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  1. R

    2nd Annual VCANJ Fall Wine Cruise

    In So Far... Charlie T +1 Bobby C +1 Rolstar +1 Bob Carroll +1 Adrian + Georgia Brian + Mindy Rocky + Chrissy Sal + Silma Mike + Barb Chazz + Carrie Dimitrios Jay Rivera +1 Pedro Chris Saul +1 Vince Zarlenga Tom Berry +1 Brian & Penny Larry & Carol Dole Rudy +1
  2. R

    2nd Annual VCANJ Fall Wine Cruise

    In So Far... Charlie T +1 Bobby C +1 Rolstar +1 Bob Carroll +1 Adrian + Georgia Brian + Mindy Rocky + Chrissy Sal + Silma Mike + Barb Chazz + Carrie ACR Steve Dimitrios Jay Rivera +1 Pedro Chris Saul +1 Vince Zarlenga Tom Berry +1 Brian & Penny Larry & Carol Dole Rudy +1
  3. R

    Viper Calendar?

    right now, overall size would be 11 x 17.
  4. R

    Viper Calendar?

    I have a design firm and the resources to produce a Viper Calendar. I can produce the calendar a few different ways. You can have the choice of the following: 1. A standard Calendar with pre-selected photos 2. Custom Calendar: and you get to pick from a library of Viper Images 3. Custom...
  5. R

    Viper Calendar?

    I would be happy to offer my design firm services as well. I think we have enough resources with car photos that we can pull it off without a photoshoot. I also have many printers who could handle this job with ease. We need to determine a price of what everyone would want to spend per piece and...
  6. R

    2nd Annual VCANJ Fall Wine Cruise

    In So Far... Charlie T +1 Bobby C +1 Rolstar +1 Bob Carroll +1 Adrian + Georgia Brian + Mindy Rocky + Chrissy Sal + Silma Mike + Barb Chazz + Carrie ACR Steve Dimitrios Jay Rivera +1 Pedro Chris Saul +1 Vince Zarlenga Tom Berry +1 Brian & Penny Larry & Carol Dole
  7. R

    2nd Annual VCANJ Fall Wine Cruise

    You guys are always invited, just think of our events, your
  8. R

    2nd Annual VCANJ Fall Wine Cruise

    In So Far... Charlie T +1 Bobby C +1 Rolstar +1 Bob Carroll +1 Adrian + Georgia Brian + Mindy Rocky + Chrissy Sal + Silma Mike + Barb Chazz + Carrie ACR Steve Dimitrios Jay Rivera +1 Pedro Chris Saul +1 Vince Zarlenga Tom Berry +1
  9. R

    2nd Annual VCANJ Fall Wine Cruise

    In So Far... Charlie T +1 Bobby C +1 Rolstar +1 Bob Carroll +1 Adrian + Georgia Brian + Mindy Rocky + Chrissy Sal + Silma Mike + Barb Chazz + Carrie ACR Steve Dimitrios Sleekride +1 Pedro Chris Saul +1
  10. R

    Orange County Chopper Cruise and Tour - Sept. 21

    Hey Scott, NY is sponsoring this ride, are you guys buying OCC t-shirts for everyone?
  11. R

    Design Your Own Viper Raffle Winner...

    you're not kidding...
  12. R

    VOI.10 ART!!!

    Scott Jacobs "Snake Pit" limited edition print As promised these collection pieces will be offered to all of our members after VOI.10. If you saw the prints at VOI.10 they were amazing. If you were undecided, here is your chance to get one. Available in 2 sizes: 22 x 26 Litho on stretched...
  13. R

    Let's Have A Contest!!

    If you are looking to order a print, here is the link to the order form with all the information you need.
  14. R

    VOI Car Wash?

    I was in Detroit last year for Belle Isle. The hotel let us use their water out back in the parking lot. I brought a bucket and wash.
  15. R

    Let's Have A Contest!!

    JRT is still taking orders up to the day before VOI. But I would fax them in this weekend just to make sure you get your name on the list. They will be extremely busy this week and may not get to your order if it is sitting in a fax machine. I haven't seen the prints yet, but people who have...
  16. R

    NY/CT Region at NJ Motosports Park - October 2

    I 'm in! Can't wait!!!
  17. R

    Orange County Chopper Cruise and Tour - Sept. 21

    Wouldn't miss it... I'm in +1
  18. R

    Let's Have A Contest!!

    This is the WINNER! Congratulations! The official name of the First Limited Edition Scott Jacobs Print is "Snake Pit" It was a tough choice, since we had so many entries. I want to thank everyone for their participation. Just because you didn't win doesn't mean you can't own one of these...
  19. R

    Nj Pocono Track Day

    Great day today. Weather held out. Lot's of track time. Thanks for everyone coming out. We'll try something new for next year. Stay tuned.
  20. R

    NJ August 14th Pocono

    Update: Coming so far: Tom Roeller ACR Steve Bobby Cerchione Nader Larry Dole Brian Mazza Steve Mazza Dave Moore Ron Remshell George Batejan Don Buhler George Bushek Frank Cupo Bill Dietrich Steve Etzler Mel Goldenberg Mat Hayford Gary Hutchinson Chris Ingle Marcus Kline Lawrence Lepurage Pete...
  21. R

    Please help a NJ 12 year old with Cancer

    He was a great kid with a great outlook, all through his illness. It was an honor to know him.
  22. R

    Official VOI Caravan Thread 8/26 NY/CT/NJ & More

    Dimitrios, I have to leave a bit earlier, around 4:00 AM. I have to be there by 1 or so. President's meeting at 3:00 PM. You guys may catch me on the way...the way you drive.
  23. R

    Let's Have A Contest!!

    THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED. We need some time to go through the entries, I will post a winner next week. Friday 8/16/08 if not sooner. Thanks to all who participated.
  24. R

    Trying new things with the camera

    Very COOL Man!!!
  25. R

    Let's Have A Contest!!

    WOW, I can't believe the overwhelming enthusiasm everyone has. There are some really great entries, it's going to be harder than I thought. Since I have a paying job that cuts into the fun I have working on this stuff, I am going to make Friday August 9th, 12:00 PM the end of the Contest...

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