Thanks for the help. After I palmed the outside of the door near the latch (crinching all the time) it released. I think it must have been a little tweaked on the jack.
I had my car on a jack, open and closed drivers door. It will not reopen, and the dome light is stuck on. Is there some kind of elec. lock? Like a tilt switch, or did my lock just chose to break?
I think my biggest concern was the alarm. My alarm receiver will not go into the program mode and I only have one fob that works. Once that gone, I am done. And I don't know how you guys fix Optimas in there. I now know the SC34U wont go, because the top termials have a further setback than the...
I am buying the Optima. I see most people pick up the 75/35. I was at the distributor Friday and saw they had a SC34U. It is the same case size as the factory battery and little more amps than the 75/35. Still has tops post though. I talked to the manager and he said there are no plans for a...
I am going to take the battery out and take it down to swap for a new one. Do I need to anything special while it out? I didn't know if I needed to keep a power source to for the alarm or computer
Thanks, Rick
Does anyone have the wiring schmatic for the security module. I have the factory service manual which shows the receiver wiring but not the module. I am trying to see which wires go off to the sensors.
Only having a 96 RT10 for a few weeks now, I am still getting aquainted with it. I noticed on the passenger side, in addition to the shoulder/lap belt in the door, there is also a lap belt bolted to the floor. Is this normal? Am I missing the lap on the drivers side or did the factory screw up...
OK, I know what it is, how it works, and how to disable it. But what is the official reasoning behind the skip shift? I thought it was just a Viper thing until I saw it in my friends ZO-6. I can't think of one good reason to go from 1st to 4th.
I found a source on line that will provide a copy of a reproduction window sticker, but is there a way to get a copy of the original? With the correct point of origin, etc?
Thanks anyways. If I can't get it figured out by next week I am going to have a aftermarket alarm put in. Meanwhile if anyone has a brainstorm let me know.
I am trying to program a new fob. Right now my alarm is fully functioning. Batteries in both my current fob and new one are fresh. I had grounded the progamming wire and checked. I have power on both inputs to the receiver. When I turn thr key on I believe the dash light should flash, I get...
I have the door popper all hooked up and it works fine. But I do not get a trip signal out of my receiver. I am using the correct termial and the alarm works fine. I can hear something in there clicking when I push the unlock, but I do not get any voltage off from any of the extra holes. Any Ideas?
At the risk of a few more lashes, I must clairity my request. I was looking for the white (frosted) lens. I thought it might just good on the back of a white car. But at the risk of infurating a entire automotive community, I have had second thoughts:-)
The 9005 fit the plug and twisted in position just fine. I have my two 9011's if you need another and I think I can cut down on the Dodge boys price :-)
Guys, thanks for your help, but mine is definatley different than yours. I loosened the fascia enough to drop the fog light housing. It is sealed, you have to remove a screw to tak the housing in half. Then you can access the clip that holds the bulb in.
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