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  1. S

    Jasper in June

    We Will be there!!!!!, Glad your leg has healed up (If your gonna do the leg work). Jasper was a Great time had by all.:D:D
  2. S

    Breaking in a Gen IV

    Congrats on the Purchase, There are lots of us in the Red Deer, Edmonton and Calgary area, We will have to get together this Summer and have a look at your new ride, Welcome to the Club!!!!!! :D:D
  3. S

    Viper purchase went bad

    Sorry about your Luck, I know of a 2006 VOI9 Coupe in Red Deer with 900 Kms on it and no stories, If interested it is at Northwest Motors, 403-346-2035 ask for Graham. :D:D
  4. S

    How many miles on your snake?

    95 R/T 10 17000 Kilometers 06 F/E Coupe 5500 Miles 08 Roadster 8000 Kilometers
  5. S

    kool cars youve owned or have

    2008 SSG Roadster 2006 F/E Coupe 21/200 1995 R/T 10 2004 VCA SRT 10 Ram 20/50 1969 Hemi Roadrunner 1969 Hemi Barracuda 1969 440 M Code Barracuda 1968 383 Formula S Barracuda 1967 Formula S Barracuda Hemi Convertible 2002 Chrysler Prowler & Trailer 2005 Chrysler Crossfire 2008 Dodge Challenger...
  6. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    As we all get booked and decide when we want to leave, We will have to get together and decide when and were to meet up as there are Vipers coming from Edmonton, Grande Prairie, Leduc, Millet. I have already counted 15 Cars that I know of, so hopefully it gets bigger!!!!!!!! :D:D
  7. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    We will be leaving on the 29th early as it should be a 13 t0 14 hour drive, Should make it easy the same day.:D:D
  8. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    We are Booked Sept 29th, Check out on the 4th, Can't wait, Hurry up September!!!!! ( Not that I want to wish away Summer). But Hurry up September!!!!!!! :D:D
  9. S

    Barrett Jackson -Viper

    I always say it takes two to bid at a auction, Or one bidder and a crooked Auctioneer!!!! :D:D
  10. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    I count about 15 cars so far just from Alberta, Were are our B.C., Saskatchewan friends. Lets keep building the convoy!!!!!!!!!!
  11. S

    Locked keys in car - 06 SRT coupe

    I have a 06 coupe, Non Chipped, My 08 is Non Chipped as well. I do not think any of the Vipers up to 08's are chipped. Not sure on the 09's. :D:D
  12. S

    Locked keys in car - 06 SRT coupe

    What you can do is hire a locksmith, I was at a car show one time with my R/T 10 and someone reached over and stole my keys out of the ignition while I was talking to another person about the car. I was 150 miles from home and no spare key. I hired a locksmith and he come out and put a blank key...
  13. S

    Would you trade your Viper and cash for a Ford GT?

    It Depends How MUCH CASH they want to give me plus the FURD!!!!!!! Can't ever see it happening. The Viper is the BEST Supercar ever, Why in the World would anyone want to step down in Performance, Styling, Handling to trade for a FURD. :D:D
  14. S

    chargers fault..

    Usually, Batteries if they are dry, they usually do not have a problem Shipping. If it is a wet fill, that is were I have found the problem with shipping, even if it is a sealed unit there is still the chance of getting crushed in transport and acid or gel all over. There are lots of places here...
  15. S

    Membership Renewal Time

    Greg, Thanks for taking this task over, Checks in the Mail. Grant
  16. S

    You Know You're a Canadian When...

    It was -36 Below this morning, Warmed up to -30 this afternoon, 40MPH wind, Winchill-45 Suppose to warm up tomorrow to -4, Saturday 0, Only in Alberta :omg::can1:
  17. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    I made it from SLC to Lacombe in 13 Hours in a 99 Dodge Diesel:drive: So in a Viper it should be Quicker, Not sure when leaving, Haven't thought that far ahead, Just wanted to get everybody talking and get something set up for now,We will have to figure out when to go and return. :D:D
  18. S

    Viper Owner Invitational #11 - BE THERE!

    Hey Andy, A bunch of us are heading down in a convoy to Salt Lake from Edmonton, Red Deer, Calgary, :drive:You want to tag along? If you do you are more than welcome. Also Does any one know if they have opened up the bookings for the hotels?:D:D
  19. S

    Caravan to VOI 11

    Hope you can tag on long with us, Unless you tell us what you are getting done at DC, we may forgive you, Anyway we will see you there!!!!!:D:D
  20. S

    You Know You're a Canadian When...

    We own a Steaming / Pressure Washing Company and travel around Alberta washing and thawing mainly oil field equipment and thawing water and sewer lines for acerage owners. The norm is we will wash to -10 degrees or else you have a block of ice when you are through, I remember one year it was -38...
  21. S

    1st time heater turned on

    Have not turned the heater on any of the Vipers, If it is that cold here they go in the garage and wait till spring. -17 Today and are just waiting till all the white stuff goes away, (Maybe April) :drive::D
  22. S

    putting my Viper away for winter

    Me too Greg, The warmer climates are nice to visit, But it just would not be any fun not having the anticipation to wait for Spring to bring the cars out. And the Cold isn't so bad.:D:D
  23. S

    SSG with Graphite stripes

    I have SSG/Graphite Striped Roadster,The Graphite matches everything else better than Black,as the top is black but not shiny like the stripes, So the graphite matches better and also matches the interior better as well, But on a coupe I think I would prefer Black as the paint flows better over...
  24. S

    Anyone have a Lift King lift ? I do now. Pics!

    Re: Anyone have a Lift King lift ? Greg, You can buy the oil drain container at Acklands, It is not the same as you see here but it is made by Lincoln, We have 2 at our shop and they hold roughly 20 gallons.:D:D
  25. S

    2008 Coupe

    Depending on the build date as we know Vipers were built in Feb Mar 08 which makes this car pretty much 2 years old and being a Canadian car, Is it in miles or Kilometers? If it is KMs then that is only 8000 Miles, by 2 years old is only 4000 miles per year which is not to bad in my books...

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