Red is the absolute worst color for sun fading. But if you want to stripe it why worry about removing them? I would be more conerned with how the vinyl stripes look compared to painted. BTW don't put white stripes on a red car. That is for Cobra replicas and GTS FEs. Silver looks incredible on a red Viper, especially an RT.
The whole point of vinyl striping is so they ARE removable if you change your mind or want a different color. Obviuously they can be painted on too. A good vinyl striping installtion is almost indistinguishable from paint by the way. I know, I have them and have people come right up to the car and run their finger over the edge and still can't tell. And don't worry about fading, there are documented cases of having the stripes on for 6-7 years and removing them with no difference a little buffing couldn't take out.
And you can use any color you want it's your car.
Jon your input on vinyl stripes is very interesting. You will find a bunch of threads on here by people who have low opinions on the appearance of vinyl compared to painting. I certainly have no bias against them and the negative impressions some people have might be due to the supplier or installer of a particulat set rather than an inherent inferiority. That is why I said I would be more concerned with the appearance of the vinyl(as in watch what you buy), rather than something like "vinyl looks crappy".
I have been told $3000 was the original cost of the stripe option and that is about how much a good shop would tag you to do the painting. Obviously if vinyl looks the same and costs less it makes sense. How long have you had them?
As far as the fading goes wouldn't that depend on how much time the car spends outside? Like an Arizona car driven 7000 miles a year would show a lot worse than a Chicago car driven 2000 miles a year. I am an insurance adjuster and I base my comments on dealing with customers whose cars we repaint only the damaged panels on. Nothing shows fading like red, although some types of silver are pretty bad, and black shows clearcoat deterioration worse than most. I am not sure what you mean by documented cases that there is no stripe mismatch but I'll take your word for it. Maybe the vinyl doesn't block out the ultra violet so the fading is uniform. Or maybe because Viper owners typically tarp or garage their vehicles and use high quality waxes on them the paint is spared
the usual oxidation damage.
And I wasn't forbidding him to stripe with white,

that is just my opinion which I think he understood. I love the white on the blue on a GTS, black or silver on a red GTS, black on the Bumblebee, or blue stripes on a silver GTS. Again, just an opinion, but RT10s don't look as natural with stripes as the GTS, so very few options improve the look of the car. Silver on red is an exception. I have never seen a black on red striped RT10 in real life so I can't say but I have seen several white on red and white on yellow RT10s. I have a yellow RT10 and I can't picture a stripe that would improve the look the way black does on a GTS.