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  1. O

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    Have fun folks!!!! I am really disappointed that I am missing it. On the bright side I will be cramped up in a cabin with 25 other fathers and 6 year olds for 3 days!
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    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    Unfortunately, I need to bow out (Mike & Krista). I am doing a father/son camping trip with my son, and it is that weekend. He is only 6 once, so I ain't gonna miss it... but I am really dissappointed we won't be at this cruise. (I am kinda hoping for rain and you guys reschedule - so I can...
  3. O

    Homecoming pictures

    I'm sure the relationship between the two of you is platonic. In NJ a 16 year old and 19 year old is considered statutory. So at the end of prom night, I hope you simply shook hands.
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    Just got my dream car

    Can you give me a sense for the price range you paid for that beauty. I am startin' to think it is time to add to the collection (the current collection is 1 Viper).
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    Great 2008 viper video

    Awesome video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. O

    New here!

    Burnt, What part of Jersey are you from?
  7. O

    Pics of the Viper

    HOT CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. O

    Get those Sapphire Snakes for sale in Spring of '08

    Dealmaker and AgentF1 have the best looking Sapphire Blues I have ever seen on the boards. AgentF1 you need to get those wheels up to Jersey at some point!!!!
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    Get those Sapphire Snakes for sale in Spring of '08

    You can always add stripes, but can never take 'em away. This is my Sapphire Blue with White Stripes added.
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    What Were They Thinking???

    Different. Maybe even growing on me. But quite frankly, stripes look best on a GTS.
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    Some good pics of my baby named ACR

    Nice wheels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. O

    Opinions please

    Now that one sure is PUUUURRRRRRR - TEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Opinions please

    I'll let that one slide... since you truly have the best color that was ever made for the Viper.:D
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    Opinions please

    I bought mine on Ebay for $44.5K. Had 24K miles, Roe Racing Computer, Roe Smooth Tubes, Roe Air Filter, Custom Exhaust (w/ QuickSilver Tips), Calarion Touch Screen Stereo, Cross Drill/Slotted Rotors, EBC Pads. If you buy on Ebay I suggest you do a few things to make sure you are safe: 1. Do...
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    Opinions please

    You should be able to get a Sapphire Blue 2001 for under $50K.
  16. O

    Another Article on the 2008

    I think this one has not been posted in forum yet. Great read.
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    2008 Cruise Control ???????????

    Cruise control?!?!??! No stinking way.
  18. O

    Talk me out of this!

    NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not let go of the FE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. O

    New Viper owner here

    Where are the pics of your car? POST EM!!
  20. O

    News Flash: Corvette deemed unsafe to carry most of it's passengers

    I wonder if these bikes are deemed unsafe to carry these passengers: (That's me on the left)
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    Sept. 22nd - Cruise & Show - NJ

    Our good friend, "One Day I'll Have One" will be facilitating a cruise up to The ChatterBox restuarant on Sept 22nd for the weekly Saturday car show. As of right now he has some mustangs coming, a Vette or two, but no Vipers :( . So if you want to show off the King of all cars (your Viper...
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    Who Can Drive Your Viper?

    I agree with you completely, FinalEd.
  23. O

    NJ/NY Wine Tasting Cruise!

    They better be ready to open a few more barrels of wine!
  24. O

    NJ vipers: Anyone up for a Sunday photoshoot?

    I hope some people get a chance to catch up with you Ron. You take amazing pictures. I won't be able to make a trip down.... will be at a polo game of all things. I could only imagine pulling in there in my Viper... the eyes would be rolling everywhere. Hey now I have an idea for next...
  25. O

    Your First Car?

    Post pictures!!!! I don't recongize half of these cars.

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