D stop by my house or lets meet somewhere with Randy and three of us drive up..Let me know...
D stop by my house or lets meet somewhere with Randy and three of us drive up..Let me know...
ya need that same shot on lexington or whatever street the old one was one.
Yo Tony,
Meeting at the RT70 car pool lot?
I'm wearing a shirt that says..." I CAME FOR THE BEER AND THE *******"
Hey Scott,
NY is sponsoring this ride, are you guys buying OCC t-shirts for everyone?
I hope you're staying for breakfast too, not just coffee.Mike, we can do that. I know Jimmy is coming and I'm bringing my neighbor along with his Viper. I was thinking we could have Jimmy buy us coffee at Jimmy's Diner off of Exit 10. Then meet up with the Caravan at Tator's since its on the way.
Confirmed So Far:
City + 1
*** BLK + 1
ACR Steve +1 (ACRjake)
Chazz + 1
Skeeter & Marie
The Viper Wizard + 1
Yoo Tony + 1
Nader + 1
The Spirit
Mamba55 + 1
93ViperBoy + 2
Russ + 1
RolStar + 1
Doug Fresh + 1
MKTaxMan + 1
BomBoViper93 +1
Bluequadcab + 1 (Jimmyyyyyyyyyyyy)
PlumCrazy + 1
JPL + 1
Rocky + 1
Sal + 1
Mke + Barb
Draco1 + 1
LiquoRT/10 + 1
Dave Moore
1MeanAsp + 1
SnkByt + 1
Vipuronr + 1
Scotty "The Wrench" + 1
Bob Carroll + 1
Robert Warnock + 1
ViperJay + 1
BO and the lovely Deborah
Shmoos + 1
Pedro + 1
Chris23120 + 1
Dan U (NJ VCA) +1
Richard T + 1
Penny & Brian
The Wax Doctor
Jerry Colpitts +1
Kim +1
Steve Feldman + 1
David Coutu + 1
Jack Izzo + 1
Alex Pinto + 1
Frank Augillo + 1
Dan the Man + 4
Flash gordon + 1
Don w/99GTS
Rob + 1
Yelloh + 1
Joe Germann + 1
Roger + 1
Shawn Roubin +1
Mike Currid + 1 -
The Hammer + 1
Dutch + 1
Nick Craig + 1
Randy "D's Friend" + 1
Paul Elliott + 1
Steve P. (new member w/ copperhead) - 135
Steve J. + 1
Damn Yankee (Dan) + 1
At least you guys get to take a nice drive. The Metro NYC group get a lousy 58 miles before we exit. That barely requires fourth gear! LOL
arent you still breaking in your 2500 mile car? have u even been upto with 50mph with it yet?
LMAO! I'd cross out 'B*TCHES' and insert JIMMY. I can't wait to meet you Tony.
Yo "D"
Make sure you have the batterys fully charged in both your
camera and vidio camera. I think there will be some photo
opportunitieson this cruzze. I know the Dodge bike will be there.
One other question your not afraid of heightsare you???