tires to Buy?

    My tires are getting ready to go. I want to get good cruising tires (not track tires)... with some life and some stick to them. What tires would make my ride the best? I have a 2001 GTS.
  13. O

    Wow, way to ruin a beautiful GTS!

    Looks like shhheee-aaatttt to me. But that's just me.
  14. O

    Going insane or really losing interest?

    Check out the "Viper Chicks" thread that is going. That will get your heart beating again...
  15. O

    Opinions needed!

    Buy both!!!
  16. O

    Question for GTS owners

    You just can't touch the looks of the GTS. It is the best looking car ever made, IMHO. To make up for the lack of air that the RT affords, I just keep the windows wide open and crank up the AC.
  17. O

    Best (or funniest) reaction when driving your snake?

    I was driving from PA into NJ along route 46, a nice drive along the river. For about 10 miles I had a car in front of me with a young boy turned around in his seat (hopefully he still had his seat belt on) staring at my Viper. He didn't take his eyes off the Viper once, through all the twists...
  18. O

    Best (or funniest) reaction when driving your snake?

    Good to see a do gooder, Viper owner! Keep paying it forward, brother!!!!
  19. O

    Viper or Z06: Help me decide

    I strongly recommend the Vette.... NOT!
  20. O

    Orange/White GTS

    That's gotta be one of the prettiest looking Vipers I have ever seen. Damn, I now have orange Viper envy.
  21. O

    I See a Viper in Gran Turismo 5

    Found another, this one is from version 3: This one is from version 4: This one is from version 5 (and was posted a while back): I might start playing video games again.
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    I See a Viper in Gran Turismo 5

    I think there is a graphite with silver stripes Viper toward the middle of the pack...
  23. O

    Photo's of my babies

    The FE is beautiful! What a machine!!!!

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