good time and beleive it or not when I pulled in my drive way to clean the wheel dust off and got back in to pull the car in the garage the battery was dead. Could not even jump start, I guess when it goes its done. But don't worry I had my sweety push me in the garage. What a keeper. I guess...
Let's meet up at the Grantville rest area on Sunday 4/18 at 11:00 so we are all sure of the meeting place and cruise from there. I see Venom1000 is interested also. Maybe we can hook up with him also along the way. My home phone is 717-652-7439. We can swap cell#'s prior to Sunday.
Looks like...
Ed and I were talking about meeting the same place as last year at the 81 rest stop right before Grantville exit. You will have to get on 81 at Minada Gap in order to pull in to the rest stop. Last year I met Lauri and Zoomie there at 7:00. Is NatRt10 in also. Maybe we can get...
I'm in. Last year we met up at the rest stop on I-81 at Grantville around 7:00 AM. And I know a few more around here that are going also.
Ed, Lauri, Nat and Jeff
We went up I-81 and out I-84, nice ride.
Looking forward to it. :cool:
Ed, so ya finally got it back.
My advise is to stay off the throttle and don't rock the motor. But then that's kinda like saying is isn't going to get dark tonight either. Glad to hear you got it home again. :D
Hey Ed,
We need to go visit Lauri one Saturday and check out his garage. Lets clean out his (cold beer) refrig.
Dan, I was checking out Ed's 2001 and when you see it your going to be spanken yourself. Its a creamer.
Ed, thanks for posting my spectacular time for all to see, you bone head. At least I was well into the 100 mph club once I got it to go the right direction. First time in front of the xmas tree told me to let it rip. How many people do you know can do a 360 burnout and still make it down the...
Nice ride Nat. I see Ed (ACCELR8) already posted, I am also in the Harrisburg area. Keep a look out for the trip to Tator's in the beginning of May. Should have about 4-6 of us riding up there. Just stay in front of (REDENUF) he smokes these big dog turds and tosses
see ya when it...
I have the schedule in front of me for Chryslers in Carlisle and the dates are July 9-11. But before we get all excited about this we should be planning even though its a little early our drive to Tator's BBQ. I wonder if Lauri is still aloud to go into New York, maybe he'll have to ride with...
Lauri, I don't think your insurance company is contacted, at least none of my son's ever affected his insurance. On the other hand if you try to get insurance from someone else, then they do check your driving record back at least 3yrs.
I hope this don't affect our trip to Tator's BBQ.
When we...
I looked at the registry for 99GTS last vin there says xv503946(2)and I own a 99GTS and the build date is 6/99 with a vin# xv503979. I don't think the registry is 100% accurate.
Off the road as of 11/1 and back on in April, in time for Tator's BBQ.
coolant changed
oil changed
brakes fluid changed
wheels off and washed
wheel wells armoraled
suspension and under-carriage wiped down
clutch fluid changed
? coats of zaino and silver bullets till then :2tu:
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