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    What are?

    Thanks Aaron
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    What are?

    Are stock 04 wheels chrome or polished and are they alum or steal? 04 Mamba.
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    So Long Viper...for now.

    The GTR would be a great DD in Colorado and a star at the Sunday night import meets. If your into that. :)
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    Underground Racing offers FREE in closed shipping and a 2 year 24,000 mile warranty

    Re: Underground Racing offers FREE in closed shipping and a 2 year 24,000 mile warran Nice, I wish Chad A would go and pick his up already. I aways here good things about your shop. Keep up the good work.
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    Looking for a stock shifter ball.

    It's the stock red but it has some marks on it and just plain looks bad. I would do black or red but just need the replacement. I also want to stick with the 6sp patern for my wife. :)
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    ACR finally here!

    Great toy box.
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    Looking for a stock shifter ball.

    Any one have a stock shifter ball they want to sell? 04 SRT-10 Thanks Aaron
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    Mamba Info

    Great! Enjoy not driving your car :D
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    New Guy wants to do Maintenance SRT-10

    I ordered one on line for $89 and looking at the filter on the car it seems to be not a bad swap. I found it funny that our Dodge dealer has never even ordered one for any 03-06 viper and they seem to be an OEM only part. Proactive maintenance is always better than reactive maintenance.
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    Mamba Info

    Dumb question: You have your milage in your sig so that means you change your sig when you drive your car or are you proud that you never drive the car? My 04 is White 96 of 200.
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    New Guy wants to do Maintenance SRT-10

    It all helps. Tips on changing fuel filter? I have not got under to look for it but I will be doing the rear and trans tonight. Thanks
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    New Guy wants to do Maintenance SRT-10

    I have to order a book but does anyone have a link to a Capacities chart and type or brand of oil/tran/rear/brake fluid you use. Thanks
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    New Guy wants to do Maintenance SRT-10

    I still have the vette but she needed a friend.
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    New Guy wants to do Maintenance SRT-10

    Thats it. I will start tomorrow. Thanks guys anymore info let me know..
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    New Guy wants to do Maintenance SRT-10

    Thanks Do people often do the eng/trans/rear at home? I have always done my C5 at home.
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    New Guy wants to do Maintenance SRT-10

    I just picked up an 04 Mamba SRT-10 and I would like to service the eng/trans/rear/fuel system. Any tricks, pains, and or services that I should know about before I get it up and get dirty? Also do they sell oil and fuel filters at Auto Zone or is it OEM only. Thanks Aaron