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  1. S

    2008 Viper Went Into Limp Mode

    Out driving my 08 SSG tonight and I shifted into 6th and RPM dropped to 1250 at 120Kms and the car bucked a little so threw it back in 5th and then the check engine light come on and into limp mode, Slowed down to a slower speed and stepped on it in 3rd and it bucked like crazy. Let off and went...
  2. S

    Help with 06 FE#188

    Coloviper, I sent you a PM
  3. S

    Mushy clutch pedal Gen 4. Anyone else?

    I have found that mine is the same, (soft 1/2 way down ) only when I cruise in town on hot days, Then hit the highway and get more air flow and the pedal is back to normal
  4. S

    Gen III K&N install

    There is a tab that you push towards the center of the connector with your finger and then pull the connector straight out, Then you can massage the sensor out of the rubber . Then on install lube up the grommet and massage back in, Then install wire. If your wire is long enough you may be able...
  5. S

    SSG ACR conversion

    Should Powder coat the calipers Green and Black lip the wheels, Otherwise to riceee for me, Just My opinion
  6. S

    Locked out of my 05 SRT10 Help

    I don't know if 05 are the same as 06, but your computer has gone to sleep, If your battery is fully charged, just push on the drivers door latch as you would normally and the computers wake up and everything is normal, Worked for me but mine is an 06 Coupe.:D
  7. S

    VCA membership with new Viper

    This only applies to US Cars as I inquired on Canadian Cars and the membership is not Included, Kind of Strange I think. We are all members of the same club!:omg:
  8. S

    Alberta Roll Call

    SSG Owner in Lacombe AB
  9. S

    How much HP do you have in your garage?

    69 Hemi Roadrunner 700 HP 67 Hemi Barracuda Convertible 465 HP 69 Hemi Barracuda 465 HP 69 440 M Code Barracuda 375 HP 02 Prowler 235 HP 05 Crossfire 235 HP 04 VCA SRT10 Ram 20/50 500HP 95 RT/10 400 HP 06 F/E Coupe 21/200 525 HP 08 SSG Roadster 600 HP 08 Challenger SRT/8 425 HP 68 383 Barracuda...
  10. S

    2008 Production Numbers

    Still haven't got my issue of Viper yet, but from what I read here is My SSG/ Graphite is 1 of 3 !!! :D:D
  11. S

    Did you buy brand new for your first Viper?

    New R/T 10 in 95, New VCA SRT Ram in 04. New F/E Coupe in 06. New SSG Roadster in 08, Still own them all.:D:D
  12. S

    Dead 2006 Coupe

    Thanks for the Help Guys , Found out in the Service Manual that the Computers go into Battery Save Mode or Sleep Mode, All you have to do is push down on the Drivers door Latch to turn the Computers back on, I hadn't tried that as the key fob would not unlock the doors, Now the Batterys Charged...
  13. S

    How long have you owned your Viper???

    1995 RT/10 13 Years 2006 F/E Coupe 3 Years 2008 SSG Roadster 3 Months 1994 SRT 10 Ram VCA 20/50 5 Years 1969 Hemi Roadrunner 30 Years 1969 Hemi Barracuda 28 Years 1967 Hemi Barracuda Convertible 15 Years 1968 Barracuda 383 Formula S 10 Years 1969 Cuda 440 5 Years 2002 Chrysler Prowler 7 Years...
  14. S

    Dead 2006 Coupe

    I had parked my 06 coupe 2 months ago as my 08 Roadster came in, Went to Start and move it and it is Stone Dead, No Problem, Charged up the battery and my hand held meter says 13.2 volts, Should Start, No it won't supply enough Power to unlock the doors, Put a boost from one of my other cars...
  15. S

    New Car Mileage Question?

    My 08 had 13 miles on it and I was there when it was backed off the Reliable truck, No one drove the car after it was unloaded.:D
  16. S

    How many Vipers do you own

    95 RT/10 Black 06 FE Coupe 21/200 08 SSG Roadster 04 VCA SRT Ram 20/50 And a Few Old Mopar Muscle as well
  17. S

    Questions about the 2008 Viper

    No difference on the volt gauge , But the same on the alarm, Light flashes with the hood or doors open, If you try to start it, Mine you have to hit the unlock on the fob or it will start and then stall right away.:D
  18. S

    2006 First Edition, Who Has One?

    #21 of 200, Alberta Canada:D
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    Can Anyone Help!! I Want To Go To Voi

    I just cancelled yesterday, Check with VHQ.
  20. S

    Clear Bra on Side sills

    Has anyone had clear bra installed on the side sills, and if so How does it handle heat?
  21. S

    excited vipers owners who are in D status (or beyond)

    Well, After 15 Months and 3 days, It has been one He** of a ride to get one SSG with Graphite Stripes Viper out of Chrysler, We all Know of the dreaded D Status, Then D1 Is Better but then it is on to the Painfull I Status, Thought I was going to go crazy in I but then moved to J Status, Whohoo...
  22. S

    How Many Cars at VOI 10

    From what I remember there were only about 250 cars per picture at the race track at VOI 9 = about 500 cars, unless more opt out of the photo.

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