Viper Owner
Hey everyone, just wondering how much interest there would be in a Jasper outing in June. I will do the legwork if there is enough interest.... everybody chime in and tell me how much fun the Columbia Icefields Parkway would be!!!!

we are starting to pack , great time last time !
except having to wait for Aspman to catch up
would be interested since no price on VOI yet so may just dew other small trips
I am thinking earlier in June right now, probably the weekend of the 5th or 12th. I will have a better idea after the weekend as I will have the time to call a few places to see about accomodation. Earlier also gets us away from equinox on the 21st where we tend to get more rain here in Alberta , especially in the foothills and edge of the rockies. Earlier also gets us away from the more intense holiday traffic. If anyone has any suggestions on where to stay let me know as I will be trying to keep the costs fairly reasonable.
This sounds fun. I will try to make it but with a 6 month old its tough to get away. Does anyone know how to bring your wife and a baby in the car????.. HAHA
This sounds fun. I will try to make it but with a 6 month old its tough to get away. Does anyone know how to bring your wife and a baby in the car????.. HAHA
Weekend after next. Bought Arizona insurance until Middle of June so I'll be bringing the ACR instead of the Sapphire beast. I'll need to removed the Nitrous and C02 bottle from the trunk so the wife's suitcases can come along with us.
You're gonna miss the first event?
We'll probably be there Thursday afternoon and then go to the dinner. Friday afternoon we'll meet up with Trevor and Terri at a restaurant sout Edm and head to Jasper from there. Friday afternoon you could meet up with us for late lunch?