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  1. T


    I was told that with these 100% synthetic oils, they don't deteriorate over time like conventional oil. Therefore you only need to change them at the mileage intervals. So in that theory, you could let it sit for 8 months with no ill effects. That makes me a little bit leary, but is good news...
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    Vec 2 with BTR propane kit? Anybody?

    Could you elaborate a little? My Vec 2 hasn't arrived yet, so I'm not quite familiar with how it works. This 'safety switch' and 'full throttle switch' you mentioned - are those safeties that can be programmed with the Vec 2 or are those specialty wiring projects?
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    Vec 2 with BTR propane kit? Anybody?

    I'm interested in knowing if you can use the Vec 2 to trigger a BTR nitrous/propane kit? I would expect you could use the Vec 2 to turn on the system at a specific RPM......would that be better than a TPS or WOT switch? Any experience you have in this area would be appreciated. Thanks!
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    To Stripe or Not to Stripe, that is the Question!

    Saw it happen on a black car after 7 or 8 years. It was the pin striping that left marks. With a mild abrasive (swirl remover) the color difference was taken out. But again, this was on a daily driver that saw LOTS of sunlight and we all know black is the worst for paint imperfections. On...
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    Half-shafts - Which to buy?

    And YES, I spent lots of time searching and reading previous posts. Seems to me that Unitrax may be the best way to go. I want to get rock-solid half shafts BEFORE I break a stocker. What's your opinion on which shaft to buy? Another question - is the difference in halfshafts noticeable in...
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    My butt is always dirty...

    My wife saw your post and said, "You should wipe."
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    VIPER OWNERS PLEASE READ!!!!( seriously looking into getting a viper)

    Think of it like having a Jeep CJ-5 (as far as locks go). Items inside are prone to theft. They do have factory "alarms" that help, but I've seen a lot with aftermarket alarms installed. Other than the security issue and weather-related issues of a roadster, they make GREAT daily drivers.
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    Carbon Fiber Valve Covers???

    Group buy! Let's go for it. Give him some other cool stuff to mock up in carbon fiber too.
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    installing clear corners

    It depends on what Gen car you have. My gen II was easy - through the black plug without taking tires off. However my Gen I was harder. The plug is about 8 inches lower and there's no way I could get my big hand up to the light. I ended up removing the facia. Gen II was MUCH easier.
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    BTR Nitrous/Propane kit, what is it worth?

    How many lb. nitrous bottle? How many horse is it rated? Does $500 sound fair?
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    Exhaust Delete Update

    That's awesome you took the time to document all of that. I've often wondered about the various combinations you mentioned. Thanks for the info!
  12. T

    Coolant and purging air (again)

    Wouldn't the Roe radiator hoses with bleeder valve be the simplest way to do it? I bought a set but haven't installed them yet. I would think you could install a little valve like that in your existing upper hose. Then you would just crack the seal a little until air stops hissing through...
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    5 pt or 6 pt......pros and cons

    From what I've heard, the 6 pt submarine belts are attached to the lap belts? Wouldn't that make it awkward to get on? It seems with the 5 point, you can place it on the floor in front of the seat until you're ready to put it on. Is that not possible with the 6 pt?
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    5 pt or 6 pt......pros and cons

    I'm debating on 5 pt or 6 pt harnesses. The only track time would be a few 1/4 mile runs a year. They would also have to be something my wife could stand. I've heard you guys say the 6 pt is the way to go. Has anyone done the teamtech 6 pt install on a GTS? How does the install differ from...
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    SVS Stryker ST - 488cid 1075rwhp 15psi 93oct

    Dayummm! Look how smooth the power curve is. That's a nice clean install. For those of you who know, what's the benefit of having a twin turbo over a single? I'm assuming the smaller turbos spool up quicker.
  16. T

    Bat's Red overlays.

    Re: Bat\'s Red overlays. I got mine from Bat as well. Great kit with vinyl already cut, AND they come with instructions. I'll post pics after the install. You all need a set. Amber doesn't belong on any color viper.
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    Tow hooks needed...anyone make them?

    J. Dawg.....what the heck kind of hooks are those?? I hope you're kidding. Dave, I'll take 'em. PM sent
  18. T

    Tow hooks needed...anyone make them?

    Besides the usual vendors, has anyone made templates for tow hooks? I would like a set in bare metal that I can powder-coat in whatever color I choose. I know it's not that much, but I can't stand the thought of over $100 for two bended pieces of metal. If not, one of you should make a...
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    Anyone put a 6.5 inch in the Doors of Gen 1 car ?

    Yep, it works. As you might have noticed, there are far better sound systems in the 6.5" size. It doesn't take much to enlarge the hole. window glass to worry about! I had Alpine separates installed in mine last year. Looks and sounds great.
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    Screws for BBS rims

    Wow! I find it very hard to believe that with 40 screws......again, that's 40 SCREWS, you would have problems with hardware store screws. It would take thousands of horsepower to think you'll bend or shear any of them. If they're all torqued down to spec and checked once in awhile, I don't...
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    got my first speeding ticket in my viper

    ACTUALLY, the race question is standard. If you inspect the citation carefully, you'll probably see the "RACE" box, which he is supposed to fill out. All that info helps police track you down if you fail to appear for the ticket. Why are you all a bunch of cop haters? You were obviously...
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    Pics of red overlays and clear corners

    What kind of red vinyl do I get and where do I find it? I bet you'd sell tons of "kits" including the vinyl needed to do the rears. How much???? Count me in if you're interested.
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    Pics of red overlays and clear corners

    How exactly do you do the red tail lights? I know you use vinyl, but what's the best product/process. That's one of those that ought to be in 'Illustrated Upgrades.' Looks great!
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    Screws for BBS rims

    Take one down to the local hardware store. I was amazed at the selection at my local hardware store. They had socket-head, button-head, etc. STAINLESS screws and bolts in about every size. You might even find something that would look better than original. Just a thought...
  25. T

    Need new GTS gas cap or to refinish the one i got

    Yeah, c'mon guys... It's winter and I could spend a few hours inside with my dremel tool cleaning/polishing it all up. What's the process?

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